TKR Clara welcomes her new knee!!!

Oh, Clara-- you gave me such good advice when I was pushing too hard. I think going to bed at 7 or 8 is an excellent idea. And use that bike for a clothes hanger until your work lightens up. I know it's harder to rest and not feel guilty at times, but I'll remind you what you reminded me -- resting and taking care of ourselves now will ultimately let us me well quicker and with less complications.

I've been saying a prayer for you and your biopsy every night. I remember the stress of that. That stress alone warrants extra rest and self-kindness.

RTKR - 8/23/16
LTKR - 9/20/2016
Clara, Happy 3 month new knee!! Glad you are doing well with the knee, it is so encouraging to others. Hope work slows down for you real soon. You have a lot on your plate with your knee, work, your Dad and your upcoming biopsy so I can see how exhausting it would make you. Hoping you get that much deserved rest soon.
Hope you and your dad are both doing well. I think about you even though I may not be writing much on here.
Thank you ladies, I am feeling much better today, I didn't go to bed until 11:00 p.m., but still much more rested, I did ice my knee last knight just to show her that I do care and I don't mean to take advantage of her, haha
Lol. Yes, we have to let the babies know we are paying attention.

RTKR - 8/23/16
LTKR - 9/20/2016
Clara, wrest some rest whenever you can out of your busy days! Probably the very best thing you can do.
Thinking of you as you balance all the challenges in your life.
Saying prayers for you as you go through the biopsy today. Whatever it is, you will handle with your grace and amazing attitude .

RTKR - 8/23/16
LTKR - 9/20/2016
@sheliac got home about an hour ago, of course they were running late, I has a great, super and nice group of professionals and made me feel as comfortable as possible, they allowed my husband to stay during the process and that was nice, the most uncomfortable part was the shots for the Lidocaine to numb the area and one of the nodules was a little deep and I kind of felt that one a little, they also had to go in a second time to get additional tissue of the nodules, over all it was not too bad, I gave myself a tension headache, lol, I am home, took Tylenol and applying ice to kneck, I am trying to avoid bruising so that my dad hopefully does notice, too hot to wear a tuttle neck :heehee:. It feels a little sore now but not bad,

Thank you for asking, it means a lot!!!
I'm glad you're home. Hopefully you can rest the remainder of the day.

I wore a lot of pretty scarves after surgery. Hopefully you won't bruise, but a flashy scarf might distract your dad if you do.

RTKR - 8/23/16
LTKR - 9/20/2016
Sounds challenging Clara and I'm glad they let your hubby stay with you. These things are certainly not pleasant. I'm glad it's over. Thinking positive thoughts on the results. Hope there's no bruising...
Been thinking about you today. Glad its over and you are not too bad. Did they say how long results would be?

Nice that hubby could be with you.

Get some rest and relax the rest of the evening and hope you dont bruise too much.

Sending good thoughts and healing vibes for you my friend
Clara, well done today, I think you were very brave. Hoping and praying now for the best possible outcome. Rest and look after yourself.
Tabby xxx
I know you are glad today is over with. We've all been thinking about u! When will u have the results?
I was thinking about you today Clara. I will praying the results cone back as benign. Hope you have a nice and restful weekend.
Sending positive healing thoughts your way. :flwrysmile:
Thank you ladies, they said my doctor should have results by Tuesday, but I know I won't be able to wait and I'll look myself!!

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