THR Last joint- That's my plan and I am sticking to it

Another night sleeping in bed. So nice to stretch. Slept fairly well with bathroom visits. I managed to get leg into bed without leg lifter and that makes life easier. I keep a thin pillow under both knees just to take pressure off my back and a body pillow next to me as a reminder not to turn that way. I also took up a bunch of ice packs in a cooler and it really helped to get through the night. Actually husband took them up for me since I am not supposed to lift more than 10# as part of the precautions and anyways could not carry them up the stairs.

I keep my phone on me all the time and I borrowed an audio library book through Libby and had it playing to me to fall asleep. I picked an author I read before with characters I knew and the story is super light. This gives my brain enough of a focus and the voice reading is relaxing.

PT was here and we agreed I can use cane as long as I am not going or too achey or tired. Feels good. It is a beautiful 60 degree day in upstate NY today so we did our walking on the deck enjoying sunshine and a view.

I even went out later to the yard with my hiking poles to supervise husband playing ball with my dog. Just had to take advantage of the sun and weather.

I am now icing and in the recliner.

Can't wait till tomorrow for the staples to come out.

I hope everyone has a wonderful Thanksgiving day.
I am glad you got out today on such a nice day! It was nice here, too. Actually just wore a wool vest. The
at won’t happen too often now. Tomorrow clouds.
Sounds like parts of the country will have some mean wind storms. I hope you stay safe if you get any, and good luck with your appointment tomorrow.
I keep a thin pillow under both knees just to take pressure off my back and a body pillow next to me
Exactly what I did! Worked a treat. I just napped whenever I could during the day. Slept 4 hours or so at a time in the early days, mostly due to necessay toilet trips, but it added up. It will get better, but everyone's gotta find their most comfy spot. :sleeep:. Wishing you comfort and happy healing.
You're doing well, taking everything in stride and not rushing it. Yippee for staple removal! :happydance: I so hated those things and immediately felt better when they took them out.

Keep up the good work and have a very Happy Thanksgiving.
My Nov 13th buddy:

So glad you seemed to turn the corner with sleep. I have difficulty getting comfortable too but have managed to eventually fall asleep. I have a little MP3 player with audiobooks that I use EVERY night to fall asleep and you are right that just the sound of the voice is enough of a distraction to take my mind off my worries. I haven't figured out 'with pillows or with our pillows' under my knees too because I also have back problems. Someimes I just want to stretch my whole body and wiggle like no tomorrow because I' so trapped one position. Cant wait to be able to roll over.

Anyway, we're at the end of our second week. (my original surgery date was today, so yay about that!) and I have a feeling that next week we will see a lot of improvement in pain and swelling. I see my OS for first post op visit. I am also hoping that my gait becomes more natural as well. That's my goal for next week.

Have a great Thanksgiving and keep in touch.

Good Morning!
It's great too read you're falling asleep with the distraction of an audio book to concentrate on while sleeping better with your pillows and ice close by to switch out during the night. Lifting your leg spontaneously is also welcome progress.

Sixty degrees sound lovely! Good to hear you were able to take in some fresh air walking around your deck yesterday. Hopefully our nasty weather doesn't hit your area. We awoke to about eight inches of snow and wind gusts up to 49 mph.
Yuk! Not ready for this.

Good luck getting the staples out will be a welcome relief I'm sure.
Wishing you a Happy Thanksgiving!
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Good morning, @leejaa--it's staples removal day and I'm betting it will be another good milestone on this latest hip recovery journey. Sounds like things are chugging along nicely and maybe this coming spring you'll be bounding around (okay, maybe just moving smoothly and easily)! 60 degrees and sunny sounds like a perfect day to get out and use those walking poles, and fun to watch hubby and pooch playing ball. I hope you have a relaxing, easy Thanksgiving tomorrow whatever you're up to--enjoy!
Staples are out and life is improving. I am also discharged from home nurse visits unless something changes. PT at home will continue. Another step on the recovery road.

Road got bumpy again last night as I had trouble sleeping even with my book being read to me. All part of the journey even though I feel tired and achey. Tried sleeping on my side with a pillow but could not get really comfortable as I am not a true side sleeper but more of a side to forward flopper but it was nice to change positions. Little baby steps but time passes and it is forward movement. All better than having pain and waiting for surgery.

Grey stormy day outside. Very windy and we had thunder and huge rain for about 20minutes. Now just colder and very windy and grey. Luckily went out with husband before that to play with our dog who really likes both of us out there. Love my hiking poles for my short walk on the grass.

I hope all my fellow recovering hippies have a restful day.
:happydance: Yippee, no more staples! That's worth a celebration right there. Sleep is definitely one of the trickier parts of recovery and you just kind of have to take it in stride and nap when you can. I still have nights once in a while where I just can't seem to get comfortable. Or nights like the other, I dozed off watching something on TV and woke about a half hour later listening to my brain go through my to do lists! :bored: Of course I do that normally, doesn't really have much to do with the surgery. :giggle:
Doing pretty well even if impatient. Sleep is usually ok even if interrupted. My audio books are helping. Had a super quiet Thanksgiving which was fine with minimal fuss and kept it restful. Just want to keep progressing without backward steps.

