THR Celebrating one at a time, encore!

@Alitm I’m sorry you are dealing with medication issues. Two days after surgery I called the surgeon’s office and told them I didn’t want to take Dilaudid any more - it made me feel weird, I couldn’t keep my eyes open. I had taken Tramadol with the first hip and wanted a script for that. If I wake up in the middle of the night and can’t fall back to sleep, I’ll take a Dilaudid and have strange, very vivid dreams.

The office was very reassuring saying that if Tramadol didn’t work, they would prescribe something else - there were many medications in their arsenal.

Once you’re on meds that work for you, life will be better, and you will be able to use this experience with the second hip!
:wave:Glad Josephine was able to get a chart for you and hope that this will work well and the itching subsides.
You don't need that right now on top of all the other annoyances.:unsure:
I know this is not easy...I worry sometimes when I dole out advice and reassurance that it had the possibility of sounding flippant as I'm almost 1 year and a half post op and still very grateful as I remember the pre-op pain and feeling despondent.
Maybe it is a little like having a baby..not easy, especially the first months.
But the gift at some point outshines the suffering.:SUNsmile:
I do remember the tough first months so please know I'm hoping all eases very soon!:friends:
:wave: Everyone. Good news...switched to the Traumadol 37.5 mg/Tylenol 325mg two tablets every four hours. I'm feeling comfortable and NO itching! No nodding off every five seconds either. Hopefully no weird dreams tonight! So glad to not be itching!
Husband picked up a new raised toilet seat today that is so much softer than the old one, which was like sitting on a rock....AND guess who came to visit? The toilet fairy!!:loveshwr: Glory Alleluia, I feel SO much better :happydance:I thought I was going to explode:heehee:!!!
Hope everyone is tucked up with something keeping them comfortable and getting some sleep, unless you are on the west coast...we are all still up! Today has been such an eventful day, that I'm ready for bed already!! :sleep:
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@Knitquilt Thought I posted the above message #375 on your thread in stead of mine, but did post on mine...Heaven help me! I must be tired, as it appears it is on mine. I could blame it on the Tramadol too! :yawn:
All round good news! I was so distraught trying to figure out meds. I’m still deciding between 1 or 2 Tramadol. One doesn’t seem quite enough and 2 pills make me very sleepy - but I feel it’s under control most of the time.

Watching the Emmys right now trying to pick up suggestions for future viewing.

Such good news to hear right before my bedtime :happydance::yay::cheers:
Glad you are doing better!
Good Morning,
I'm happy to hear you got the meds adjusted through Jo's recommendation and and that you found relief from constipation. It makes such a difference to feel things are under control. Especially pain. I never took Dilaudud but having strange, vivid dreams would be frustrating when all you're looking for is pain relief. Your mood seems intact as you're coming across like your normal bubbly self which is encouraging to see / read.
You're doing great! Keep it up.
Hope today is a good one.
Good Morning @Alitm - You are just a few days out from surgery and your adapting to home and surgery sounds much like my posterior surgery in June. The first couple of weeks, I needed hubby to lift my leg to get in and out of bed. I was able to begin to do it with a strap after a few days but in the beginning could not bend enough to get it around my foot independently. The walker to the bathroom (after hubby getting my leg out of the bed) and around the house was awkward at first. My dog wondered why mom was moving a big crate around in front of her and moved out of the way! Once hubs got me Miralax the internal movements came. Prunes and colace did not do the job! Sleep continued to be elusive for about 2 months and then once I could sleep on op side again (after a year on my back and the awkward other side) I slept! Just before surgery and post-op, I found sleeping sitting up was best and moved around all night long. Poor hubby and my pillow tossing and my tossing and in and out of bed to pee ...he lost a lot of sleep too! In the beginning of recovery, I napped A LOT!:sleep:

I was given pain meds in the hospital along with a couple of doses of morphine when the fibromyalgia kicked in and then had blood pressure so low I couldn't get up for PT and ended up in an extra day. I asked to be switched to tramadol and for my home routine as I've used it for several years for the fibro and arthritis. NSAIDs kill my tummy after a few years using them in the past and some of the others (percoset, etc.) make me nauseous.

