THR Burias’ recovery


new member
May 15, 2022
United Kingdom United Kingdom
Well after they brought my surgery forward at short notice here I am the morning after, came out around 7pm, and spent the night doing the bathroom dance, didn’t need a catheter in the end. Managed to get on my feet slowly once to go to the bathroom which as you all know was a huge triumph.

Got up this morning early as I only got 2 hours sleep from needing to use the bathroom all night long so couldn’t get comfortable, straight away asked if I could get up put some clothes on and finally the bathroom situation has finished still to move my bowels but at least my bladders no longer telling me to go every minute.

My RTHP is as you would expect sore and swollen, however so thrilled to be on the other side and onward in recovery it feels amazing and horrendous at the same time but definitely less general pain than before plus knowing that this pain will hopefully subside and I’ll be back to my old self is fantastic.

Being 30 years old and from the uk they don’t really give you a choice in hips they just give you what you’re told so I was told metal hip plastic socket :heehee::heehee:

I won’t lie being someone who uses an ecig/vape I was admitted at 7:30 in the morning fasting from 18:30 the night before and wasn’t taken down till 15:30 I was a bit of an emotional wreck but the staff were fantastic with me. I remember the room were they get you ready then nothing till waking me up as they were waiting for the cement to dry and then stitching me up as I had sedatives and spinal block

Thankyou all for your words and advice on my pre op thread you really helped my anxiety and got me through to the day
Hi @Burias
Congratulations on your shiny new hip...and Yay for dodging the catheter.
However, I remember having to go so much these early hours has its own set of challenges when you are just trying to stay comfortable.

I will leave you our Recovery Guidelines. Each article is short but very informative. Following these guidelines can help you have a less painful recovery.

Just keep in mind all people are different, as are the approaches to this recovery and rehab. The key is, “Find what works for you.“ Your doctors, PTs and BoneSmart are available to help, but you are the final judge as to the recovery approach you choose.

Hip Recovery: The Guidelines
1. Don’t worry: Your body will heal all by itself. Relax, let it, don't try and hurry it, don’t worry about any symptoms now, they are almost certainly temporary​
2. Control discomfort
take your pain meds by prescription schedule (not when pain starts!)​

3. Do what you want to do BUT​
a. If it hurts, don't do it and don't allow anyone - especially a physical therapist - to do it to you​
b. If your leg swells more or gets stiffer in the 24 hours after doing it, don't do it again.​

4. PT or exercise can be useful BUT take note of these

5. At week 4 and after you should follow this

6. Access to these pages on the website

BIG TIP: Hips actually don't need any exercise to get better. They do a pretty good job of it all on their own if given half a chance. Trouble is, people don't give them a chance and end up with all sorts of aches and pains and sore spots. All they need is the best therapy which is walking and even then not to excess.

We try to keep the forum a positive and safe place for our members to talk about their questions or concerns and to report successes with their joint replacement surgery.

While members may create as many threads as they like in a majority of BoneSmart's forums, we ask that each member have only one recovery thread. This policy makes it easier to go back and review history before providing advice.
It’s good to see you on the healing side. Congrats on that new hip. I hope you’ll share your progress here, we’d love to support and encourage you along the way.
Happy Healing!
Thank you all again for the kind words, just made it home, my partner turned up at the hospital with a new chair in the back of the car as our sofas are too low to the ground so that was a nice surprise.

I won’t lie even though she took it easy the car journey was pretty bad, had to hold my leg and brace myself for every corner but we made it!

Still feeling stiff and sore as usual and looking forward to the home comforts and the healing time :)
:heehee: I remember my ride home much the same .... 1/2 miles before we got there I told my better half he needed to turn around because he missed that last bump!:blackcloud:
Glad you got a "good" chair.
Stay cool, all temporary:ice:
Well end of day two I believe, swelling and bruising has increased as has the pain but knowing I’m on the mend keeps me going, taking it very easy. Here in the uk, or at least for my surgeon they have given me very small stretches to do to keep me loose and limber or at least as much as I can be :heehee: each time I do them I can feel the muscles loosening up but again taking it very easy and no pushing anything.

I thankfully got about 6 hours asleep in bed before I tried to roll over as I’m a side sleeper and my partner very quickly woke me up as she felt me move, then went downstairs to my chair as I couldn’t get comfy in bed and slept for another 2! Feel a lot more like myself today thanks to that.

Must admit I’m finding that the first half of the day will be easier than the evening as is probably expected so definitely just chilling out on an evening. My son bless him is not yet three but seems to understand and says sorry anytime he goes near my right leg which is amusing in itself.

Had a phone call from the team I’m under to check up on me which was a nice touch even remembered to ask how my chair was hahaha. I know everyone is different with recovery but if you’ve been in as much pain and for as long as me the thought of the better days pushes me through all the pain. My family are looking after me so well, I do feel like a nuisance but they keep telling me I’ll have years of payback yet :heehee: took a walk around my garden/yard today and it’s funny how things feel better once you’re moving rather than being still but obviously more rest is best.

