TKR TKR September 10

@Rhodyrhody thats amazing! Woo hoo! When I walk I listen to music which keeps me going! I’m going to try and walk again tonight, it’s not as humid as it’s been lately. With this hip still being wonky, I might make it to the end of the block and back, but I’ll be ok with that. My foot symptoms are totally gone, but the hip and groin area have taken up the slack. The foot lasted for a few weeks, hope the hip doesn’t take as long.

I am sooooo hoping I’ll sleep again tonight. If not, at least I’m not tossing and turning and making my bed look like a war zone! I know I can sleep again and that will hold me over if insomnia strikes again.

Here’s to TKR recovery! Let it get over with!
@flsungirl, so glad you got a couple of sleeps in, sleep deprived just tips you over the edge.....everything becomes magnified.

After taking the oxy 3 nights ago to finally get a sleep, i am still a little anxious at bedtime.....will i or wont i sleep.

Update is the 2 nights following the oxy i have taken only the normal paracetamol and i have been able to fall asleep. ...legs not so restless. ...both nights got about 6
hrs although not straight through. But have been quick to fall back after waking....usually because of moving knee. But am starting to feel human again.

Also i have only been walking unaided for about 5 days and had big day yesterday with couple appointments and similae nerve ussue in groin /hip. I found i needed to slow and shorten my step to not get this. Frustrating but have had silimar when doing long walks pre-op. To do with gait for me and slowing down.

Cant believe how much energy is needed for thus recovery, physically and mentally. Only upshot for me is i have lost 4kgs without even trying....haha
@Kiwigirl62 ive lost about 20 lbs too! Heck of a way to lose weight! Along with the sleep deprivation I forgot to mention loss of appetite.

I say it doesn’t matter what you have to do, as long as sleep is the result. And 6 hours plus being able to fall back asleep feels good I’m sure. I also worry that last night was just a one off. Trying not to subconsciously sabotage myself!

I’m glad you had a good day yesterday. They seem to be far and in between. I will try to shorten my gait and see if this helps. I was unable to do much of anything the whole weekend.

Here’s to 1 more day to add to post op recovery! May it continue to get better!
Hi flsungirl thanks for your comments on my recovery thread. I suffered sleepless nights long into my recovery but eventually after admitting defeat and the crushing depression I started the amitriptoline. These helped with the sleeping but mostly it kept the depression at bay.
I know it doesn’t feel like it to you but it’s still early days in your recovery. Things have improved for me but very slowly. Looking back I can do much more but it feels like years ago not months.
I really hope the consultant agrees its just the internal swelling which is taking time to recede which is causing the pain and lack of ROM. Deep down I’m not sure but I’m hoping for the best which is all we can do. We put our trust in the surgeons and relinquish control. If the NHS was not making so many cuts I might have seen the surgeon before I had these issues. But I’ll never know now.
BS has been a game changer for me as everyone who comments has been through this and you can say and ask anything without feeling daft.
Take care fingers crossed for you that your sleeping
improves that in itself is a massive boost.
@flsungirl , glad to hear you got a couple of decent sleeps in a makes a whole world of difference.

Re pains in groin area....i get these now too. I also used to occasionally get pre op when walking bigger distances on gammy leg. I think they are possible tendon issues.....not a bad thing....just adjusting and stretching back. When they come i adjust my stride to a shorter oneand go slower. Still contend with at times throughout day. Try not to push through or it'll end up being some type of tendonitis

Seems most issues now are muscles, tendons, ligaments and nerves....a slow process of stretching, lengthing and reconnecting them as we now have corrected legs finally. For me the knee itself is the least worry :bored:
Good morning @Kiwigirl62 ! I’m on day 3 of sleeping soundly. I almost feel human again. My hip and inner groin pain seem mostly gone this morning. Sleep deprivation seriously interferes with recovery. I’m going to try and start walking again tonight, it’s not as hot as it’s been and an evening walk should do me good. I’m actually napping in the daytime too due to the gabapentin I’ve been taking for nerve issues.

I too have no knee pain. There’s a sensitive area around my scar and it’s still a little tight there. But all in all, I feel pretty good at 6 1/2 weeks post op. Wow, so good to say that because I thought it would never end!

I think I’ve lost close to 20 lbs due to lack of appetite. I am pleased with the weight loss! But I need to concentrate on eating healthy and hope to keep the weight off. I have a smoothie ever morning but then forget to eat for the rest of the day. Eating has never been a problem for me so I’m sure my appetite will return. Never thought I’d forget to eat!

