Cancelled hip replacement dates

@Trendynan what a time you've had! I hope your granddaughter is on the mend, your antibx work instantly, and your surgery goes off flawlessly!
To answer your original question :heehee: On my second hip, I had an original date of August 2016. In July there were problems in two places in my family, and (long story short) I rescheduled for Feb 2017. In January 2017 a cardiac issue was discovered, and after a good while of testing I had a cardiac ablation. I cancelled the hip until further notice. After the obligatory waiting period, I was able to schedule with OS for July 2017, without an additional consult because my xrays were less than a year old. Third time's the charm! You will do fine, and the OA pain will be gone forever!
Hi all

I rang hosp and spoke to sister on the ward. She said go in as planned and it will be up to the anaesthetist to decide. Xxx
Awww @Trendynan it is scary and nerve-wracking, yes. Your op is my sister's birthday, so only good things shall happen!

I apologize for sounding like bragging, but I'd already been through two barbaric early 1980's major surgeries for which pain control was very poorly managed, so I wasn't the least bit nervous at 61 about the surgery, and reading around on here reassured me that pain management has come a very long way in the intervening decades. I was a nervous nellie after both, though, regarding a pain which might (MIGHT) have indicated DVT. Visited ER both times, very good ultrasound techs both times, no clots, go home and go to bed so:snork: I can too.

On the first hip, I waited the OS's proscribed time for my next allergy shot, which I should not have done, and gave myself my maintenance dose, which according to protocol was fine. I had a little shortness of breath, which terrified me. Hubby slept on bare floor next to my couch, sweet sweet man. After a couple of hours I was breathing normally again, so I had to wake him to come to bed-- I hurt All Over just looking at him on that floor!.

Second hip I didn't wait-- how is a sterile needle in the other thigh going to make an infection when it never had, (was more concerned about those cat clawmarks from an aborted jump!) and gave a lower dose. All was well.

Watch some really bad old tv show! Or I Love Lucy!
I have surgery next Monday.. It helps to become distracted though that time is running out for you. My friend is having bilateral KR next Wed and is going canoe camping this weekend.. No time for nerves.
Me I am going kayaking.

Its normal to be scared.. I was before my TKR and right after was wondering why I put all that energy into getting into knots.
Try to keep your mind occupied as much as possible and this last bit of time will be gone before you know it. I have my fingers crossed that all will be well once you get to the hospital. Even if the surgery is canceled, I certainly hope NO ONE yells at you about any of it. It's not like you've done anything on purpose! The docs are pretty good at working through minor problems, so I'm betting you'll be good to go on Wednesday. Best of luck to you.
It is scary because it's the unknown for you. I was a worry wart with my first THR, didn't know which way was up, couldn't get my mind to still. That's why this forum is so important. Those of us that have made to the other side of that bridge are here for you. Stay close here and let us know how you're doing. What ever you can use to occupy your mind does help. Take care.
Scary for you I know. But remember that the surgeon and the team do this every day, several times per day. Tell everyone you meet when you arrive at the hospital that you are nervous. They totally understand and will do everything they can to help you relax.

What time do you need to be at the hospital @Trendynan ?
Thank you all for lovely replies.
I have to be at hospital for 7.30 but no idea of time of op. Xx
I have to be at hospital for 7.30 but no idea of time of op.
Probably after 10:00. They like you there very early so that there is always someone in the queue. At least you have a morning slot. Less chance of a long delay.

All the best tomorrow! We will be watching for your updates on the other side.
Thinking of you and sending healing hugs in advance :loveshwr:
Hoping I see you on the healing side very soon.:ok:
Here's to you! :beer: Hoping everything goes well and will hear from you on the other side. Do your best to keep the stage fright down. Maybe have your favorite dinner and a goodie with a good movie.
Happy penguin dance for you!

I like this guy, can you tell?!
@Trendynan thinking of you!! Use tomorrow to rest in bed (ok, it's a joke, hahaha get it? You'll HAVE to rest in bed!) GA can be downright sleep-inducing! (grooooannnnn) :rofsign:
Wishing you all the best.
I look forward to following your journey on the Recovery side.
See you there soon.
Hi - Hope you manage to get the operation today and that the antibiotics worked… Fingers crossed for you @Trendyman

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