Revision TKR Difficult recover after multiple revisions


Jun 27, 2010
Just got home as expected good and blah news. The blah first go figure it hurts?? I will give post op surgery pain solid 7. there will be some days better some worse right now yes it hurts. Cannot take pain meds yet since hospital sent script to a printer?? but after an hour it will be ready. Once get situated etc will ice the heck out of the knee!! I did notice after surgery with effort can do a straight leg raise ( sort of ) ROM is well over 100 not even going to worry with getting more it will get there no need to push it.
ROM is well over 100 not even going to worry with getting more it will get there no need to push it.
That's the perfect approach, Don't forget to ice as often as possible. :ice::ice::ice:
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Welcome to the Otherside, glad to see you are home.
Hope you get your pain meds ASAP. :ice:
Welcome to the Hinged Knee Club.

Here is your copy of the Knee Recovery Guidelines, the articles are short and will not take long to read.

Knee Recovery: The Guidelines
1. Don’t worry: Your body will heal all by itself. Relax, let it, don't try and hurry it, don’t worry about any symptoms now, they are almost certainly temporary
2. Control discomfort:
take your pain meds by prescription schedule (not when pain starts!)​

3. Do what you want to do BUT
a. If it hurts, don't do it and don't allow anyone - especially a physical therapist - to do it to you​
b. If your leg swells more or gets stiffer in the 24 hours after doing it, don't do it again.​

4. PT or exercise can be useful BUT take note of these

5. At week 4 and after you should follow this

6. Access these pages on the website

The Recovery articles:
The importance of managing pain after a TKR and the pain chart
Swollen and stiff knee: what causes it?
Energy drain for TKRs
Elevation is the key
Ice to control pain and swelling
Heel slides and how to do them properly
Chart representation of TKR recovery
Healing: how long does it take?

Post op blues is a reality - be prepared for it
Sleep deprivation is pretty much inevitable - but what causes it?

There are also some cautionary articles here
Myth busting: no pain, no gain
Myth busting: the "window of opportunity" in TKR
Myth busting: on getting addicted to pain meds

We try to keep the forum a positive and safe place for our members to talk about their questions or concerns and to report successes with their joint replacement surgery.

While members may create as many threads as they like in the majority of BoneSmart’s forums, we ask that each member have only One Recovery Thread. This policy makes it easier to go back and review the member’s history before providing advice, so please post any updates or questions you have right here in this thread.
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Not trying to be sarcastic but this is not the first time I have been thru this. In my opinion the next best thing for pain besides opioids is ice and I love using ice!!
Finally settling down good thing pain is starting to let me know its alive and well. Yes the pain stinks!!!!. Really wish this was first time for a TKR then I could constantly complain concerning the the pain. Unfortunately I knew exactly what to expect and how it is going to feel ( was hoping I was going to be wrong ) from waking up in recovery to the ride home and beyond.
Thanks for checking up on me!! Well the wait is over now its recovery time and that will take a good while. The surgery is no big deal your out but when you first wake up the pain is real and its no fun. My hospital stay 3 nights 4 days. Not that being in the hospital is great but while there your pain s well taken care of!! I got home approx. 330pm 2 hours later I am exhausted tired in pain etc. my bed is calling/yelling pretty much 100% beat.
Do you have people to help- check on you, bring you food etc?
is the pain now- that your home-better then the first day it 2 post-op?
Yes the pain is better but that does not mean it does not hurt. Considering I have been thru this way too many times I am doing the recovery part on my own. Getting around stinks and you have to be careful but it can be done. Having written that its still touch and go there are times knee just says heck with it and may cause you to stumble. I would still not suggest if this is the first time going thru a TKR having someone to help is a very good idea.
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Welcome home! Yes indeed, I am certain you know the drill! Ice is your best friend.

I do hope the pain eases quickly.
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If there was ever a time I wish I was wrong about something it would have been writing that I knew what to expect following surgery. Its also amazing how quickly you forget how bad something hurts until you relive it again!! Well I am reliving it and yes it hurts and that is w/o doing anything so guess how much stress I will add to it with in-home PT??
I'm glad it's done and you're home safe.
Here's to hoping that a hinged knee is going to work out well for you.