I am hoping you are doing much better too. Can you keep me updated on your hip discomfort too? Mine lasted for about a week and still feel a slight pull in my groin area, but not as bad. Hope you have a wonderful day. Here’s to recovery, and may each day get better!:spin:
Well during PT today, my knee was bent back enough to almost make me sick. They’ve NEVER done anything like that before. Now my knee is aching with nice jolts of pain mixed in. Plus my hip was getting better and now it’s back to numbness and pain laterally to inner groin. We had been taking it easy this week due to hip pain. My knee hasn’t had much pain since surgery but now it’s aching. Just popped my second dose of 1000 mg Tylenol and will be taking 300 mg gabapentin early tonight. I’m hoping everything is not in as much pain tomorrow and I sleep again tonight!

@sistersinhim sleep was a long time coming so I’m hoping the insomnia is over. It’s a gift for sure.
My PT surprised me at 1 week post op when he just kept slowly pushing my knee until I thought it would burst!

Unhappy as I was at the time, and I hadn’t found Bonesmart yet, I thought they had to do that.

PT continued to get tougher and it was taking me 2-3 days to recover from the sessions. I finally found Bonesmart and learned that not only did they not have to force my knee, but that they shouldn’t.

Speak up next time when you arrive and tell them you won’t allow that.
Well during PT today, my knee was bent back enough to almost make me sick. They’ve NEVER done anything like that before.

:nah:I am sooo sorry that happened to you! I keep hearing about this being done to people and it makes me so angry!
Pls talk to your pt before you even start next appt and let them know it’s not ok with you. I guess I’m blessed I have my pt and we talked on day 1 that I call the shots.
Sending you extra healing and comfort vibes tonite. :console2:
@flsungirl, I’m just getting up to speed on your recovery thread. Sounds like you are turning the corner on the sleep issue and WERE making good progress on your knee / hip issues until an overly aggressive PT got a hold of you. I hope you know what to do the next time (if you even decide to go a next time)! Speak up, stand tall, and be firm, very firm! Remind them who is the boss, not them, not your OS, not the insurance company, YOU and your KNEE! Make it clear to them that they will never push on your knee again. It’s not necessary. If they aren’t willing to listen and agree, turn around and walk out. Chances are, you don’t need it anyway.

Enjoy the weight loss, just keep in mind that part of it is due to lack of appetite, but part is due to your body using more energy to heal. As the healing process slows down, your energy usage will also slow unless you keep it up with added activity. It would be a shame to add those lbs back on, especially if you like having them gone!

Keep up the good work. We are all cheering for you.
@flsungirl , that is soooooo shocking, just when it looks like other issues are starting to resolve themselves.
First of all hope you still get a good sleep tonight, and take the next couple days easy to recover back.
Really disappointed for you.
Its really an up and down ride.
My groin/hip seems to be 1 good day, 1 not so good, great yesterday but on walk today came back, so shortened walk and give extra rest. Hopefully that means a good one tomorrow.
Maybe it should be compulsory for PT' to read all forum threads to get an insight
Thanks everyone for the support. I’ve enjoyed my PT up till yesterday. I always felt good after the session was over. I was sitting upright on th table and just wasn’t expecting him to push my leg back that far. He’s never done that before. I was miserable all day yesterday barely able to walk. I was doing the shuffle walk! I did sleep last night but not as soundly. But still a decent nights sleep. My hip feels better this morning and knee is just a little stiff. I’m calling to cancel Fridays appointment and taking it easy today too.

@Kiwigirl62 hopefully your hip will continually get better. I haven’t walked since Monday I think. Another cold front coming through this weekend so humidity will be wiped out and walking will be more comfortable. That’s if my hip allows it.

@traceys my PT has always been great. I just don’t know what he was thinking yesterday. We will definitely have a talk on Monday. I will make sure it will never happpen again. Hope your recovery gets better every day!

@NavyGunns thanks for the encouragement. I’ve been doing upper body with free weights. The weight is still falling off and I will not be putting it back on! Hehe. When I get back to work the busy season will have started so I’ll be quite active with three 11 hour shifts and a half day on thursdays. Not quite sure what happened yesterday at PT. I have always dictated what and how I do exercises and they’ve always been good about that. Definitely clear this up so it never happens again on Monday.

