THR Marvellous Marvin's New Home

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Sorry to hear what you have gone through with the anxiety attack, and having the very people you turned to at the ER make the situation worse.
Glad to hear your GP is on top of things, and you are getting the care you need.
How is your THR coming along?
Take good care, and get some :sleep:
Hi Carol,

Just read your story about the panic attack and wondered if you are taking Tramadol for pain? I remember reading about Tramadol and Seratonin Syndrome a while back and I think there may even be other medications that can cause this side effect, so maybe something else you are taking for pain exacerbated your anxiety.

Fingers crossed that you are feeling better.

Take care,
Carol, "dunce" is a pretty soft word for that ER doctor!!! What an idiot!!!

It sounds like you are going the right direction for the panic attacks. God bless your GP!!! As for the constipation....geeze! That CAN become an issue if it is not resolved. Are you okay in that area now too?
I know many people aren't a proponent of drugs but I am - been on anxiety meds for several years now almost daily (ativan, valium, klonopin, xanax) one at a time of course....and its helped me a lot - you can become tolerant to them but they are of great assistance to me and my Dr. here and when I lived in OH has not had any issue in prescribing them for me as they keep my doseage monitored...good luck!!!
4:20 am
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Day 39 POP
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Hello Everyone
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Such support :friends:I could only have guessed to get from family but then again we are family and a very special kind of family.
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One reason for this is I actually share more intimate details with my BS family then I do in some cases with my immediate family. I have shared my BS blogspot so my friends and family can see what is going on and that is fine with me but BS is one place I can come to at the wee hours of the morning which would be a bit of an inconvenience to call friends and family at 4 o'clock and tell them Hey I can't sleep…I'm feeling anxious for who knows what reason. Want to come out and play? Seems silly to just need company but when I am on this forum regardless if its only typing I don't feel alone.
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Marvin and I have been doing very well. From a pain point of view there is little or no pain and just some discomfort from the PT which I expect. I do have pain from the other miscellaneous parts of my body. My back and knees have been giving me some grief but according to PT that is all normal and part of the rehab so its suck it up and get through it.
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I am still on my pain drugs (morphine, percocet and my NSAID celebrex.) The time between doses is increasing so I am happy about that. (I even got 11 hours between doses one day.) So I figure that everything is coming together.
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I got the go ahead to ditch my walker for my cane. I have been doing that unofficial for about a week but I can't do it for very long or I suffer in my right knee, so a little every day. I have been walking the neighbourhood a little more every day. All is OK so far.
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I had a good app't at my counsellor. We looked at whether or not the anxiety is connected to the drugs I take. (Apparently morphine can cause anxiety issues.) We had a long talk to get behind other reasons for the anxiety (anxious childhood with an alcoholic father). I have known this for many years but as she explained the past has a naughty habit of creeping into the present. So we worked out a 5 step process to follow when I have anxious moments and we will go with that for the meantime. Her gut feeling was I do not appear to have a requirement for medication (I do have the Ativan for anytime I need it.) We also discussed if medication was required it was OK for me to need it. I have an app't next week.
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I have been concerned about going back to work. First I don't know when this is going to happen (my 6 week app't with the OS is 13 April). Keep in mind I am a fatalist and I have to make plans for all contingencies. Secondly I have been on disability for 8 months. Thirdly, I have not been at my real job for 20 months, I was on assignment for 11 months. So it's like going to a new job. I will need to be retrained and here I was the most senior person in the dept, the go to person. Now I'll be the Rook (rookie.)
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My counsellor asked me (as I am a fatalist) what would be the worst thing to happen if I do not have plans for all the things that can happen to me not knowing my job anymore. Worst case scenario I'll make mistakes = I will feel anxious. If I look at things slowly and not in the mad rush I usually do (so I can have all the plans in place before the unknown happens) and I follow my steps I can diffuse the anxiety. It's all worth the old college try as jumping to conclusions is definitely not working for me.
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As an aside I have the constipation under control. The procedure that my GP gave me worked like a charm. That was of course In addition to the increased fibre, fruit, lots of fluids. Good thing is it is something that I can follow anytime I need to. <o:p></o:p>
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I am going to close for now. I don't believe that sleep will come tonite as it is <o:p></o:p>
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5:33 am<o:p></o:p>
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Take care Everyone <o:p></o:p>