I have used tramadol for several years with no major side effects. I'm a med light weight but did take 1 50 mg. every 4 hours the first couple of weeks post op. I had a 325mg aspirin as well. I eventually quit the aspirin as I was bruising too easily. I like tram and the years before surgery I took 1/2 tram (25 mg.) with 1/2 Aleve (all my tum can handle of the NSAID but Aleve helped with it similiar to your having Tylenol with it) morning and before bed with an occasional afternoon dose. I call it "tramaleve"! The "soothing product" as it gets translated to on Bsmart (legal some places but the pain chemical in it is now pretty available on-line) is the best for pain and my favorite go-to. Currently, 3 months post, I still take 1/2 tram before bed but am off everything unless I have pain (as I ODICd last week!) then it's a 1/2 day time tram, soothing product and occasionally an 8 hour arthritis Tylenol.

Hang in there. It gets better at about 2-3 weeks and then you will know you are on the recovery journey! Use your pain meds as prescribed or as needed and ignore the comments from well meaning and uninformed folks.

Pain is tiring and we can avoid it safely. I hope tramadol works for you. It has been the best prescribed pain help for me for some time. One of my dogs was prescribed tram once and the dosage was huge. I called the vet and said the dog weighs 1/3 of my weight and will take about 3x the amount of me! I was told they metabolize differently. It was a short term treatment but the dosage really surprised me!

Take care and take it slowly! We're here for you!:sleep:
@Alitm When I read your posts, I have to look again at your surgery date and be reminded that your surgery was only 4 days ago! You are dealing with everything so well and you wasted no time in getting your meds under control and get what you needed right away. Did you ask your Dr. specifically for Tramadol ? Do you think that would have worked for you from the beginning (and not taken the Dilaudid) ? I don't really know the difference between all these meds and they all seem a bit scary to me. When I had c-sections, I was on percocet and it helped me but I don't hear that mentioned so maybe it is not a strong enough drug for this type of surgery (?).
I am so happy to read your posts and see how well your post op journey is going....have a great day!
Slept in the recliner last night....should have done that from the start!! So much more comfortable than the bed! Yesterday AM, before moving out to the recliner, I tried to go over on the non-op side, or at least a bit over to that side, and put a pillow behind my back, and one in front....but still not comfortable. I can see how the body pillow might help in a few weeks with that, as it supports one's entire body. Anyhow, I stayed in the recliner last night and it was wonderful. NO crazy dreams either, thank goodness. My OS prescribed Tramadol 37.5 mgs, 1 - 2 tablets every four hours as needed. That mg per tablet amount doesn't marry up with Josephine's chart exactly unfortunately, but her two charts are really helpful guides. Josephine's comments and confidence in the Tramadol + paracetamol as effective pain management gave me the confidence to try it. Everyone else's good experience with it is also helpful. I just have to be mindful of how much of the Tylenol/acetaminophen/paracetamol I'm dealing with in the Tramadol tablet and stay under the 4,000mg of Tylenol per day rule. I went with the two Tramadol 37.5 mgs, for a total of 75 mgs of Tramadol per dose. By taking that Tramadol dose I'm also getting the Tylenol delivery in the same tablets, which takes me to just under the 4,000 mgs of Tylenol per day. I'm going to stay with this dose for a couple of days and see what that does for me.

I ended up in the "low risk" catagory for blood clots, so no stockings, no injections (just aspirin). I am mindful of circling and paddling my feet as much as possible when in the recliner for blood flow.

