TKR the other side, finally!

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@Angel1978 hi there. Hope you are catching up on your sleep today. I just went out to the end of our driveway and back but man is it cold here in Maine today!! I have aches up and down the whole leg, mostly at night and then a sharp pain on the inside of the knee. Here is the weird part. I am sleeping 8-9 hours at night. I seem to be able to sleep on both sides, which has always been my normal sleeping positions. When I wake up in the am, I am very stiff and sore, but I take my meds right away and I am fine in an hour. I realize I am not the norm as most people don't sleep well, and this lovely bonus may not last but right now it is awesome! I did not sleep the first two weeks and if I could not sleep on my sides I am sure I would be awake a lot.
@Angel1978 hi there. Hope you are catching up on your sleep today. I just went out to the end of our driveway and back but man is it cold here in Maine today!! I have aches up and down the whole leg, mostly at night and then a sharp pain on the inside of the knee. Here is the weird part. I am sleeping 8-9 hours at night. I seem to be able to sleep on both sides, which has always been my normal sleeping positions. When I wake up in the am, I am very stiff and sore, but I take my meds right away and I am fine in an hour. I realize I am not the norm as most people don't sleep well, and this lovely bonus may not last but right now it is awesome! I did not sleep the first two weeks and if I could not sleep on my sides I am sure I would be awake a lot.
Wow. I can't sleep at all some night 3-4 hrs. But I sit lay ouch I'm stiff to. Sucks. Not no sleep today. Had rush to my moms. She is not doing well. It's cold in ky today to lol.

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Thats great news! I bet you are so pleased. Just look how far you have come.
Howèver, (and this is where I duck my head in embarrassment), I am a hurting pup right now. I pushed it because I wanted that ROM! I have never hurt after PT. This is the first time. Now I know. Feeling not quite as nervous now tho about ROM. Thanks for your words of ençouragement!
Ice, ice, rest, elevate. You'll be fine . We've all been there with the overdoing it bit
Hope you're doing better today after some rest and :ice:
Today my flex was 105 up from 95 a week ago but extension is still son took me to BJ's for like, three things and now my knee is sore and swollen. No more than an hour out. Last week I did a lot more so I figured this would be a breeze. Not so much.
Good news on ROM! Everyone has bad days - they often follow good ones. I gave up trying to second guess my knee. It is firmly in charge for now but when it's better, I'm going to give it hell!
Try not to be downcast, you are doing well. It's early days.
Thanks for your reply to me on Ellejays thread. I am feeling happy with my ROM today.
I was going to say that I was at about 105-110 3 weeks ago so now you have your 105, there'll be no stopping you. My knee is aching too after physio this morning and I don't have to go back unless I have problems. My physio is wonderful and is emailing me some more exercises to do and has asked me to let her keep a check on my progress via email as she doesn't think i need to see her anymore for a while. I will go back to her though when I want to up my activity in the gym to the next level but that will be a few weeks now.
Stay strong, you are definitely improving every week.:loveshwr::loveshwr:
Hi gang! Question.... Thursday at PT doing simple heel slides, I felt sharp pain in the area that I suffered the OA and every exercise I tried after that caused so much pain so I stopped and I have not pushed my knee since (today is Sunday). I cant sleep anymore and my knee is more swollen than it was. Has anyone else had an issue like this? I have gone backwards and I had gained so much until this point. The only thing I can think of is that that particular area had to have a lot of work done so it is more sensitive. I really do feel like I have lost ROM and strength. Not sure how to approach PT tomorrow. I don't want to go through another hour of pain but also don't want to continue to get weaker! Grrr Thanks
You might hv tweeked a tendon. With PT its best to say you have pain. Let them chk it. I did with quad pain. They can only give you right exercises with info . Sorry you are in pain
I had exactly the same problem a few times in the same place (medial) as my worst pain pre -op was and I was a bit concerned but with ice and rest it went away each time. It still aches on that side more than the other one but i just put it down to healing internally. Hope your pain issue resolves itself soon.
Hi @kvhundley it's quite normal to take a step forward and three back in this recovery. It drives you mad at times. Don't push yourself too hard. You are barely four weeks out of recovery.

Recovery is as individual, as we are as people. We cannot compare our recoveries with those of others. I learnt that a long time ago. Never ever compare yourself with others it will drive you into the ground x just accept that your healing time will come when it's ready. Don't forget that you've undergone major surgery and in the good old days you have probably still been in hospital !!!

You will have bad days, good days mediocre days. Any pain I would mention on your next PT visit whenever that is.

Please take care, my thoughts are with you xxx

Love Nana moon 27 xox
I was just discharged from in home with 105/20! I was 105/10 before I tweaked my knee but taking your advise to let it rest and ice and strengthen my Vmo and stretch ....
The 105 I am OK with but not the 20. Lost 10 over the weekend. Hope to get it back by Wednesday
Oh sorry it's my medicated head, sincerest apologies. You'll have t make an exception for me I'm afraid. Morphine, double antidepressants and now Diazepam affects my brain a bit.

You are way ahead of what I was at that stage. That's why I thought it was good. No offence meant.

Rom can and does variate at lot sometimes in the early days of recovery xxx

Love Nana moon 27 xxx
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