TKR Knee pain

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  • That way, we have all your information in one place. This makes it easier to go back and review your history before providing advice.
  • If you start new threads, you miss the posts and advice others have left for you in the old threads, and some information may be unnecessarily repeated
  • Having only one thread will act as a diary of your progress that you can look back on.
So please post any updates, questions or concerns about your recovery here.
I sleep on & off. I've been sleeping in a recliner which is half the problem. I'm a stomach sleeper. I think I will try bed tonight.
I have that clicking in my knee you mentioned also. I had it before surgery & expected it to be gone w new knee so I'm disappointed its not.
I've been going to PT but I'm going to quit & follow the Bonesmart method. I believe PT is causing me more harm than good
You are still in the early part of recovery that can take at least a year and sometimes longer.

With my second knee I had discomfort on the outside of my knee joint as a tendon slid over the knee but it resolved. I do not even remember when since it is long gone. My knees sometimes click if I focus and listen but normally I do not even notice if they are making any noise or not. For me is the fact that I can do whatever I want without pain and life is good again.

Have patience and continue your recovery without overdoing too much.
Thank you! I truly thought the pain before surgery was bad, but honestly this is a hole other level. I am thinking of stopping PT, pool PT and the weekly massage for my IT Band. Maybe this is causing more pain.
Today was a bad day! I honestly am so discouraged, the pain is awful and I feel like I am never going to walk without pain again. At which point do people really turn a corner and say that it was worth it, because honestly I wish I never did this surgery no matter how bad my knee was, this is way worse. Just needed to really vent because nobody understands in my home just how bad this is. My dad had both knees done and daily through the recovery. I told him it is harder for me because I didn’t walk on my leg for two months due to my knee collapsing and Co-vid19, he just rolls his eyes.
@Winston0915 don't let anyone make you feel bad about the speed of your recovery! I'm exactly where you are w an 8/5 surgery and believe me, I too have said I wish I had never done this. I have a shower seat, two weeks ago I was certain I would be able to stand in the shower again in a week or two. Well I'm not yet! Three weeks ago I felt well enough to try tackling the stairs in a few days. Nope, not yet!
I too know people who recovered in a blink of an eye, but we are all different & you & I are going to take longer.
I was on crutches & relatively immobile for 7 months before my surgery. There's a setback! I have 2 very bad hips. Yep, another setback! I also do believe I'm not a good candidate for PT because it was too much on my hips causing me a great deal of hip pain making it almost impossible for me to walk even with crutches! I quit PT today.
The exercises they have us do in PT can EASILY be done at home without the "3 sets of 20" expectations, which for me is simply too much! Why pay to be in pain pushing too hard when I can rehab myself at my own pace....for free!
Don't get down on yourself! Don't let anyone else put THEIR expectations on you. You just work at your own pace like I'm going to do & together we will have success stories to our own pace!!!
Keep your head up!!
@Winston0915 don't let anyone make you feel bad about the speed of your recovery! I'm exactly where you are w an 8/5 surgery and believe me, I too have said I wish I had never done this. I have a shower seat, two weeks ago I was certain I would be able to stand in the shower again in a week or two. Well I'm not yet! Three weeks ago I felt well enough to try tackling the stairs in a few days. Nope, not yet!
I too know people who recovered in a blink of an eye, but we are all different & you & I are going to take longer.
I was on crutches & relatively immobile for 7 months before my surgery. There's a setback! I have 2 very bad hips. Yep, another setback! I also do believe I'm not a good candidate for PT because it was too much on my hips causing me a great deal of hip pain making it almost impossible for me to walk even with crutches! I quit PT today.
The exercises they have us do in PT can EASILY be done at home without the "3 sets of 20" expectations, which for me is simply too much! Why pay to be in pain pushing too hard when I can rehab myself at my own pace....for free!
Don't get down on yourself! Don't let anyone else put THEIR expectations on you. You just work at your own pace like I'm going to do & together we will have success stories to our own pace!!!
Keep your head up!!
Thank you! I appreciate all you said, and don’t feel like an island. I will feel sorry for myself the rest of today and will wake up tomorrow with a different attitude. I honestly never thought it was going to be this painful. I appreciate your words.
I feel for you, and am sending you ((hugs)). I know what pain feels like and how it can be seriously depressing. I had a lot of pain with my knees before I had surgery, & not so much after. Hope you will be pain free before long.

I couldn’t get comfortable in bed after this last surgery, so slept out in our recliner for weeks until my back started hurting. It was in the middle of my back, so I rolled up a small blanket or a towel, and duct taped it. I place it on the back of my recliner right where it hurts and lean into it. Crazy as that sounds, it has really helped that back pain get better. This was one of the tips the chiropractor that my husband went to, gave him for back pain. You are actually supposed to lay on the rolled up blanket/towel - on the floor. Getting on the floor isn’t an option right now. Lol! Hang in there. Things will get better.
Thank you Annie! I am so grateful I found Bonesmart forum, I honestly think I would be worse emotionally had I not found it.
So sorry things are still so rough going with your knee & back. I quit PT 2 weeks ago and realize that I only have taken 2 Tylenol a day since I quit.
I think you should quit all of the things that you have been doing. Just do some Gentle slides at home, it does help with the stiffness.
I thought it was just me, but everytime I dId squats or got my legs handled at all, it would set me back 2 weeks. My Knees still hurt, but its a bearable healing pain. They also click when I over do walking. I just ignore it, try to elevate & ice and it always goes away eventually. Give yourself a break , you have been through hell on earth. Stay positive, because you will improve over time.
@Winston0915 all I can add to other people's comments is to reassure you it does get better. Your emotions are your emotions. While attitude is important it is understandable that you will feel down at times. You had surgery - a BIG surgery. I don't think we go into this surgery with s clear understanding of how bad the pain will be. You will start to "turn corners" eventually and realise some pain or discomfort isn't as bad as it was.

I am 5 months post op after having both knees done. I don't think I have made remarkable progress but I have made good steady progress and I am happy with how my recovery has gone.I am one of the lucky ones who has a surgeon who doesn't allow his patients to go to therapy after discharge ( just some stretching exercises). I feel for all you in so much pain after a PT caused it. I don't really do any of the stretching exercises anymore. I walk - my knees don't hurt when I walk - and I am letting my knees heal.
Thank you everyone for all your support, this truly was one of the worst weeks of my life. I am a pretty optimistic person so this has been hard for me. I look forward to getting better and being pain free.
Before my tkr my OS told me that I'd hate him for about 3-4 months. I never hated him, but I was sorry I had this surgery done. If I hated anyone it was myself for putting me through it. Now, I am so thankful that I did have it done! It took about 4 months before I was becoming happy with my decision but the first time I got on my outside bike and rode down my road I was thrilled! You will get there, too. It just takes time.
Hi there. My surgury was about the same time as yours. I also had the painful IT band. My PT person did a bit of suction cupping, but it really just took time for it to go away. (That was just last week.)
I was very fit and active going into surgery thinking I was going to breeze through it. I severely underestimated this surgery. I am pretty much the same as you. Still have moderate swelling which limits the bending. Walk for 20 minutes and I swell up more and it gets stiffer. Foot and ankle gets hot. All that fun stuff!
I measure by weeks now. I keep a little weekly log. Day by day is too discouraging.
And like others have said, its progress. Not remarkable, but still moving ahead. Gunna make it!
Yes, three months for most of us seems to be the "turning point" in this knee replacement journey. So hang in there...:console2::console2:!!!

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