TKR Rosie's Recovery

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Way to go Toothfairy ! sounds v exciting. Oh yes, post purchase dissonance! I know the feeling well. You'll be fine, once you've bashed out a few pillows and curtains and your family and friends have flooded you with 'orders' you'll be well away. Just leave some time for the knitting! Fx
Thanks Fernie it is just a stage I have to go through after any big purchase. It will pass. I am glad I am not the only one!
TF x :heehee:
@TF How very exciting :happydance: I did exactly what you are doing. Even went on You Tube to figure a few things out as I couldn't understand the instructions!! I don't think you have made a mistake. Hey.... you love it and your excitement is growing... what could be wrong about that.

Have a look though on you tube for special craft projects. There are many that you might not have thought about doing and then see it and think "yeah... I would love to do that". I got to the stage of being so excited at my next little project I couldn't sleep. Gosh I must be starved of creativity :)

Have a look on Ebay for materials (especially under patchwork fabrics) they have a great amount of material. I used this shop and they were great I also bought lots of ribbon from ebay too.

Can't wait to see what you get up to.

Last day today at my full time job then home working tomorrow and Friday morning. I woke up yesterday feeling terribly tired - in fact wasn't too good on Sunday afternoon so the champagne was nice but I kept thinking I just want to go home so held out for a couple of hours then went home. Had a hot bath later and went to bed. I may have been overdoing things again as I felt another leap of energy last week and it has caught up with me. I worked with a client until 7pm last night :yikes:. It was fine but went to bed early after that. Feeling a little better today. It is either overdoing it OR pollen is terrible around here and that makes me feel fluey OR my arthritis has gone into a flare up the last week and that wipes me out.... so all in all a little fed up. It is so difficult having a disease that is never going to go away and affects how tired you are. I can cope with pain it is the fatigue that gets me.

I really want to go on a workshop this weekend. I have been part of a training group that has started up in the UK to understand The Three Principles (innate thinking) and have had to miss out on quite a lot the last 6 months. The last ever, free workshop is this Friday, Saturday and Sunday. I wasn't going to do the Friday but really wanted to attend the other two days. I really think my body is saying no, especially if I have to get through work next week but ohhhhhhh I wish I could :) Also, my pots and troughs desperatley need to be filled. I have plants waiting to go out and they need to be out there. So might do that instead.

Work is getting better and better. Can't believe how well I manage now. Do get stiff and a little sore as I am here from 8-4pm. I bought some Corelce Instant Ice Packs off Amazon to use. I am about to use one now but actually they aren't that brilliant. I bought myself a cuff that has a gel insert for the knee which has been invaluable, no need for those little gel packs but in fact I think I may buy the cryo cuff (think that is the name) soon. The one that you fill up with ice and then leave it on. Emptying and filling in the day. I found the link on BS and am tempted so that I can use it now and also for the next one (around October time).

Josephine been meaning to get back about dieting. Definitely won't be dieting but eating much healthier. I had started eating bread, chocolate etc which I can't really tolerate so I am trying to cut them out. I am still eating more than I would normally but I think my body needs the energy. I just don't want to put on even more before the next op. Wise words from you as always.

Well, better get back to the grindstone....... enjoy whatever you are all doing today and will be in touch soon.

Biggest hugs
Hi Rosie, how are you doing? I hope all is well with you and that you will have some recovery time over the bank holiday.
I have need enjoying my new sewing machine. I am getting to know my way around it and am very pleased so far or should that be sew far?
I haven't made anything very dramatic yet, an envelope back cushion cover, a quilted cover for the quilting table that came with my sewing machine and a scissor holder. I have curtain linings to alter for my granddaughters curtains but I will do it next week when they are visiting so that I get them to fit the curtains. I had planned to make them from scratch but it was cheaper to buy ready made linings than buying the fabric. Madness. I need to get organised find a project and buy some interesting fabric.
My knitting isn't making much progress. I have been swimming too which I love but it leaves less time for knitting.
I feel although I am slowly getting more able to cope with doing things. Just as well as back to work soon.
Happy days, hugs, Toothfairy x :egypdance: :SUNsmile:
At long last a moment to update. firstly Toothfairy Hope all went well at your pre-op today and that you are ready for work tomorrow. I couldn't imagine thinking about my next op yet. I want to be fully fit again, save up some money to have another 4 weeks off and enjoy the sun when it is out :)