PT came today. She says I am doing great. She showed me a couple of exercise moves regarding weight shifting from leg to leg and some stretches to do in bed. Her philosophy for many of the moves is to get comfortable with moves you do naturally as you work in the kitchen with reaching for things and to wake up any muscles after the months of limping and then surgery. She also stresses to do to comfort and not pain with no preset rep counts. Also she is a big believer in ice and elevation. I have been lucky with all the home PT people I have had for all my joints.

I do ice a lot through the day and still take my ice to bed with me in a little cooler.
Sounds like you're steaming ahead, @leejaa, and glad to read that despite interruptions your sleep is going okay. That is, as you know, a big deal especially in the early stages of recovery. Also seems as if you've got a smart therapist for your PT, slow and steady and that important focus on icing and elevation. I'm betting you'll be feeling pretty darn good by the end of the year and then on to a spectacular-no more hip surgeries--2020!
:hi:Thanks for the update @leejaa It sounds like you have a good PT. Not at all pushy and concerned about your comfort.
I iced a lot also. I felt it really helped ease any discomfort I had. You're doing well at a little over two weeks. Wishing you only the best going forward and a peaceful finish to the long weekend! :)
Day 18: Doing really well and I am probably saying that because I slept for 8.5hrs last night - of course with getting up 3x for bathroom breaks but I fell right back asleep. I actually slept 2hrs past my Tylenol time. Yes, I was achey and ouchy but got up, took the Tylenol and iced/elevated and it is resolving. Sleep is a wonderful thing.

I am actually sitting and using my laptop instead of phone to type this and it is wonderful - hate typing on the phone and a small screen. My chair is elevated so not breaking precautions. More normality returning to life. I moved my clothes and toiletries back upstairs ( husband carried the laundry basket) and it feels good to have another step to normal. I do not seem to have any issues on the stairs but still not doing step over step but the double stepping. That is OK for now. I know it will come but at least I can do it easily.

Thinking of having my husband move the couch back to its normal position and one of the living room chairs to get it to look like normal since I am not using the walker. It is still out in case I have a bad day or evening.

The weather outside is frightful with icy rain and supposedly snow coming on top of it. There have already been some roll overs (husband is fire police for our volunteer fire dept and had to go out to help with traffic control). No salt/sand trucks visible. The grayness is hard on the mood but I turned on lots of lights and turned on our electric fireplace to make it seem cozy. It really helps.

I feel truly lucky with how my recovery is going and the support and information on bonesmart.
It's those little steps, @leejaa, that feel so satisfying, don't they? I loved being able to kick my walker to the curb, and being able to easily get up and down stairs, even if it's toddler steps, is still a big deal on the recovery journey. And it might be that it's time to stretch out the periods between medication--I remember that it happened, for me, very gently and without a lot of fanfare, but one day I realized I was only taking Tylenol or Tramadol at night, and then one night--poof--I fell asleep before taking medication and was--ooh--able to go 24 hours without pills and none the worse for wear. Glad things are going well for you--nice posts to read!
She showed me a couple of exercise moves regarding weight shifting from leg to leg
Wow! Great PT you have to be already addressing this. She's right, all the time before THR babying muscles and limping really messed mine up. :bawl: I'm just now at 6+ months getting that same muscle awareness retraining from my Pilates instructor (she's also a PT so maybe pulled these exercises from her previous work). It's working but a lot of work for me. Good luck waking up all your muscles and happy healing! :flwrysmile:

My Nov 13th sister:

Glad your sleep has improved and you are working on your computer.

I'm still doing the double stepping as well. I am sill very unsteady on that hip.

I had anterior so not as many precautions and live in a hi ranch, so once I get up those stairs, I am on one level. I still keep the walker nearby especially after 5 PM as I am tired and start limping. I also keep it next to my bed for those many bathroom breaks during the night. I seem to wake up in a stupor and get worried that I will step the wrong way. I think I am being overly cautious but I have hip #1 to worry about also.

Weather here has been horrible Sunday and Monday and Tuesday more snow so i looks like I won't be going out for a few days.

You can read about my first pos op visit on my thread. when you can. I don't want to take up your time
:hi: @leejaa
Aaah, yes, sleep is sweet! It's great to read you're able to sleep as many hours as you've been. Each little step toward normalcy feels so rewarding as does returning things to their old familiar places within our homes like furniture and the temporary Command Central we set up to hold all of our little creature comforts early on in the journey. Mine was an end table next to my recliner that was piled high with all I wanted within easy reach. It's satisfying to put it all away, reclaiming the ability to easily get up to walk to grab and use what we want or need once again. Simple pleasures!

Stay safe and warm indoors with the cold snowy weather.
I hope you have a nice week! :)

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