Ankle Is this normal?


junior member
Mar 2, 2021
Canada Canada
My name is Kristin and I am extra excited to have found this forum. I broke the tibia and
Fibula of my right leg 4 days ago and was fortunate enough to have gotten my surgery the same day where 9 screws were used to repair the damage. I left the hospital the next day with a soft cast that has a splint-like bottom in it and tensor bandages holding it together. I have been told no weight for 6-8 and to go back at 2 weeks for a hard/air cast and I’m assuming stitch removal. The problem I am having is that I barely have any recollection of the experience and direction given. It happened so fast. There is no one for me to ask if I’m doing things properly or if what I’m experiencing is normal (emergency orthopedic surgeon). It’s kind of scary and lonely I guess and hopefully I have come to the right place to ask a few small questions here and there for a little bit of reassurance. Thank you so much to anyone who might listen from this group.
@Khooper Welcome to BoneSmart! Wow - a scary experience I am sure. And major fractures. So sorry you had this accident.

Sounds like you are doing what you can given your non-weight bearing. Are you using a walker or crutches.

It might help to elevate that leg as well. Internal swelling from both the breaks and the surgery may cause discomfort.

Did they give you any medication for pain. Be sure and take that around the clock as prescribed in these early days.

We are here for you! Ask any questions you might have.
Oh my gosh, thank you so so much for your reply! I have been using crutches mostly and desk chairs when my good leg is just too sore and weak from compensating. I spend all day in bed with my leg up and take Advil and Tylenol. It’s when I’m laying there thinking too much that I wonder if my tensor is cutting off my circulation because I can (like you said) feel my leg swell right up and I do get a bit of the pins and needles sensation or numbness in my toes. I can move them and the color is fine but rarely sleep because I’m worried about how it almost feels disconnected from me and I don’t want to suffocate my leg in my sleep. I also wonder about infection or issues with the hardware and how I would tell. The pain is manageable, It just feels uncomfortable. Basically I am way over tired and probably way overthinking and so sorry for dumping this crazy out in the middle of the night. Thank you again for just taking the time to read my message.
Basically I am way over tired and probably way overthinking
Easy to do. You have been through quite a traumatic experience. Just take things slow and steady.

Please don't worry about infection. It happens - but it is rare. And the sensations you are feeling are from the swelling. Just elevate as much as you can.

I just had a friend go through something very similar due to an accident on the football pitch in December. He said the aircast was much more comfortable. He has now started taking his first hiking trips
Welcome to BoneSmart @Khooper! :flwrysmile: I had a compound fracture of the fibula and dislocated my ankle so I have an idea of what you are going through. I would say you are doing pretty well if your pain is controlled with just Tylenol and Advil! It took me a couple of weeks to get there. It will take a week or two for everything to settle into a healing routine but that will come. Try not to overthink it, and please don't consult Dr. Google, that's a great way to scare yourself with all the crazy (and things that almost never happen) potential issues. Orthopedic surgeons have taken their profession to new heights, I'm sure you are in good hands.
Thank you so very much for your responses! I will definitely ask see if I have the option for an air cast instead of a hard one when I go in for the two week cast appointment.
Also, I will refrain from my 3am Dr. Google consults that ,your right, likely won’t result in any sane conclusions.
Is it beneficial to be wiggling my toes all of the time? Or does this aggravate my leg more so early in the healing process? It’s these silly little questions that keep me up at night.
Again, thank you all so much for taking the time to read and reply. I can’t tell you how much it helps the anxiety to hear back from experienced/ knowledgeable people that aren’t reading down a checklist.
I was told to try and write the alphabet with my foot as gentle range of motion exercise. As long as it's not causing you additional pain or swelling it shouldn't be a problem. Just make sure you listen to your body and stick to activities that don't cause you additional issues.
Great. Thank you.
Is it beneficial to be wiggling my toes all of the time?
I can fully understand why you would be doing this. It's just reassuring. As long as it's not causing pain I think you are fine.

