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TKR I made it to the other side

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Sorry you are in pain. You probably should post this in your thread "LTKR 7 Jan 2013 ROM & Pain & PT Problems". That way people will have your post op history when they respond.

Did you read Josephine's advice HERE
Especially this:
First are the BoneSmart mantras ....
- rest, elevate, ice and take your pain meds by the clock
- if it hurts, don't do it and don't allow anyone - especially a physiotherapist - to do it to you
- if your leg swells more or gets stiffer in the 24 hours after doing it, don't do it again
- if you won't die if it's not done, don't do it
- never stand when you can sit, never sit when you can lie down, never stay awake when you can go to sleep!

Your knee and leg are still healing; it's hard to hurry that up. If there is no way to work from home then elevating and icing will help.

Crutches, probably not so much; they didn't for me at least. I couldn't sit comfortably for any length of time with my leg bent and not hurting for several months. Hope you find a happy medium that works for you.:)
Hi, my experience was that I really couldn't cope easily with a 6 hour day at work until I got to about 5 months post op. If you do have to go to work, then anything that eases the load I'm sure will help. Also try icing during the day, having a stool under your desk to keep you leg at least partially elevated, alternate between elevated and down so that its not in one position for too long. Nothing will be a miracle cure but all will go someway to making you more comfortable.

And don't do much else other than going to work and stretches to keep your ROM. No housework, no shopping, no cooking.

Hope this all helps.
I've now returned to my job and it's not really a tough job. I feel sore and really tired. Almost as if I've regressed into a phase long gone by. My hips hurt , glutes are on fire. Both knees sore. I was seen by a podiatrist and was referred for custom orthotics. They correct my supination but really hurt to wear. I am sorry for the complaints but I wonder if something has gone wrong or if this is normal?

I've had days like that for sure, especially towards the end of the week.
One thing I tried was a chiropractor, along with my PT, because my hips were out of alignment from walking funny, ok limping, for so long. Also sprained the ankle on the other side, so once it is healed I will get orthotics too. Hopefully, they will help and not hurt to wear. Crossing my fingers.

Hope you feel better! :)
Good to see this discussion! I follow up with my surgeon tomorrow following my PT session. While progress has been made I would like at least another week or so and 1/2 days for a few days. Still need to improve ROM and that will be difficult to achieve. Pretty much an office job but with many meetings in different collaborative environments. So, moving from place to place for " long" meetings.

Will be interested in other comments in this conversation!
Hi all, wow, this has got me thinking now as due back in 2 weeks. Only part time anyway, but may do month of half days initially. Thought of doing full days in pain makes me :yikes:.

I hope things settle soon Jana, I can imagine its making you miserable and that will ever do :).

Good luck, best wishes, Fernie :flwrysmile:
Recovery can take quite some time, and, when we think that we have spent enough time in recovery, our knees and our body say something different. Returning to work for me as well did slow things down and I definitely had some real stinker days, too. Is there any way that you can work half-days? Ice and elevate at work? WOrk a four-day week instead of a five-day week?

nd don't do much else other than going to work and stretches to keep your ROM. No housework, no shopping, no cooking
Bingo---and, on weekends take one full day off and do absolutely nothing except icing and elevating and resting.
Received the orthotics. They are going to require some getting used to as per the podiatrist. Can only wear them 2 hrs a day then increase by an hour if comfort permits. They start out feeling ok but by 2 or 3 hrs my feet are in pain. I did get a deep tissue massage on my glutes and quads. This helped immensely. My endurance is improving bit by bit. I feel more mentally exhausted now. Surely this will pass, i am even a touch depressed although I can't pinpoint as to why
Perhaps because you are finding life a bit of a struggle just now and are tired?
My DH had apparently been browsing on his lap top and left the cord on the ground. As I was oblivious to this, the cord wrapped around my foot causing me to take a hard fall. I was very frightened. Although my operated knee didn't bear the full brunt, it did take a blow. I'm very sore all over to be honest and look like a mess when I wAlk. My lower back hurts the most with my left gluteal muscle a close second. My operated knee feels "thick" and sore. I've made an appt for 4/9 (soonest a a available). Has s hone else fallen? Did it seem to set you back ? Thanks for this forum and great info. Jana.
So sorry you fell something a lot of us fear. Not happened to me but I can only imagine how painful it would be. I hope you have something to take. Wow the 9th, that seems so far away. Prayers everything settles down very quickly and no damage was done.
Sorry to hear about your fall, Jana. I'm no expert by any means, but am willing to bet that you haven't done any damage to your new knee. It's just reminding you that it's had a shock. Ooh, tell your naughtly hubbie to be more careful in future, naughty man :whistle:
Sorry to hear about your fall it would be very scary for you. I haven't had my TKR surgery yet but when I have a fall now and my knee feels swollen and sore I go and have one or two physio sessions and it feels a lot better after.
sorry to hear you've had a fall hun that is my worst fear and i don't think it will ever go away - i really hope that it's just your knee complaining and wanting come tlc - fingers crossed xxxxx naughty hubby needs to be punished hope you get it seen to and sorted let us know and i would just keep up what you normally do with the rest - ice - elevate and pain relief xxxxx huggles xxx
Jana, I too am no expert so FWIW: I would strongly doubt that the new knee is damaged. It takes a LOT to dislodge the parts from the bone. It is highly likely that muscle and tendon, in the throes of recovery, has taken a serious hit.

In another example, when I came off my bike awhile ago and wrote off my crash helmet, I had pain in my shoulders for weeks after. It is, apparently, the body involuntarily tensing up bigtime to help to prevent damage on falling. This may well be what's happened to you, as well as impact damage.
Hi yes fallen a few times now i never learn,always hurt but hurt more in the mind thinking that this will hurt when i land surprisingly knee still fine and everywhere else hurting more maybe in sympathy .
I made it to the other side
Ouch! So sorry to hear that Jana.:groan:A couple weeks after my second knee (and 1st was only about 11 weeks old), I slipped down the stairs - new knee down and older knee way back under me. Quite painful and scary. However, as others have suggested, the mechanism itself is tough - most likely the muscles and tendons were hit and tensed, so they are likely to swell to pay you back for that little indignity! :umm: DH gets to bring you breakfast in bed on days off and lots of ice packs whenever you're in the mood .... for ice, that is! :heehee: Feel better!
. It would be much better if you worked alternate days for the first couple of weeks, allows you to rest up a bit. See here Phased return to work.

Hi Josephine, I only work 2.5 alternate days anyway, so making my full days, half days for couple weeks should be fine, I intend to have gone by 2pm! Thanks for link. Fernie
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