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TKR luvcats recovery box

Yesterday I took off the dressing. There is still one small spot that isn't quite closed, but I can tell it is closing from the bottom up. I just put a bandaid over it to prevent brushing it against anything. The rest of it is well closed and looking much better.

Most of the itching I was having went away after 48 hours on antibiotics. The only remaining itching spot turned out to still have quite a lot of surgical glue all over the skin, so I'm reassigning the blame from the staples to the glue. I had issues with July too, but not nearly as bad. But that makes sense, the first allergic reaction isn't usually as bad as subsequent exposures. Once your body is sensitized, it can get progressively worse. I'll have to remember that if more surgery comes up, which I devoutly hope it will not! Although, they didn't use surgical glue on the hernia repair incision. Interesting.

I didn't sleep well for 2 nights and became a barely animate zombie. Yesterday I spent half the day with my legs elevated in bed, and the rest in my recliner, and then early to bed, where I finally slept really well. I can see absolutely no reason for any of that, so just filing it under 'surgery side effects'.

Today is my outpatient PT evaluation. Newbie is already much more responsive than July was at this point. I plan to discuss with my PT person that while Newbie will definitely benefit from some structured activity, July still really needs the therapy and see how we can balance those needs. We shall see.
I had my first outpatient PT for Newbie. I am so fortunate with my Therapy choice. I count my blessings every time I hear another horror story.

This first visit was mostly an evaluation. I'm working with the same guy I worked with just a few weeks ago for July. I was able to tell him the differences and explain that while I do want to hit the surgeons ROM targets over the next 6 weeks, I'm really more concerned with increasing the strength of the first leg. July's quads are still very weak. Newbie has extremely strong quads, but there seem to be some hamstring issues, and something about the muscles and maybe ligaments around the hip, although the joint is fine. All those years of limping. Anyway, he agreed with me, and we are agreed that I'll go twice a week for 2 weeks, and then if it is all going well, I'll only go once per week to check in and get new exercises. We both agreed I got a lot more out of the later sessions when the healing was more advanced and I could do more. So it's a plan!

On the upside, Beloved reminded me that I'm much farther ahead this time, and generally in better shape. Last time, on the first visit to PT I mentioned how awful it was that the parking lot was so far from the door. It was exhausting just to get from the car into the office. This time, it was nothing. That is a wonderful thing. I'm very eager to get to a place where I can start regaining strength. Tentatively scheduled for mid-October. We'll see how the incision healing goes.

I have to say, I'm a bit put out with whoever did the closing on my surgery. Not only was there way too much glue slopped all over, there is one place where the incision didn't line up properly and it's still not healed quite right. I think it's going to leave a ridge in the scar when it finally closes. I don't really care about the scar so much, but I do care that whoever did it did a sloppy job. There's no excuse for that.

Yesterday I spent way too much time sitting in a straight chair. Newbie gets so mad! I didn't mean to. It's just so hard to get back out of my recliner, I hesitate to sit there until I'm ready to sit for a nice long stretch. So when I was waiting for my lunch delivery, I sat in a kitchen chair. My leg was extended, and I moved it around, but still, getting up was a bear.

Then I was back at the table hours later because once again I had to frog out several inches of knitting and I need good light for that, then in the middle of that my favorite aunt called and I sat for entirely too long.

But our conversation was extremely exciting. She and my uncle are going to accidentally be at Disney the same week we will!! That is so amazing! Of all my many relatives, if I could have picked, they are the ones we'd most enjoy sharing part of our vacation with. I can't wait. My Aunt M is already deep in plans to go on all the roller coasters with Beloved. I don't care for them, and I guess Uncle S hates them passionately.

75 days until Disney!!
I just love the happy coincidences life throws our way. Your trip to Disney will now be even more perfect!

Did you mention the sloppiness to someone at the hospital? They definitely should know. Nothing changes if we don't speak up.

Your positive attitude and rational approach to things is helping me with my recovery. I guess the old adages are true after all. Yay @luvcats
Love that you have an Auntie M & she & your uncle will be sharing mousekisses
My scar is not straight and there is a place where it will probably never be the thin line that the rest of it already is becoming. Where it is puckered is where the OS said he did most of the work.