I’m starting to ramble on a bit so I’ll see what sort of sleep I get tonight and catch you all up again tomorrow :)
Oh yes, I remember that very same feeling and it got me through, too. Knowing that this pain or discomfort was a healing experience and things would be looking up!!
Congrats on getting it done AND on the new chair. Sounds super to me.

Just a little reminder.....:ice::sleeep: Ice,elevate and rest!!
@Burias Happy that you're comfortably at home and with a new chair to boot! Definitely try icing and elevating, think you'll find it quite helpful. See item #2 in the hip recovery guidelines that Mojo left you.
You’re on the right road! Good job. I’m 11 days out from surgery. Reading all different inputs of things to do is so helpful! I refused the spinal( had a really awful experience with birth of my first) and being knocked out worked fabulous for me. I opted to stay in hosp overnight as it was rather like the Hilton, valet parking and a chef that rocked the kitchen! I do have a swollen right leg with big ankles but elevation and icing and hydration keep it in check. Really, when I had to quit my tennis 4 months ago due to the excruciating pain was when I said yes to surgery. I’m pretty hard headed and 79 years old… never had surgery of any kind. At this point I’m not limping as I work on the heel plant, toe push off… the value is… I am overcoming my limping habit! Tennis team mates all breathed a sigh of relief as they said I’d been limping for past year on court during matches! Doing PT , took the damn compression socks off on 3 rd day as they freaking hurt!!! Will follow along as we each follow our paths to recovery learning as I go. Be kind… most of all to yourself
It’s great to see this place is active! Congrats on your surgery.
I just found this today and am curious if like in the USA you get to chose your surgeon? I’m in Canada and we do not. I’m 4 yrs in pain had spinal surgery when I needed a hip done.
I found it was my hip in oct got to see the hip surgeon in Jan and they said 8 month wait. Once I told them of my last 4 yrs they put me on a cancellation list. I got a call thurs asking me to come on wed!!! I’ve had no prep or pre op anything to ask questions of recovery. I have read through a few things here and was so happy to see your story.
You will be almost a full week ahead of me. I will be reading up to see how you are doing.
I can’t imagine having a little one running around through this. Although I’m sure your little one is not nearly as messy as my teen lol.
I don’t mind reading your rambles. It’s just nice seeing others recoveries. Keep updating
@Lyla yeah we don’t get to choose our surgeon here either, if I went private then yeah maybe, but as it’s on the nhs no I do not however I was offered to come to a private hospital on the nhs as the waiting list was shorter and it turns out it’s a centre that a lot of athletes around the country come to for their work done so I was more than happy.

It really is interesting reading how different it is in each country and the recovery techniques and to be honest @Lyla it might be best to not have too much time to think on it and just get it done, just make sure you’re house has enough floor space for you which I’m sure with a teenager can be hard sometimes lol
We don’t have any private ones where I live sadly. Yes it is good not much time to think. I don’t have much floor so not a lot of space on it lol teen is messy and so is the cat! I’m always tripping on his toys or whatever he drags into the middle of the floor! He moved the drill right into my path! Idk why this cat is always moving things around. It’s funny but dangerous at times.
Yes it is interesting how each country does things. I’m having day surgery at least. I also have private insurance but no private hospital here. That’s awesome you were able to do that. Here you wait forever or if your lucky like I was get on the cancellation list and they have cancellations.
Welcome to BoneSmart. We’re happy you’re here! I’ve noticed your commentary and support of others on the forum and would like to encourage to start a thread and tell us a bit about yourself before your May 25th surgery. It’s nice to have a landing page where others can learn a little about you, offer support as you move toward surgery, then follow your healing journey. I believe you’ll appreciate having a place to journal your recovery for reflection at a later date.
Please join us!
My son bless him is not yet three but seems to understand and says sorry anytime he goes near my right leg which is amusing in itself.
Aww, this is so precious! What a little sweetheart!

It sounds like you had some decent sleep last night which is always welcome as our body does its best healing as we sleep. It isn’t always easy to get comfortable. Many do the night roaming thing, looking for the comfiest spot to get some rest…like Goldilocks!
Sounds like you’re blessed with loved ones taking very good care of you.
Happy Sunday, I hope today is a good day! :)
And that’s the end of day three, woke up feeling a lot less in pain this morning so that was great, had a visit from some family which is definitely going to be important going forward.

Not a lot to say for today really other than exercises are becoming easier/can stretch that little bit further, just got to keep reminding myself to take it easy on the crutches and not get ahead of myself as that could obviously lead to an accident.