As you know I went back to work after 4 weeks (at home) and after 6 weeks in the office. I found the first 3 weeks going from feeling completely exhausted after 3 hours. I started at 9am and crashed by 12pm. Things started to improve after 3 weeks and realised that I was working from 8am - 4pm without feeling too exhausted. I found the ice packs that are portable (you scrunch them until they get cold) useless, so even though I had good intentions to ice it really wasn't possible. I iced before work and then as soon as I got home. I also made sure I didn't do anything for 3 days (Friday, Sat and Sun) apart from rest, ice and elevate for the following week. Now I am 11 weeks in I feel full of energy and the last week my knee has not had many twinges. It does get a little tight still but thats because I use it so much. Firstly, up and down stairs at work and wizzing around on my chair and then all the usual things at home.

I spent a very productive 3 days this weekend. Cleared out my study, sacks of stuff went out the door and I felt totally virtuous, cut back bushes in the garden, potted up plants, painted two bed side cabinets and used tissue paper to cover the tops and in the drawers, just waiting for some varnish to arrive, cleaned the house into every noock and cranny and today, cleaned all the carpets and did my filing. I am tuckered. I am not sure why I have had so much energy the last week but I am feeling better than I have for the previous 2 years. I think maybe it is down to the lack of pain in my right knee. I am so glad I have had the surgery. In fact I felt like that from the beginning unlike many others.

toothfairy you are putting me to shame with all your sewing. Everything sounds wonderful. I am soooooo enjoying crafting again. I have been buying loads of books too on quilting and little sewing projects. Because I am working full time and want to enjoy my plants and everything else i want to do little projects that don't take up all my time. I have the material for my first pathwork quilt which I am going to start in the winter. I finished my bunting which is hanging up in my kitchen. My son has put in an order but not sure I want to make the same thing again. I am sure he will talk me round :)

I have managed to move the seat of my bike forward a little so my ROM must be getting better. I have no idea what it is and as I mentioned before I am not that interested. It is slowly getting .....somewhere..... as I am rushing around doing all sorts of nice things. I can't wait to get on a proper bike but I don't think it is bending quite enough yet. TF you must feel as free as a bird out on there with your peddles whirring round:bicycle1:

My son has just called and says he is dropping in for a cuppa :happydance: Havent seen him in a little while so that will be nice...... how useful though... he can help get the bissell carpet machine down the stairs .... gosh it was heavy getting it up there !!!

Must rush his key is in the door love to all Rosie XXXXX
Hi Rosie, what a lovely cheery and inspiring post. You are doing marvellously well. I am quite exhausted reading about all the things you have been up to. Super woman watch out.
Like you I am delighted with my new knee. I feel ready to go back to work. Pre op today was all fine, nothing exciting. I have an enhanced recovery joint clinic appointment on 18th June and then it is just a case of waiting for a date. After last time I am expecting it to be 16-18 weeks which would take me to the end of September beginning of October but who knows. If it was September it would suit me nicely but I will have to take what I get.
I have done nothing craft wise this past week and a half as I have been busy with visitors. I think I have got the house fairly straight again and I am fairly organised for my return to work tomorrow. I had planned to do some other bits today but it was so beautiful that we went for a walk and lunch by the sea to make the most of my last afternoon before returning to work. It was glorious.
Enjoy the rest of your week, glad all is going so well for you,
Hugs, Toothfairy x :SUNsmile: :yay:
Hi Rosie Hoping you are doing really well. How is your knee and are you still getting alot of pain. You really helped me with your first letter and I am so glad that I discontinued my pt. I have been trying to take it easy on my knee but still can't get a really good be will be seeing my doctor in 2 weeks hope that he is pleased and then maybe he can tell me how far it is bending. Saw your post on the lovely pillow that you made and I also enjoy making things love to sew and knit and other things but my main hobby at this time is cross stitch. I haqv just finished a mermaid that :I started when I came home and she turned out beautiful. Well just wanted to thank you for the support and kindness and tell you how much difference it has made. No longer push my leg past its limt. Just wish I could get more comfortable bending.. Have a wonderful day Holly:yay: :happydance:
lavender Toothfairy Fernie

