THR I’m new to this

@Seekinginfo Welcome to BoneSmart! Which hip are you having replaced? With that information we will create a signature for you.

One suggestion - get new shoes. Look at the bottoms of shoes you wear frequently - see the wear pattern on heels and soles? That is the pattern that develops when you have a deteriorating hip. And that old pattern is not good for a new hip!

Here are some articles for about other suggestions and I am sure others will be along to add their thoughts.

Hip: pre-surgery considerations

Longevity of implants and revisions: How long will my new joint last?

If you are at the stage where you are planning to have surgery but are looking for information so you can be better prepared for what is to come, take a look at these links:

Recovery Aids: A comprehensive list for hospital and home
Recliner Chairs: Things you need to know if buying one for your recovery
Pre-Op Interviews: What's involved?

And if you want to picture what your life might be like with a replaced hip, take a look at the posts and threads in stories of amazing hip recoveries
@Seekinginfo Welcome to BoneSmart! Please ask any questions or raise any concerns here. We are here to help. Have a read in the pre-op area. Lots of members receiving input on how to prepare for this surgery.

Bottom line - the worst part is the wait. Keep busy and keep posting here. It does help ease the nerves.
How is your preparation going? This is the best place to ask questions about procedures, view relative articles and get advice from people who have been through it before. Sometimes a great place to just simply vent about how you are feeling.

We are all in it together:wink:
Lots of helpful bits of advice on people’s threads but most of all stay ahead of the pain, don’t worry too much, ask for help, sleep whenever you are minded to, and have patience. The early days aren’t a lot of fun but they soon pass and it is then that you really need patience for the ups and downs that are the reality of the recovery. I had a jigsaw on the go for the early days when I couldn’t really concentrate enough for reading. And rewatch things that you’ve enjoyed so that it doesn’t matter if you fall asleep and miss a bit. Good luck.
You ask about preparation for your upcoming THR.

The hospital for my surgery had preparation classes where an RN provided counsel and written information.
Come here to BoneSmart and scour the posts and libraries.
I suggest that you welcome this upcoming surgery and see it as a new adventure; be accepting and curious.

I humbly share that my own story is that I did great work to prepare myself spiritually. The people at my church prayed for me. My pastor visited me in the hospital. But most importantly, my acceptance of my RTHR brought about a spiritual reawakening. All aspects of my life became new because of the acceptance and gratitude with which I approached this scary situation.

Seekinginfo, I hope your upcoming hip surgery brings unexpected blessings for you in addition to freedom from hip pain.
Your friend, Zorro
Hey!! Have not heard from you in a bit. From your note above you should be well into the first week of recovery from your THR. Let us know how it is going. Wishing you all the best :friends:

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