I was actually only given blood thinners, paracetamol and codeine to go home with and I’m going to try a day without the codeine tomorrow and see what happens, just the side effects of codeine aren’t fun so if I can handle the pain I’d rather do it that way

Thanks again for listening
Speak to you all tomorrow :)
I do hope I feel this great in my recovery! Day 3 your on your way!
I heard day 3 is the worst so to hear you doing so well is inspiring and a lot less frightening. I know everyone Experiences are different but it’s nice to hear some positive ones.
End of day 4, same as yesterday again really a little less pain, not done a lot just my exercises and kept moving, elevating and icing, still can’t quite believe how easy it is to get around considering, you half expect to be bed ridden for a week when you first hear about having THRs

@Timo50 I saw you post on my pre op thread, thats honestly great to hear, for both of us! I did speak to my physio about it before leaving the hospital and they seemed to be more concerned about the potential of accidents over the mounting/unmounting/driving side of motorbikes so we’re reluctant to say a time frame but we’re happy enough to say usually 6 weeks for cars and 12 weeks for bicycles

Still taking each day at a time, my first day on just paracetamol has been great, felt no different to having been on codeine as well so just going to go forward with that now

Thanks again
Sounds like you're doing well. We're far from bed ridden post op but it doesn't take much to over do things. As far as riding a motorcycle or scooter there's no timeline. I waited for a while before attempting to get in my racecar, which when I did it was real slow and easy climbing in to not cause a problem. After that it was just a case of when I was ready to go again. I ride a scooter at the track and it's a step thru small one and I'm just careful. I have ridden a motorcycle since my THR but I decided I'm done with that, to me it's not worth it. I can do it and more pain free than I could pre THR's as I have great ROM now but I decided the pluses ain't worth the minuses. My decision and you can make yours, I have friends with THR's that ride with no problems.
We’ll that’s days 5 and 6 out of the way, same as usual really getting into a little routine with my exercises, going for a small walk and icing etc, not pushing it too hard but keeping everything going.

Starting to get a few aches and pains in other areas I believe from my body starting to realign and slightly overcompensate from the first few days but nothing of concern, it really was weird seeing myself walk in a window without a limp, my bruising is starting to go a real lovely purple and yellow so that’s in the mend too.

I’m not to take my wound bandage off for 10 days but as it’s white you can see if there’s any weeping or discharge and thankfully none at all. Keeping all fingers crossed my recovery seems to be going straight forward.

Can’t believe in exactly 24 hours time it will have been a full week since I was sat in bed in the hospital unable to feel below the waist wondering where I’d be in a weeks time. Thankfully in however many years my left hip lasts (as I’m going to have to have both sides done eventually) I won’t be going into my second THR with such a fright and unsure outlook as again (fingers crossed) this has gone so well so far.

Thanks again for listening
We’ll that’s days 5 and 6 out of the way, same as usual really getting into a little routine with my exercises, going for a small walk and icing etc, not pushing it too hard but keeping everything going.

Starting to get a few aches and pains in other areas I believe from my body starting to realign and slightly overcompensate from the first few days but nothing of concern, it really was weird seeing myself walk in a window without a limp, my bruising is starting to go a real lovely purple and yellow so that’s in the mend too.

I’m not to take my wound bandage off for 10 days but as it’s white you can see if there’s any weeping or discharge and thankfully none at all. Keeping all fingers crossed my recovery seems to be going straight forward.

Can’t believe in exactly 24 hours time it will have been a full week since I was sat in bed in the hospital unable to feel below the waist wondering where I’d be in a weeks time. Thankfully in however many years my left hip lasts (as I’m going to have to have both sides done eventually) I won’t be going into my second THR with such a fright and unsure outlook as again (fingers crossed) this has gone so well so far.

Thanks again for listening
That is so awesome your doing so great!! I love reading your posts it is inspiring and gives me determination that my own recovery won’t be so bad. Everyone is different but I also believe mindset is important! Being at home with my kids taking care of me helped me more then anything since this surgery yesterday !
It’s so great your not taking a lot of pain meds. I have to follow a schedule for 4 days then just take as needed. Looking forward to day 5.
I noticed right away a pain in my back I haven’t felt in a long time. Last night that is the strongest pain I felt. Although I have some back issues I also think it’s my body realigning. A lot of years of stress makes things out of whack and now it’s got to readjust. This to shall pass. Always hated that phrase but it’s true.
Days 7,8 and 9 done, must admit it’s getting so much easier now, there’s been a vast decrease in the swelling over the last three days, so a lot less pain.

Still keeping up with all the exercises, and doing a lot of walking, still keep testing the waters by putting less weight on my crutches just to see how things go and I’m am most pleased.

Just a thought, when did people start drinking alcohol again? I don’t mean getting wasted etc but having a couple of glasses of wine with a meal at a restaurant for example, I just don’t want to do something I shouldn’t so haven’t touched anything just good old h2o.

I keep thinking to myself the things I’ll be able to do which I haven’t done in three years, just simple things like jog up the stairs rather than pulling myself up them or even being able to lift my right foot off the ground whilst being sat in a chair without having to lift it with my hands. Somehow still can’t believe it got to that point but hey ho.

Thanks again all!

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