While in the recliner I like to bend my no-op knee as I find that comfortable for that hip (which awaits surgery), and wasn't able to keep that left leg out flat. Every day I am noticing more changes. I can keep that non-op leg flat now (while in the reclining position), so the new hip on the right side has helped already. I have not been doing any heel slides, but presto bismo, this AM I just tried to bend the op knee and bring the leg up slightly in the recliner (while in the reclining position), and my knee just came up, as the heel slid...the heel slide in practical application! I was mindful of the 90 degree rule. The other thing I noticed when bending the non-op leg while in/on the recliner in the recline position, was that my non-op side knee was falling out towards the arm rest when I wasn't thinking about it and was relaxed! I could NOT do that at all pre-op. The inner thigh muscles in both legs were like steel cords, as they were so tight! Now they are so much more relaxed. This is from just walking and doing the circulation exercises. I continue to be amazed at this surgery!
@Lea61 I was kinda confused post op about the meds. I was being given Tylenol maximum strength around the clock (so 4,000 mg per day), and Dilaudid and Naproxin that first day and then only Dilauded as needed. The Naproxin was stopped. That night, in order to go to the bathroom, via commode chair wheeled into bathroom I had Dilauded 4 mgs. The second time I had to go to the bathroom that first night I had 2mg Dilaudid before hand. I don't think I could have done those bathroom journeys on the commode chairs without the Dilaudid. I had to sit on the side of the bed and orient myself before standing up. The standing up was hard and I had to breath through that as instructed by the nurse. I watched my room mate go to the bathroom on her walker. She had had her surgery the day before me. I thought I'd never be able to get on the walker! Next morning I was on the walker going to the bathroom! Amazing how quickly things come along.

Surgeon saw me the morning after surgery (Sat) and said that although my oxygen levels had been down again earlier, I was looking great and had good colour. He felt I could go home. I was no longer on the oxygen anyway.
I was sent home that afternoon with both the Dilauded Rx (2 mg tablets - take 1 - 2 tablets every four hours as needed) AND the Tramadol Rx (37.5 mg that also contains 325 mg of Tylenol per tablet - take 1 - 2 tablets every four hours as needed). The check out nurse discussed only the Tramadol with me. She had also given me more Dilauded prior to check out, as I had to go and "do" stairs with PT and car transfer with PT. I could get in and out of bed on day two, without anyone lifting my leg. That amazed me, as I couldn't lift my leg at all off the bed on day one. The trick is to use your upper body/arms to drag yourself onto the bed (@Mojo333 suggestion) and that gets two thirds of you on the bed . For practice, I asked the nurse to set the hospital bed roughly at the height of mine at home (another BS "hippie" suggestion!). Hubs and I decided to stay with the hospital regime of Tylenol around the clock with total daily intake of 4,000 mg and two of the Dilauded every four hours when I got home. The hospital had been giving the Dilauded "as needed", but I didn't really know what "I needed" and wanted to keep ahead of the pain. We did a day of that, and then dropped the Dilauded to one tablet every four hours. By that time I was itching and having weird nasty dreams. Yesterday AM I had to call and make my ten day appointment with OS, so asked about switching to Tramadol. I was worried about dropping one opiod med and starting another, but there didn't seem to be an issue, as it wasn't like I was stopping an opiod med completely. OS surgeon had given me both, so wanted me to be well covered. Maybe I worry too much anyway! I think that always one should err on the side of being on top of the pain, vs. getting behind. I have a friend in Maryland who had TKR three days before me. On night three they forgot a dose of pain meds during the night and got behind. She was in tears...and she is normally known as a "tough cookie"! She said she completely fell apart with the pain. She of course caught up and is fine, but it took some time to get that. It was a good reminder to keep ahead of the pain.

Sorry to be so long winded. I am glad they gave me the Dilauded in the hospital, and that I had it at home to start with. I probably could have done just one Dilauded every four hours instead of two, but was really worried about not keeping ahead of things. Maybe if I had cut back on the two tablets to one tablet after twelve hours I might not have had the itching and the bad dreams. I am finding the Tramadol 37.5 mg 2 tablets every four hours works well for today. That also gives me the 4,000 mg of acetaminophen.