Thanks for the update and considering us your close friends so you can share with us. So glad you saw a counselor. Morphine can definitely play with your mind. And major surgery (or any event like that) can bring up "stuff" that we may need help with to get it sorted out. Please hang in there, sounds like you are doing the right things and remember time, patience, will feel better but it can seem long.

Going back to work, I hear you. I have only worked 2.5 months in the past 14 months and have trepidation, like you, about returning. Really wish I could retire, but 3 yrs. to go, so we'll just take it one day at a time when we return and come here for support. If you don't feel ready perhaps your OS will support a longer time out?

All the best to you Carol, you are a love.
Thanks Diane

I am getting close to retirement too but I think that once I am back to work everything will fall into place.

My boss and I discussed working options before I went on disability and she will accomodate me at whatever level I need and if it is in a real simple job until I feel more comfortable that is something she has no problem with at all. (Here in the Canadian gov't jobs there is a law that you must accomodate your employees for as long as it takes for them to return to their original jobs full time.) Gotta love those gov't jobs. :wink1:

Thanks for your support.
I am just returning to work, yesterday was my first day back doing disabled bus screening, it all came back as I worked. Only challenge was a non cooperative computer! My worst case scenario was that someone would run over my feet with their electric wheel chair. I kept clear did not even give them a chance. Going back this morning and hoping for a more cooperative computer. Opps, just remembered I left a window open, the last person out would not have been able to set the alarm, yikes!:scratch:

Yes, Morphine can play tricks with your mind, hope you can D/C it soon from your medications.

Epiloge: The window was open all night, I got lucky, no one came in the window.
Carol, so glad to see that your recovery is really moving along and that your job will be flexible with your return time. The phased return to work that Jo recommends will be a great option for you when you are ready. I wish more employers could be that accommodating.
4:16 pm <?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" /><o:p></o:p>
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Day 40 POP<o:p></o:p>
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Hello Everyone<o:p></o:p>
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Today has been uneventful (so far). I am back to doing housework (that is one thing I did not miss during convalescing.) It is laundry day and with a two story house I am getting very good at throwing the bedding down the stairs and around the corner. Now if I could just get it to put itself into the washing machine and dryer. I thought that they make all fabrics easy care today. Well if that is the case easy should include washing and drying itself. <o:p></o:p>
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I have been using my cane to walk as much as possible and now hurting like crazy in the knee and groin area. I don’t get this. I know that we all recover differently but you would think that walking would not be such a big deal. Oh well I suppose like all things this will remedy itself with time. Although sometimes when I read in the BS forum how well some of our members do after their surgery and I compare my own recovery I can’t help but think that somewhere I must be missing something. I don’t dwell on those thoughts but I have to admit that they do cross my mind.<o:p></o:p>
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Well on to other things. PT has been going well and I have my last week of Post Op PT this coming week. I have been enjoying myself because there is a social element with the group PT that I do not think exists in a one on one format. Who else can you tease if not for your group mates who are all in the POP together? We get to compare notes and laugh together like friends and I will miss that once it is over. <o:p></o:p>
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That is the one thing I am looking forward to in getting back to work and that is seeing people. When you are at home there is just (as in my case) hubby and me. He has his things that he does (he plays hockey like a good prairie kid and this year will break the 90-game mark.) When he plays hockey I am alone so that is one thing that will help is after I am a bit better I want to get back to my volunteer activities. Hubby used to say that I was gone from home 3-4 nights a week but that is where I get the biggest bang and that is the volunteer stuff.<o:p></o:p>
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I am speculating that I might just volunteer at the hospital where I had my surgery. They are so short staffed and under volunteered. It might be a way to give back for the kind care that I got when I was there. It’s just a thought.<o:p></o:p>
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I feel I am having a very lazy day today. It’s almost like I am under the weather but I just can’t put my finger on what it is. I can remember when I was a kid (alcoholic father) and days like these would always make me feel anxious as generally the day would end in trouble. So maybe that is what it is. I think I will close for now.<o:p></o:p>
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Take care Everyone. A :grouphug2: from me.<o:p></o:p>
Hi Carol, just had to pop by and read your latest post :)

