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Are/were you a smoker before/after hip surgery?

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@Cynthia777 and @Nana757 ,
I appreciate your consideration, smoke effects my lungs more than any other pollutant.
When I was growing up people thought smoking was safe, but they will admit if pressed that they knew it wasn't.
Good luck with your surgeries, and hope you can give it up at least while you are healing.
Be glad I am not there, I would be writing on you cigarettes, things like coffin nails, drawing skulls etc

Interesting fact sheet!

A co-worker went to three different orthopedic surgeons before she found one who would perform spinal surgery on her. The first two refused because she was a heavy smoker.

My mom died of complications of emphysema. She had stopped smoking before I was conceived. My dad, who passed away at the age of 94 in March, never smoked a day in his life. I find that amazing given the times he grew up in, and being a WWII vet.

Nicotine is so addictive . Such a hard habit to break!

To answer the question I was a social drinker / smoker in college.

(my typos crack me up)

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Thank you for the info sheet! I guess if I've got to go, it might as well be in the hospital...(sick joke). All kidding aside, I really do appreciate the time you took to post the smoking link! :)
Yes, thank you for the link. And you are so right..nicotine is such an addictive substance. I can't tell you how many times I have tried to stop smoking. But I'm not giving up the quest! Considering how energetic I am, at least I was before this dang hip issue started, I can't imagine how much more I would be with more lung power and stamina...can't wait to find out!!!!
Another issue you may not have considered - we always knew when a patient was a smoker as they would cough and cough, deep racking coughs, and we would look at each other knowingly!
Im an ex smoker, I gave it up 2 years ago but couldn't have done it without e-cigs. I have a fine collection of them:yes:. Not the ones that look like a cigarette, they dont work, I have ones with a big tank on that you fill with lots of lovely different flavour juices, Ive got vanilla custard, malibu, toffee, creamy latte, you can get anything. :)

I started off with nicotine in the juice then gradually cut the nicotine down until there was none in there. Now I just vape flavoured water, it mimics smoking ( hand to mouth, smoke cloud etc) but Im healthier, no cough anymore, my lungs dont feel tight like they used to, and you can vape pretty much anywhere.

Of course, now Im addicted to vaping:yes:, I collect shiny pretty vape sticks in all colours, its turned into a hobby, Ive even been to " vape meets" where people all around the country meet up:cheers:.

If you get the right piece of equipment, its easy to stop smoking. I smoked for 40 years, 20 of those rolling my own, I stopped overnight with a vape stick.

I dont think people should be ashamed to admit they smoke, or be ostracised for it or be made to feel like social lepers, as long as we arnt subjecting others to second hand smoke, especially children, its our choice. Having said that, I am so happy I gave it up:yes!: But I will never be a born-again-anti-smoker or preach about it.:flwrysmile:
@Josephine: I know what you are saying and I have this mental image of the looks on the faces of other healthcare workers have when they hear the hacking. I am, fortunately (or unfortunately...however way you want to look at it) one who does not have a smoker's hack. I guess back in my mind somewhere, because I don't have a cough is delaying me from a more concerted effort to stop. But I do appreciate your thoughts.
Neither did a lot of these patients! But somehow an anaesthetic seems to bring it out anyway..... just sayin'!
@Kay9: thanks so much for the suggestion. I will definitely give that a try, if the patch doesn't work. And, secondly thanks for kind-hearted words...yea...we smokers do feel ostracized.. And it gets old. Thirdly, I'm thankful for not preaching. Ex-smokers can be the worst, sometimes...but not you. And, I appreciate that. When I started this thread, I expected and probably deserve the criticism, but I was merely trying to get a sense of how other hippies got through it when and if they continued to smoke. With that said, I know every one is different and would heal/recover in their own way. :shrug:

@Josephine: I gotcha...:ok:
@Nana757 your welcome:). I wouldn't preach because I have no right to judge anyone. And you shouldnt have to expect that you deserve criticism for being a smoker. Its your body, your money, its not as if you are mugging old ladies to finance injecting heroin....so you smoke, so what. You are not a lesser human being for that.