Well its been a bit of a roller coaster 2 weeks and wanted to catch up quickly before my first client of the day. Ive been catching up with everyone on my iphone but so much easier to write on my laptop :)

Fernie, so sorry you have been having a difficult time recently. I am sure that going back to work early and also looking after little ones AND dealing with life doesn't help our energy levels. When your energy isn't quite there then our mood drops and we seem to then latch on to those thoughts.

Lavender, so glad you are doing well. I only went to PT twice and then I was back at work at 6 weeks so i decided that me resting as much as possible was more important. I do find that the daily moving around when working and cleaning etc gives my leg a really good workout. My knee is doing great but still get a little burning feeling if I walk too much. Funnily enough, just walking around the garden, potting up, cleaning etc doesn't do it. it appears if I walk down the road then after about 5 minutes it starts. Its exactly where I have the most amount of numbness and maybe a tiny bit of swelling so I just think it will disappear again.

toothfairy....back at work yahhhhh. I know we are all different but you are also doing swimming and other exercises and this has to take energy. I do think that the body only has what it has and that working physically and mentally does drain us even though we love what we do. I found that I really did have to start with just working and had to rest up in between. As time went on (around the 4 week mark after starting back) my energy built up bit by bit. If your energy drops then you feel a little more vulnerable and thats where the weepiness creeps in.

I had an amazing 2 weeks where I felt better than I have done in 5 years. i did so much and thoroughly enjoyed myself. then last tuesday at work i suddenly felt incredibly nauseous and this lasted a week. My energy dropped and I had terrible heartburn too. first I thought it was a tummy bug but actually think my body had decided I needed to rest up again. Very frustrating, but decided not to get too upset about it and just accept that that was where I was. I am feeling much better but still more tired than usual.

I have got family visiting next week for a few days. My brother and wife are over from France and I haven't seen them for 5 years and I am picking my other brother and his wife up from the airport next thursday evening returning from their holiday so they can stay with me. I am doing dinnner for 8 on Friday which i am looking forward too. doing my usual.... making sure the house is ok, have sewn some lovely little bits to put in the spare room like a drawstring bag for cotton wool (gosh.... how terribly anal I am :)).

Toothfairy, it sounds like you may be done around the same time as me for your second op. How lovely. I know it is some time to wait but I do feel that the body would be happier getting most of its energy back before hitting it again.

well, i bought anotherrrrrr sewing/pathwork book. Can't seem to stop. Love the little projects that I can make. i bought some velvet type material off ebay to make gold, red and green xmas decorations. I may not get them done this year, depends whether I have the motivation. also have found some lovely material to make a pathwork, laptop cover which i think I may start soon. After watching Kirstie Allsopps vintage Homes again recently I got all inspired and found some second hand little tablecloths on Oxfam's web site. I am going to make 3 white cushion covers for the spare room. so all in all, quietly busy whilst still icing and resting.

Much love to all. I love reading your messages on my iphone in the day as I pop in and out. I find it all so helpful.

rosie XXXXXX
Hi Rosie - thanks for thinking of me, thats very kind and I appreciate it a lot.

yes, you certainly have had a roller coaster couple of weeks and with family arriving soon, sounds like it will continue but at least you will be doing lovely things and catching up with everyone which will be fab.