@Jockette i am so glad I found this forum. I appreciate your advice and will be talking to PT on Monday. I can’t believe I was almost physically ill after that bend on my knee. Never want to experience that again. And will not! I’ve read the horror stories of bad PT and was so glad mine were great. I’m going to give them the benefit of the doubt and resume therapy on Monday. But there will be conversation about yesterday’s appointment. Thanks so much for your assurance!

Melanie :tiredwheel:
I’m glad you slept as well as you did last night, I was afraid your upset knee would interfere. I’m also glad you’re going to wait until Monday to go back to PT.

I was innocent and stupid, I never told my PT to not ever bend my knee like that again. I knew PT would be tough, but I thought that’s just how it would go, and I had to endure it. It was weeks before I found Bonesmart, but it took me a lot of reading before I finally really understood, and “got” what they were saying.

I also quickly realized how important the numbers were to my PT and to my surgeon (who was also a fan of pushing me to pain to measure) and the higher the number, the happier they were, and by default, I was too.

19 months later I have learned a lot and I will not be allowing this painful nonsense next time!
@flsungirl, funny i have also been doing upper body with free weights.....sitting down though....thought its a great opportunity while i have time.......for me to get ready for our summer......been working on the bingo wings....thought i was doing great....although my son was was in Aus for quick visit last weekend, over fron NZ. He said when he walked in after giving me a hug, "Gosh Mum you look little and frail". So today i pulled out the bigger kg weights.....guess its time to up my
@Jockette fortunately for me too, the numbers haven’t been important with PT. I called to reschedule till Monday but they don’t have anything until next Wednesday, and I’m good with that. I’m still shuffling when I walk after yesterday’s session. I’m frustrated because it looked like everything was turning around. My knee is super warm again and it looks bruised and swollen. Arghhhhh, so mad! I know this too shall pass, but the set back makes me a little angry. I’m looking forward to this all being over. Thanks for your post!

@Kiwigirl62 good for you working that upper body! “Bingo wings” too funny! I use my sons weights and have boosted the weight to 10 lbs for upper body (flabby arms!) from 5 lbs. I’m hoping the weight stays off but will have to work to keep it off when this is all over. I’m still unable to do much today after yesterday’s therapy, just icing and Tylenol with very little relief. Looks like gabapentin 100 mg soon then I’ll be off to nap. Hoping that resting will improve this swollen hurt knee and uncooperative hip. I want to thank you for your comments and taking time to respond to lift me up, it’s truly appreciated. Enjoy your day!
It makes me so mad that we walk into a PT session feeling as ok as we can, considering the circumstances, and then their “therapy” causes a set back like this. :gaah:

My surgeon told PT to put me in the pool at 4 weeks and my first session was 50 minutes and took 3 days to recover from. :hairpulling: I did not go back to the pool.

That’s when I went online and googled stopping therapy and found Bonesmart, and learned about a whole different approach to recovery that made so much more sense.
@Jockette Innocent maybe, but not stupid. You were smart enough to know something wasn't right and looked into it and now you help people on Bonesmart. Stupid? Not by a long shot. Aggressive PTs are the "not so smart" ones. They know they hurt the looks and tears on their face....And don't look for an alternative.

Sorry @flsungirl . Didn't mean to jump into your thread. Aside from your pt mishap it sounds like you're having a good recovery!
@Jockette i took 1000 mg of Tylenol this morning, no relief. Took an ibuprofen 800 mg a bit ago and what a difference! Might try this combo for the next few days. I had tried pool therapy for a few days, by myself in my own pool, but now the water is too cold for me and I don’t have the patience to wait till my body temp adjusts! I’m sure it’s not cold it’s probably just me. Since surgery my feet and hands are always freezing. And it’s been in the 90’s just about every day since then. Weird symptoms cause I was always hot!

@beachy no worries! I see it’s chilly up there in Maryland. Finally getting another cold front here this weekend with some 70’s and upper 50’s at night.. can’t wait!
I was sitting upright on the table and just wasn’t expecting him to push my leg back that far.
What he did to you was assault and you should tell him and his supervision so! You had already discussed what your boundaries were and he overstepped them.

I’m still shuffling when I walk after yesterday’s session. I’m frustrated because it looked like everything was turning around. My knee is super warm again and it looks bruised and swollen.
Look how much that PT's push set you back. You really should let someone know about this. It was totally uncalled for and makes me angry! He had no right to do that to you!

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