What would you do different?

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Hi Lacey,
I am new too. I found this site with only a week to go before RTKR on the 14th of Jan.
I had scope surgery done on knee's before. But I too was scared of the word total
knee replacement. I don't know why it just scared me. And after I found this web site
I was still alittle scared but at least I felt like I had support that I was not so all alone.
And now I am able to feel more comfortable about getting my other knee done.
So Welcome!! There are some really wonderful people here!!! You are going to love them

PL, it is scary especially as you haven't had much warning. The pain you are in now is a different kind of pain to the post surgery. I have a low pain tolerance and I got through it. You will be sleeping a lot after and very doped up at first. First day won't be as painful due to the leg block.

Read as many old posts as you can, I wish I had found this site earlier. I found it after 3 weeks, I was desperate as I thought I was being a wimp, thought I would be getting over it as fast as my previous arthrocopies...lol....had no idea. It is long hard road ahead for most of us, but I promise you will be so grateful when the pain is a distant memory and you will walk painfree and get your life back!!

By the way, I live in an hour north of Toronto ON. Where abouts are you? There are a few of us Canadians here (actually I am English, emigrated almost 18 years ago).

Keep your chin up and post, cry and whine as often as you like, we all do/did. I am one year out now....Sue
I would have taken more time off from my job! I had 4 weeks from surgery date b4 school started but I should have taken 2 or 3 more weeks off... I had the time and should have used it. Then I sho0uld have gone back 1/2 time for a week or two. I pushed too hard to fast and I think it slowed things down. But that is behind me now!!!

I also would have liked to not wait so long.

Jo -
Sounds like you have the ice machine all taken care of -- but for anyone looking for an alternative to polar care and cry cuff (I have the gravity one from knee scopes a few years back and the polar care thing with the pump from this tkr) I had something called a GAMEREADY after my hip scope - WOW!!! It was a rental thing. They dropped it off at my preop apt and showed me how to use it and then after 4 weeks they came and picked it up at my house (45 miles away). It was prescribed by the OS. Similar to the polar care but inaddition to circulating ice it provides compression and has a variety of settings. Mine was run for 30 minutes of ice and compression and 30 minutes without ice or compression and it cycled like that. Setting could be changed for the amount of compression (from level 0 to level 3) and cold temperature was digitally adjusted. Talk about state of the art and this thing wrapped around my hip and covered my entire thigh, ip and backside on the surgery hip. Velcro. It was amazing. I was sad to see it leave at the 4 week mark and if I ever have to have this knee revised I am going to DEMAND a GameReady.! It is the mercedes of ice machines!

Gosh! Cost: $1995 plus wraps ($230-$750)

Think I'll have to stick with my Aircast!
Thanks Angels and Nursecare your replies have made me feel better.
I am about 4.5 hours NE of Thunder Bay - or about 15 hours north of Toronto. I will have my surgery done in Thunder Bay.
I don't know how my e-mail address became my screen name - it was an accident - whatever.
I can change it for you if you tell me what you want your user name to be.
I can change it for you if you tell me what you want your user name to be.

That would be great Jo my e-mail address is such a long screen name.

I was going to use Grandma or Diane or DianeL - whichever is available.

Wow!!!! You poor kneesals! Not only do you guys have painful recuperations but the expen$ive equipment as well!Double ouch!
Any money I spend on myself like this I regard as an investment in my future!
It's certainly a much better investment than anything in the FINANCIAL market right now!!!! MUCH better returns!!!
I had a physical therapist recommend the game ready ice machine. He said a lot of professional athletes use these right after a game, such as football. I would have loved to have gotten one but sure couldn't afford it and couldn't find information on renting one. Like Marianne said, they are supposed to be the cadillac of ice machines. The polar care did work great in the end and I'm all set to use it again when I have my scope in a couple of weeks. Karen
Absolutely the best investment going! Remember,,,,,,,health IS wealth!!
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