I was teasing the OS that he needed a ruler next time......
My OS assistant always closes... might ask if he or she was in a hurry, you’re absolutely right. No excuses for this. I know. Long ago in another life I assisted in surgery when total knees were just being implanted. The glue process is not used by my surgeon but I hear it’s becoming a thing. Good idea if properly done.
Hey @luvcats I stop in and lurk around. Sounds like you are doing ok I know having 2 knees done is brutal
I’m doing ok. I’m at almost 6 months and 9 months. Surprisingly 9 months is stiffer at times then 6 mo but the muscles in the 6 mo old still are tender down my calf and ankle
I can see where it takes a year to heal
I’m leaving for a 3 week vacation and I honestly believe I will be good
I’m just glad this is all behind me
Take care. Winemama
I'm a lurker too @winemama and always so happy to see our old friends @RAD @luvcats @Rockgirl4 . We're leaving for Europe next week. Notice if I carry anything heavy I pay for it the following day, I need to be constantly mindful but it's hard to be when knee feels normal. I say I'm pretty much 95% in good shape but have the odd twinge - not bad enough to label it a setback.
Wedding stilletos could be a whole new post :martini:
Chiming in. About five months and stiffer at times and achy at night. Love to go on vacation too but hubby scheduled for back surgery in few weeks. Good to know everyone doing ok!
Hey all! How lovely to have so many visitors! I'm glad all my April and May buddies stopped by in the middle of their happy, mobile new lives!

Did you mention the sloppiness to someone at the hospital? They definitely should know. Nothing changes if we don't speak up.
I will be mentioning it during my first follow up appointment at the OS office. I'm glad my babbling is helpful to you! lol A positive attitude won't fix everything, but keeping that as the default seems to make a lot of things more pleasant.

Where it is puckered is where the OS said he did most of the work.
If my scar was wonky because of the work that needed to be done, I really wouldn't care. But in this case, I'm pretty sure it was sloppy work, and there is no excuse for sloppy work at a professional level.

The glue process is not used by my surgeon but I hear it’s becoming a thing. Good idea if properly done.
I can see that it makes a lot of sense. Unfortunately, my body seems to really hate the glue. It itches and gives me a serious rash. Oh well. If it ever comes up again, I'll say something. Learn something new every day, right?

Surprisingly 9 months is stiffer at times then 6 mo but the muscles in the 6 mo old still are tender down my calf and ankle
Thanks for this feedback for those of us who still have baby knees. I am desperately jealous of your 3 week vacation. Where are you going this time?

Wedding stilletos could be a whole new post
Hmmm. Will there also be dancing? You may want to have your cane on hand, just in case there is unscheduled excitement. Europe sounds fantastic. Where will you go? I'm looking forward to a Europe trip in a year or so. All those stairs!

Love to go on vacation too but hubby scheduled for back surgery in few weeks.
Ugh. The joys of marriage, right? Beloved had cardiac bypass about 3 years ago, and it took a little over 6 months for the whole process. Then I've had 3 surgeries this year, which has taken most of the year. We are soooooo ready for a good vacation. Let us know when it happens so we can all keep your hubby in our good thoughts.
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I can't believe it's the end of the month already. The last major brain thing I did was write a short poem about pre-surgery anxiety for my writing group, and pay the monthly bills. And yesterday was feedback day at the writing group, and tomorrow is bill day again. It just doesn't seem like a month!

Technically, Tuesday was the end of the first 3 weeks post surgery. I had a much easier beginning, but I think I'm going to have a slower 'middle' for my first 6 weeks. I am having a lot of discomfort in my hip connectors as I try to learn to walk freely again.
Picture a zombie who shuffles forward one leg, and then drags the other. That's pretty much how I've been moving the last few years. My left leg doesn't really stride forward giving the right hip a good shift. I have to relearn that. The knee itself though seems to be having a little less trouble.

Comparison gives me something to do in between tv programs. lol

Yesterday I did participate in writing group. From my recliner, with ice. lol It was fun and interesting, but I can tell I'm mentally not myself yet. Definitely still foggy brained and easily exhausted. I was ready to be done about halfway through. I can't imagine how so many people go back to work so quickly. I mean, I understand there is no choice sometimes, but why don't employers understand that when employees are exhausted an in pain, they can't give their best work? Maybe it's just me.

Time to wake up Beloved so I can go back to bed. lol.
Only Kneesies can truly appreciate this.

June- park the car at the garage, up 2 steps painfully to the house, through the house, up 13 painful steps, right knee and a lot of help from the handrail. Into bathroom to hang wet bathing suit and towel. Along the hall to my room, collapse on my bench to rest.