Hope you can get some sleep tonight!
Hello, I hope you are all having a wonderful day! Today I just have a quick-ish random question that I’m not sure anyone can help me with but it doesn’t hurt to ask.
The day of my accident/surgery and the following day of my discharge is really a big blur. I don’t remember what the doctors told me besides my tibia and fibula are broken and something about a smaller fracture in the back, and 9 screws. I figured out for myself (with all of this time I have) that it was an eversion fracture -cringe-definitely dislocated.Will never forget watching that horrific scene in slow motion as I was falling lol. Anyways, I guess I’m asking if anyone would how I might be able to retrieve those records? I did call the hospital and I can pay for them after printing a request form and either mailing or faxing them. Unfortunately I don’t have access to a fax or stamped envelope in 2021, and of course even going upstairs to my kitchen is like a huge event that I have to mentally/physically prepare for . Very long question short. Is there an online method that I might be able to use for record retrieval? Rockyview said no but, they are making money on requests so perhaps they aren’t completely forthcoming. I don’t know, it just seems like there would be a more current and efficient way for me to find out what’s going on under this cast. Thank you!
@Khooper You might try asking the surgeon if his office can email you a copy of the records. Call and ask to speak to either surgeon's assistant, nurse or office manager. Or do you have any one - family, friend, neighbor - who could pick up an envelope and stamp for you?
Unfortunately It doesn’t work that way with the Emergency Specialists. I figured it might be a long shot but I’ll get them eventually. It’s not as though knowing was going to be a game changer. Thank you @djklaugh
Good evening. Could somebody please let me know if an extreme increase of pain 5 days post-op is normal? A severe onset of burning, shooting from upper calf area down to ankle. The pain occurs when there’s blood flow while putting my foot down. It makes sense that it would be uncomfortable after the amount of time I spend elevating but is it normal to have such intense, sudden, lasting pain after having no issues until now. Is this part of the process? Am I elevating for too long? If someone has any kind of advice on how to prevent or lessen these intense moments of pain I would be extremely grateful. Thanks so much

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Yes what you are feeling is totally normal. You had an accident and major surgery. At only 5 days out this pain is expected.

Are you taking your pain medication as prescribed, around the clock? Ice and elevate for 45-60 minutes per session several times per day.

Can you confirm the date of your surgery and which leg? I'll put the information in your signature for you.
Thank you so much Jaycey! (Exhale lol). I think I was worried only because it is new in my recovery. I was only taking extra strength Tylenol and Advil ,until yesterday, because I didn’t have this amount of pain and I assumed it was better than taking a narcotic if I didn’t need it. Boy am I taking them now though! As prescribed of course. I am going to set up my two week appointment at the cast clinic today for February 12th and it is my right leg that has brought this abundance of joy to my life. Thank you for the helpful tips urgent questions and keeping all of my communications in one place. I wasn’t sure if my questions would be seen the same by adding on to my thread. How long would you recommend I allow my leg to be down in between the 45 minutes of elevation? Also, could you please tell me where I should be icing on my leg please?
How long would you recommend I allow my leg to be down in between the 45 minutes of elevation?
There is no set time to have the leg down. Do what is comfortable now. You have the added complication of a break. Baby that poor, battered leg.

Ice where there is pain. If it is a large area, ice part of it and then the next session move to another bit.
Thank you. Staying positive and following all direction to take it easy and practice patience is going to be what gets me through this. Should I put the ice over the cast then? Also, I have an appointment at the cast clinic for February 15th! I guess they are only open on Monday’s for these appointments
Oops! My bad - I forgot you are in a cast. Icing won't do anything with that cast on. But do continue to elevate.
@Khooper How far up your leg does the cast go? You can try putting an ice pack above the cast to see if that helps with pain. Put a towel over the edge of the cast first to keep it from getting wet. Also since you have the appointment with the cast department coming up soon ask them if they can help you getting a copy of your records. Or if cast department is in same building as hospital then stop at a customer service desk, pay the $$ for records and see if they can either have them available to you before you leave or mail them to you.

Be sure to tell the cast folks that you did NOT get printed discharge instructions!

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