I think you ladies are very brave to be looking at your second surgeries so soon :bow: but you know what to expect this time around.

Take care and best wishes.
Fernie x
Hi Rosie :flwrysmile: Nice to hear from you and wonderful that things are going so well. I am doing ok still having difficulty bending but will just keep trying. It will be nice for you to see your famly and hope that you have a really nice time. I think I read that you are ready soon for your next surgery and wishing you the best :friends: Holly
Hi Rosie you are truly inspirational wish they had people like kyou doing pt and surgery. You seem to be dealing with all of this so wonderfully and readying your lettermade me let out a sigh of relief. You helped me so much at the beginning of my recovery. I was much more content before pt and found myself doing my own in bed in the bathroom by the sink probably would have continued on myown if surgeon had of been more comfortable with the bend was not happy no pt understood why I quit first pt. It is wonderful that you can use your bathtub I never had showers before always loved a nice hot bath but not sure if I would get out again. Found myself thinking that I would just go in last night and try but knew my husband would not hear me when he was sleeping if I got into trouble. How did you do it did you use your operated knee getting out. You are very positive and look how well you have done.Wish that I could just do my own pt and walk to get movement on my own. I will see what he says on Tuesday he wants to discuss options and not looking forward to them. Cant drive till I get at least 100 degreesnow at 78 although I did sit in our car the other day to see how I could manage getting in and out worked like before and tried maneuvering my feet on the pedals didn't seem hard pulled her in and out of our paking space just a small distance told that I need to keep the brakes from seizing up it has been 7 weeks felt nice but have to be approved to drive. Nice to see you posting again Holly:yahoo:
Hi Rosie, :goodpost:
Sounds like you are doing marvellously. I am pleased to report that I had a much better week at work this week. I did two full days and one half day as I had my enhanced recovery hospital appointment on Tuesday and took the rest of the day off.
This week I will be at work for three and a half days but I am on a course on one day so that helps. I am taking it easier but still managed to fit in three swims last week and my daily cycle. No Crafty things. Your new fabrics sound marvellous. I agree with Holly lavender that you are inspirational.
Have a lovely time with your family. I hope they are impressed with all your lovely decorative touches.
I will be good if we are doing knee two around the same time. I really don't mind waiting but would love to have a date so I could plan. Never mind, it will come when it comes.
Have a lovely weekend,
Hugs Toothfairy x :yes!: :SUNsmile:
Hello Rosie, just popping by to see how you are. I hope things are going well for you.
Enjoy the sunshine.
Hugs Toothfairy x :SUNsmile: :egypdance:
Hi Rosie:kittykiss: Hope you are enjoying your visiting time with your family . The letter you wrote me when I first had my surgery was very important your way of handling this with patience has inspired me and I am now going with the flow and making each day an adventure in healing. I am starting to think this new knee is pretty good won't bend fully but bending enough for my travels through the day and oh so nice to sleep on my side small blessing but worthwhile Thanks Rosie :) :spin:
Been meaning to catch up for a while and my next surgery is imminent, so whilst I have a half hour free am finally posting.

Toothfairy So glad you are doing so wonderfully well. I had my preop on Tuesday and my surgeon asked to see me. Was a pleasure since I haven't actually met him properly before :) He warned me the second may be worse or better - obviously preparing me for the horrors again!! I shall be thinking of you doing so wonderfully well and take heart.

My right knee is about 80% there. the surgeon asked what I thought a 100% was. such a wise question. He said it would keep improving little by little and that it might be very good with twinges or still feel a little tight and sore. all would reveal itself in good time. Felt much better as I thought after 6.5 months I shouldn't still be unable to bend all the way, feel a little tight and be sore at night. Other than that, am doing marvelously really. Back to normal life and energy levels are fully back so can't moan really.