This morning- down the stairs carefully with left knee fairly comfortably and a footed cane for extra stability. Through the house, past the car, up the steep driveway (with the walker, just incase) 3 solid laps around the flat culdesac. Down the driveway past the car, up 2 easy steps with left knee and barely a handrail. To the kitchen to feed cats. Up the stairs with left knee and only a little handrail. To the bedroom. Sit down easily. My muscles are warm and tired, but no pain.

Mobility rocks!
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The dancing cat is reserved for these wonderful days.

Had to laugh at your discussion with your dad about physical warranties. @Neesie ‘s post I think.
I am/was the baby, and now have outlived everyone older, so I am the matriarch and have no one to address the warranty issues to.

So I will just have to revert to the suggestion made to a friend of mine after her very complicated RCR surgery (nasty fall), followed a painful 2 years later by her 2 hip replacements (a year apart). She is in her 50’s and quite strong & toned. But that’s a lot of surgery and recovery. Her son, studying for his doctorate in physical therapy, home to be her personal resident PT for the third time suggested “whole body BUBBLEWRAP”.

She suggested the same for me.
Just realized you are a writer. And a poet! @ Izabel , we have another poet !
Guilty as charged!

“whole body BUBBLEWRAP”
I will definitely look into that if anything else comes up!

I didn't really know how well a bit of walking works on swelling. I've been told that for ages, but apparently you have to be walking properly for the pump action of the muscles to kick in. My swelling is getting better much faster than last time.

Today I'll be going to the store with Beloved. I'll just be going from the car to the scooter. Last time I did this at 13 days and it was too soon. Today is 23 days and I've had a much easier recovery, so I think it will go well.

And I am going completely stir crazy!!!

I also have PT today. Now that I know I've been zombie walking, I want to talk to him about ways to stretch the quads and hip flexors to loosen things up. I am always very careful with the knee. We had a good conversation when I started last time about my excessive inflammation reaction. He's been very careful and never argues if I say 'done with that'.

Now that I'm really pulling back with the drugs and I've restarted the PT exercises for July, I've gone back to having discomfort there. sigh. I knew I wasn't done with healing over there, but it was nice to be away from it for a bit.

I am debating going out for a few laps this morning. I don't want to overdo before 2 outings, but it's my last chance for a few days. We are getting a last gasp of summer and the next few days are going to be hot and muggy and awful. No going outside then.
I'll have to try walking to reduce my swelling, thanks for the tip!! Walking is something i have been wanting to resume doing anyway, now that I am no longer doing insane levels of PT every other day. Great post and I am so glad you are doing this well, so soon.

I have not been able to get to the store since 2016, so I am looking forward to outings like the one you are planning for this afternoon.
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We have so many horrible PT stories around here, I almost feel guilty how wonderful my experience has been so far. Yesterday was my first 'real' appointment. It went very well. I started warm up with some standard 'post knee' exercises, heel slides and leg lifts (which I did with both legs). But after that I explained that I'd figured out my biggest gait problem, the Zombie Walk, and what do we do for that? He got kind of excited. "Oh, I have a great exercise for that!" And sure enough, he did. I'd say about 20% of the session was working on Newbie, and the rest was all about gait training. For Newbie, he said he could already see visible improvement with mobility since Monday, so I could just keep doing what I'm doing. This is exactly what I'd hoped for. I can do the solitary exercises without supervision. I need him for things I don't know and can't do at home.

It all went very well. After the session I had a great afternoon with my recliner and ice and pills. I slept like the dead, which I don't usually, and I'm not all that sore this morning. A few extra sore places, but both Newbie and July are fine. I actually feel a bit looser all over my body. It just felt great to really move. I'm actually looking forward to doing some of those exercises through the day today.

I'd say I have more trouble sitting in my office chair for an hour than I did doing PT for an hour.

I did not do laps yesterday. It was already muggy by the time I was up and about. We are having a last gasp of summer this weekend. Too hot and too humid all weekend and most of next week. darn it all.

I also got my first post Newbie trip to the grocery store. It felt so good to be out of the house and doing something normal! It was hot, but the sky was clear and blue and in our air conditioned car it felt like a lovely day. The grocery store is usually my weekly chore so it made me feel relaxed to be doing a normal activity. I always go to the same store on the same day so I know a lot of people. It was on of my big pre-surgery social opportunities because I could do everything sitting in the store scooter.

It's a huge store. My goal is to be able to do all my shopping while walking and standing by January. Not rushing, just planning.

On Tuesday I'll have my one month follow up for Newbie at the surgeons office. I can't believe it's been a month already. I'm curious to get the official driving guidelines for a right knee. I'm not ready yet, but I think the standard 6 weeks will be just right for me.

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