Go easy with the in-home PT exercises - just keep your knee moving gently.
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Right now gentle maybe too harsh softly might be better or nothing at all. Trust me the knee is not happy in fact its highly upset!!
I did notice after surgery with effort can do a straight leg raise
Finally, a straight knee! That is great news.
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I did not say the knee was completely straight if you check I wrote " sort of " to clarify with leg straight out in front of me sitting on bed or sofa I can lift the leg. Maybe I should have written tried to do a straight leg raise did succeed with lifting leg but not with keep it straight ( still bent ). Regardless its still a plus since it usually takes awhile following surgery before I can even do that.
Maybe it because I have not swore at the knee lately and have not tortured the knee with overdoing it. I still have not gotten to your level and spoke softly to the knee and played soothing music. Ha Ha. Had my assessment for at-home PT today and made it perfectly clear if the therapist does anything that is going to cause an increase in pain and swelling they can go home. The lady doing the assessment did agree so we shall see. My point being the idea is to get better not worse ROM w/o pushing it 112 and this is 3 days after surgery. For once I am not going for broke and while recovery is going to be long and painful I am not going to add anymore pain or swelling to get better results.
It sounds like you are already doing better, even at your 3 days out. You are going to do sensible movements and use lots of ice. I think you are looking at a bright future. I'll be praying that it is just that.
Maybe it because I have not swore at the knee lately and have not tortured the knee with overdoing it. I still have not gotten to your level and spoke softly to the knee and played soothing music. Ha Ha.
:rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: I never thought of trying soft music and scented candles. If I ever have to do it again it might be worth a try! :heehee: 4 days in with a sense of humor, you are on the right track my friend!
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Even with a sense of humor this knee pain absolutely sucks!!! Yes the pain is bad its 110am cannot sleep got up took 20mg of oxycodone 2 tylenol and now have it wrapped in ice. sistersinhim was the one who wrote she talked soothingly to her knee. If I wrote my comments on how I talk to my knee they would be deleted!!! The Dr. felt based on the surgery I should get 10 years based on my history lets just say I have my doubts, he also felt I should be able to get to 0 on extension. It still amazes me I knew what to expect but I did forget the level of pain ( knew it was going to hurt just forgot how much )
I felt the same way about mine @NFenske, at least you knew what to expect, not that that's any comfort right now I know. Yes the pain SUCKS, but you know it will get better. For me the first three weeks was :censored: and the next three weren't good, but then life started getting better. I think that's about when I had the name of my thread changed from "FCBayern's House of Pain" to "FCBayern's House of Healing". :heehee: We understand what you are going through and are here for support.
Not trying to disagree with your comment but unless you have had 20 surgeries 7 of which were total replacements you cannot fully understand what I am going thru. You may sympathize but that is about it. I knew what to expect after surgery just forgot how bad it was going to hurt but as far as what to expect when well aware. The first 2 months are no fun but by far the worst is the first month. Hopefully by end of May into June will be able to go on vacation 11 hour drive if not post pone it. By next Christmas I will know where I stand pain wise it may even take longer time will tell. It would be great if this will be it and no more knee surgeries for awhile but unlike most I have a history with this knee so while I may seem pessimistic based on my history also a realist.
@sistersinhim Celle, Pumpkln, anyone
First off sistersinhim any particular sounds work better then others when you were in recovery mode with your knee?? I am not a singer and the music I listen to varies from Hard Rock to Industrial Metal while being played at really stupid levels " LOUD " While at those levels it causes metal in knee to vibrate sounds stupid but with my stereo I can reach 127db with a SPL meter.

For others anyone want to guess how my knee feels?? Hint: opposite of great. Another Hint if confused: pick a number 1 thru 10 the number I am at rhymes with late.
If your still confused the knee is driving me nuts. What is even worse I knew it was going to be like this no surprises. Before anyone suggests ice and elevate that is what I have been doing since I came home.
When you have had chronic pain for so long in your knee, getting the pain under control is difficult.
Keep doing what ever you are doing, you know the routine.

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