Hey anyone having a tough time? I’m struggling to feel like me. Resting, not being able to get stuff done is not me, it’s getting me down. I put myself out too much yesterday putting a couple of pieces of artwork into frames to help a friend out for their exhibition (no one submitted anything so I rode in as cavalry) it was really pleasing to have the opportunity and help a friend BUT now I’ve over done it and can barely walk today. Pain everywhere, needing crutch. Thinking am I sure there’s not something wrong here? I really didn’t do that much. Maybe I did. Hard to remember. Having a nap now. So much emotional stress going on. Oldest struggling in new college, drove a 45 min round trip today with him crying in car, needn’t have bothered as he couldn’t go in. My youngest got to go back to hospital Wed and Fri for more Crohns tests. What am I going to do, how can I not overdo it?