I am following the BoneSmart Activity progression that is in the packet of links sent to us right before or after surgery by BS. I'm not wanting to rush anything, but I thought about crutches use yesterday:heehee: The fact that it flitted through my mind made me think I'm a lot more confident on my walker. I'm not even going try the crutches until I see OS and my PT next week and get their opinion. I want to have my gait smooth as butter on the walker first. :) I am also wanting to get outside...the Fall weather is so inviting:SUNsmile:. Today I had a shower and washed my hair....feels great. Now I'm icing and elevating again. I have some swelling in my knee. I think I am about on schedule for that, as apparently one's knee on the op side gets some "handling" while dislocating the leg to get to the joint!
@luvsibes Great to get your feedback on the pain meds, and hear from you just because:) The Tramadol seems to be working great so far. Have been on it for 24 hours and no itching or weird dreams last night. I have some swelling in my op leg knee today, since I took a shower. I think that is the longest I've not been elevating in one go, and the timing seems about right for the swelling to come out. I read here somewhere that the knee on the op side gets well "handled" during surgery and it isn't uncommon for it to have some swelling. It is kinda down from the wound and outside of the knee. In my horse world I would expect that kind of swelling heading south from the wound. The wound is fine and no swelling there. I'm not having to wear the lovely stockings and am on baby aspirin. Am doing some gentle walks around the kitchen island to move things around between icings. I invested in an ice machine as I was having two hips done.
Getting a friend to pick up stool softener for me as the stuff that final got things moving yesterday is too power packed for daily use. I eat a high fibre diet, but that still isn't doing it today!
Hubby out on the tractor doing some farm work. Lovely Fall weather here, quite warm in the 60's so good for him to go out. I'm going to venture outside tomorrow for some Vit D if the weather holds.
@1stSurgery I had a shower today AND washed my hair!! That's my good news update :flwrysmile:

How are you doing, dare I ask? Three more Triple M sleeps and you are THERE! :SUNsmile:
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@Knitquilt How many mgs are in your Tramadol in the US? Ours is 37.5 mgs per pill, or at least what I was given. It seems a bit random. I'm taking two today and not feeling anywhere near as drowsy as with the Dilauded. I would err on the side of more pain control that less for the first few days at least. My body certainly had something to say to me when it had had enough of the Dilauded!
My script for Tramadol is for 50 mg per pill- I usually take 1 pill along with 1,000 mg of Tylenol four times a day. I don’t hesitate to take 2 Tramadol if I need it. @Alitm I think your 37.5 msg would work for me - I think two of yours would be the right dosage for me, whereas 100 mg. often seems too much.

The Dilaudid did me in, also. I couldn’t keep my eyes open, yet I wasn’t sleeping either - I felt drugged - which I guess I was-
@1stSurgery I had a shower today AND washed my hair!! That's my good news update :flwrysmile:

How are you doing, dare I ask? Three more Triple M sleeps and you are THERE! :SUNsmile:
WONDERFUL!! Ahhh the first hair wash is heaven!!! I dried mine in the sun on the patio and was smiling the whole time. That's great progress @Alitm congratulations!
I'm doing fine, just very tired. Busy day and it's not over yet. All is well. 3 days... :)
Had my amazing shower today, and post shower discovered I had thigh swelling, mostly on the outside of my knee and half way up my outer thigh, not as far as the wound. The dressing is dry and and cool, no sign of seepage. Icing, elevating and hydrating....that was my plan for the week anyway, so no changes there!! I'm four days post op, so seems about time for some swelling to show up. Any other suggestions? Love how that that healing arrow zigs and zags!
Swelling and bruising post op is totally normal. Ice that swollen area. Yes indeed, healing does not take a straight line approach. Still very early days for you.
You are doing wonderful.
So happy you were able to shower and get things worked out. (Constipation is awful)
I ate lots of grapes when I was recovering to stay hydrated and they were easy to go "through"
Also didn't have tremendous appetite so they were easy to nibble on .
Hope your day is super sweet...all temporary recovery business!

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