I can totally understand people not liking smoking around their children or non smokers, I would never have done either when I smoked. But what I, and you, do in the privacy of our own homes is nobody else's business.:no-fin:
@Kay9 and @Josephine: yea, you would think, at my age, I wouldn't give a rat's patooty and maybe I shouldn't. You're absolutely right, it is my life, however I choose to make it. Thanks, again to both of you for your input. So, with that said, I'm on to thinking about better things, like chocolate chip cookies and milk for dessert.:yahoo:
Just seen this thread ... where have I been? I have never smoked and I count myself fortunate. When I was 16, at the back of the cinema sharing a packet of 10 cigs between three girls , I hated it, turned me green! I count myself fortunate other wise I think I could have been addicted too. Unlike the old days, I have not met an inconsiderate smoker in recent years. What a lot has been learnt. I hope when the time is right it sorts it self out for you.

I guess Nana757 will be in the middle of her op now. Best wishes to @Cynthia777 , @Nana757 and @Liznwiz
How very kind of you to take the time to make me feel just a wee bit better about this nasty habit! Believe me when I say it wasn't easy fessing up! @Nana757 and I stewed over "coming out of the closet", but we put our big girl panties on and did so, hoping to hear from others on here who were in our predicament. Thanks again Copsham!
Just checking in on @Nana757 and saw this thread on smoking! How did I miss it??? She'll be glad I did....as much as this THR gives you back your life, those little white sticks rob you of it. A word of encouragement to put them aside and find a new freedom. We are more than conquerors.

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Okay, here I Am, bearing all to the world of BS. I have not seen any conversations at all, regarding smoking. So I am here, coming out of the "smoking closet" and asking if there is anyone else out there who smokes and, if so, what your plans are to quit or not. I am having an extremely difficult time deciding how close to surgery is okay. I know, I know...all you non-smokers out there are shuddering in your shoes... But I am truly curious how other smokers are handling this dilemma.

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Hi Nana I quite 6 weeks prior to surgery as I am a long time smoker and it was difficult .I stayed quit for 6 weeks after.I never smoked in my house and smoked 7-10 a day.My nonsmoking husband had a heart attack and I picked it up again but I do plan on setting a quit date and quiting again.Its my stress manager.I had a total knee,and he had a heart attack with a triple bypass.Today my OS took an X-ray of my hip and said I have no cartiledge on my acetabulum so I will need to get that replaced.I couldn't understand why my leg hurt so much despite the really good Flexion my knee has.Oh well,such is life

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@Nana757 @Cynthia777 you can count hubby and me in to the smokers club! Nasty nasty habit, for sure. With the count down at 2 days before his first RTHR, he has already decreased smoking yesterday. Maybe it's because he has to off all pain meds now so it's harder for him to get outside or he knows how serious it is for him to stop or slow down...now me on the other hand, now that's a different story. I have been increasing my cigs for the past month. Also, we are both polite smokers, don't smoke in house either. We always smoke away from people and make sure the wind isn't blowing in their direction.
Wow, you surely have been through the ringer! I quit for 6 weeks once...went on an overnight with a friend (our daughters were in a dance competition at Disneyland) and she would only smoke when she wasn't anywhere near her hubby. Well, I figured I was sooo over smoking that I could just smoke that weekend and stop on Monday...boy was I wrong!

And here Nana757 and I thought we were the only cigarette toting Bone Smarties on here! As much as we all would LOVE to quit, it's not quite as easy as people think...especially while going through this anxiety riddled procedure! I wish hubby an easy and speedy recovery and will send up prayers for him!
OMG! What a funny group! I had parents who smoked like fiends. I won't go into all of the stories but I grew up to be a very anti smoking person. But, I have a horrible sweet tooth and an addiction to diet pop so I can understand being hooked on something as powerful as today's cigarettes.. I am sure you ALL are considerate smokers.. :thumb:
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