I laughed so much reading your tale with the washing... We bought a new washing machine last year, a big one! Top load! Well, the fun and games I have trying to get my washing out of the bottom of it. I literally dive head first into it! Hubby is going to get me a step so that I can reach the bottom.

Good idea not to compare your recovery... I got a bit caught up with that early in the piece and kept saying to John (hubby) - am I being lazy? Boy did I get a lecture... and then my darling friend DaveGM posted to me that:
Slow and steady wins the race, it is a marthon, not a sprint!.....

I have been forever grateful for that piece of advice and spread that around the forum whenever appropriate.

I love your idea of volunteering at the hospital, that is such a worthwhile way to give back. Do you have a job as well that you have to return to?

My mission is BoneSmart.. love it and all the wonderful friends I have made.

Be kind to yourself today and don't feel anxious - that is a part of your past, not your future honey :) lots of love, and hugs xoxoxoxox
Thanks Sandy

I will hold your advice close in front of me (one because I am blind as a bat and two because good advice should be where you can see it all the time.)

Once upon a time---I was told that people come into our lives for reasons. I hold that belief very tightly in my heart and for the last 2 1/2 months so many people have come into my life just when I needed them. You have been one of them ---a light in a sometimes dark tunnel. Your thoughts are always so much like my Gramma's. She would always say (in an Arnold Swartzenerger accent,) "And tomorrow the sun will shine. :flowerysmile:

Take care
Oh yes Carol, your Grandma's saying is very true... I also liken life to a wheel, particularly one like you would see in the old gypsy wagons (that is a story of mine for another time)....

The wheel is always turning, we have the down sides of it and the it turns again and suddenly it is on the way up again...

Take care darling xoxoxoxox
Hi Carol,
Hope your day went well, and your laundry found it way into the machines, folded, and put itself away. Had my husband convinced until recently I could not do laundry. Game over, back to doing my laundry. When you get your laundry trained to do itself share the secret.
Slow and easy remember the tortoise won the race.
:happy dance:
Hi, Carol....I've been following your progress and I think you're doing just fine in recovery!!! You're being too hard on yourself. Don't try to rush too fast. Those pains you feel when you rock and roll are just your body saying it's a bit too soon for that much activity. You know....walking IS activity that involves a majority of your bones and muscles. That's why it's considered to be such a good exercise. It stands to reason that any activity using all of those muscle groups and bones could be tiring to do when you are recovering from major surgery.

Here's a big ol' Kansas (((((HUG))))) to get you through the next few days. Hang in there!
I called it the six week slump Carol. You are far enough post op to start seeing the light at the end of the tunnel. Trouble is the body is still healing and complaining when you do too much.

Take heart - things will continue to improve! Keep making those plans - you'll get there. Just a bit more patience and stamina building. You're doing great!

It is said that at the end the one with the most friends is the winner. I consider myself a winner today. Thank you so much for your encouragement and the gentle kick in the pants. :flowerysmile:
Carol, remember my recent bad time ... I guess we just aren't going to be totally up and running for a while longer. This too, shall pass.

I think the secret to recovery from a hip replacement is taking things as they come, doing what we reasonably can do to help ourselves with our exercises and such, and trusting the rest will work itself out with time.

I know this hip replacement surgery and recovery has been a real life lesson for me in patience and setting reasonable goals and expectations. Maybe there should be a "serenity prayer" geared towards post hip replacement patients, lol.

And, I love your avatar photo--too cute!

Yes go with the flow Carol, those upses downses days are all part of recovery. Be kind to yourself hon.. Remember, it is a marathon, not a sprint :)
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