Am due in on Sunday, 6 October to be done on the 7th. they are getting me in night before to try and control my low blood pressure. I had such a problem last time that i thought I would send the surgeon an email saying that I was concerned no one would take it seriously again until the last minute. He immediately booked me in the day before and insisted at my preop that they contacted the anaesthiatist. Hillariously I recevied a letter today from him confirming my email and saying that I should see the anaesthiatist at my pre-op. Few days late :) anyway, I belive they spoke to him on the phone.

I didn't think that I would be nervous second time around because I know what to expect.... but here I am feeling quite jittery. So much planning being self employed and finding someone to look after me for a couple of weeks. Still have to go back to part time work week 5 which I am not looking forward to as it was very difficult last time but will just have to do what i did last time. Work, then get home and rest rest rest. see a few clients in between at home with my leg up - thank goodness they don't mind.

Have got all my equipment out of the shed, ready and waiting for my son to get up the stairs. I know that when the op is over and I am at home the first thing I am going to think about is that I am now on the home stretch....yahhhhhh. so every bit of the recovery will be me getting back to finally being completely better. I just cant wait. New bike next summer, long walks and maybe even enter the dating world. I am resigned to leading a quiet life for 5 months or so but really that is nothing when you think how life improves and i can maybe do all the things I would like to do, pain free.

On the floor beside my chair is a pile of 28 books. Most from the charity shop that I have bought to put in my special pile. I read fast, so it won't take long. I have also got a tiny piece of cross stitch to try out and there is always sewing to fall back on. I have just started writing a new book called Head Talk * Body Talk - Live Real Live Happy, so if I can find the motivation (which I didn't last time) I can get on with that.

Well bonesmarties, hope everyone is well. I will have more time to get on to the forum soon and be part of everyone's news. I will catch up before I go in a week on Sunday and then see you all on the other side :shocked:

Big love Rosie XXX
I was also jumpy before my second knee this Sept. The only thing I felt better about was the layout of the house and what I needed being better located. I am doing well - actually better than with the first knee for which I am very grateful. I think it is normal to be concerned during the before period. I also felt wonderful once I was home and even before in the hospital relieved that it was over and recovery had started.

I will look forward to your recovery posts.
Good post Rosie. :goodpost:
First time round there is a certain fear of the unknown. Second time round it is replaced with a bit of fear of the known!
I was anxious before knee two as well.
It is a great feeling once it is done and you know you at on the recovery road again.
You sound well organised. I am impressed at you writing a book. Is this your first?
I will write more later.
Keep your spirits up, you will soon have the op behind you,
Hugs, Toothfairy x :wink:
Hi Rosie, how are you doing? One week and a day till knee day.
It is a thought starting over on the recovery road again. Once you have reclaimed your life it's even harder to stop again.
I think there is a lot to be said for either bilateral TKR's or having them very close together so you have only one recovery.
Still we have to take what the NHS offers. Reading of some of the issues our USA friends have I am very grateful for the NHS.
I am pleased to hear they are taking you in the day before and taking your low blood pressure issues seriously. Hopefully it won't be such a problem this time.
Have a great week, try to fit in a couple of treats for yourself before you go into recovery mode.
I hope knee two is going to be a smooth and easy recovery for you.
I am so lucky and am progressing very nicely and I am so pleased to know that they are both done. What a year it has been.
Hugs Toothfairy x :yay: :SUNsmile:
Hi Rosie, today is the day!
I hope you are admitted as planned and they get things sorted out for a smooth and uneventfully surgery tomorrow with all blood pressure controlled.
Fingers crossed for you.
Hugs coming your way, Toothfairy x :bicycle2: :flwrysmile:
Hi Rosie,
I have been thinking about you today. I hope your surgery is all done and has been uneventful.
Take it easy and enjoy the feeling of knowing it's all done.
Post whenever you are able.
Toothfairy x :wink: :flwrysmile:
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