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Revision THR A new year and new hope: revision for loosened THR

Lovely update :flwrysmile:
So nice to hear that you have made your first walk, free form IV and tubes and can walk to the bathroom
But still beware, the next 24 hrs are a bit tough, be precautious especially when you walk, you may feel dizzy and please ensure your son is always by your side.
You will feel much much better when you”ll arrive home
How long will it take to drive home?
Take care :snow plough:
@sansabosa, it's a two-hour drive. Not looking forward to that! I hope it is Sunday and not Saturday. Right now, I am really hurting. Must be the hallway walk that did it. And now I have to use the bathroom! Ugh. I need to get those pain meds adjusted I guess.
Definitely talk to them about adjusting your meds and keep the ice going so you're able to rest comfortably.
It sounds as though your son has been a constant companion through this all. You're blessed to have him.
Wishing you comfort and a good night's sleep.
I hope you are more comfortable...
I tried to stay hydrated and then as soon as I got comfy...bathroom trip needed! Arrgh!
Healing hugs @prairienut
I am off the IV as of noon today. Now I am receiving oxy orally. We upped the dose which helped the pain but not my tummy. Icing continues unabated, of course.

@Layla, my son was with me all day yesterday and was a huge help. He has now gone back home. He is taking an intensive 4-hour online course in nutrition to meet his last requirement for graduation with a math degree. This "wellness" credit sort of slipped thru the cracks until now. Leave it to my charming, brilliant son to leave this to the last minute! Anyway, I am here by myself until I am picked up Sunday. In the meantime, I'm watching TV and reading Bonesmart!
OK, we upped the dosage of oxycodone to 10mg, and i just suffered the worst 2 hours of my recovery thus far. Groggy, woozy, queasy, burpy, gassy, emotional (I burst into tears out of the blue). Worse than the pain. We're going to try Tramadol instead. Anyone have this reaction to oxy?

Yes!! I tolerated it better for my RTHR and LTKR, but for the RTKR I had on December 10, 2018, oxy was very problematic.

I’m not sure it was even handling the pain, but the more important impact was my almost constant crying.

Unfortunately, the second week after surgery was the week when I needed to go to some follow-up doctor’s appointments and get blood tests, etc.

I cried about everything and my feelings were so ridiculously and easily hurt.

I turned the oxy back in to my OS’s office and switched to hydrocodone and tramadol.

I think the pain relief was better afterwards and the weepiness was gone. Whew!
So glad to hear you are healing and doing well!!!!!
emotional (I burst into tears out of the blue). Worse than the pain.

I had 2-3 of those attacks, bursting into tears w/out any reason in the first week and I dont think its is due to oxy, I was given tramadol
In short, post op blues happens as expected
I hope you will have smooth hours until you are discharged, any friends to be with you until then?
@sansabosa, One of my son,'s friends may stop in today but otherwise, it's me and the very nice nurses until Sunday. I knew the downside of coming to HSS was the lack of visitors, but it was well worth it. It was unfortunate coincidence that my husband took ill right before surgery. Just had a few solid hours of sleep on the Tylenol. Will try Tramadol if the pain increases. Emotions are back to normal.
I also had a horrid wave of emotion at hospital...I agree with Sansabosa that it can just be a post-op release of sorts...all the lead-up stress, major surgery, uncontrolled pain doesn't help.

Wishing you comfort and do try the tramadol with the Tylenol ...important to be Ahead of the pain. Once it gets started in full swing...hard to tamp down.

Wishing you comfort!:console2:
@ mojo333, thanks for the tips. I'm going to try Tramadol this morning, the lower 50 mg dose. Was waiting for my stomach to settle. At least I feel like eating breakfast. Last night, the side effects of the oxy were worse than the pain. I have to remind myself this is only the 2nd post surgery day, and I had an aftermoon surgery at that. Icing certainly helps.
A néw dawn this morning. Tramadol and Tylenol combo is working. So far so good. Will most likely be discharged tomorrow (Sunday). Starting to get my "jittery leg syndrome." Need to find a better TV station for distraction purposes!
@prairienut Our Josephine recommends that medication combo - glad it's working for you! Keep taking your meds to a schedule. It might help ease the issue with your leg.
Wow, just had a great PT session - walked down the hallway with crutches to the PT room, up a short flight of stairs and down. Got a ride back to the room. I am being sent home tomorrow morning. By then my pain meds should be worked out. What a difference a day makes! Can't wait to be back in my own nest with hubby and son.
You sound like you are doing really well. I had Oxy and Tramadol after my bilateral surgery. I felt incredible relief from the Oxy, but felt nothing from the Tramadol. The combination still worked. I had a low dose, because of my size. The nurse wanted to double it, but wasn't allowed. I'm glad that the Tylenol is a better fit for you. It sounds less addictive, too.

Wow, he was able to remove the stem with his fingers! That really makes me think about how much activity and impact is healthy for these joints. I hope things go smoothly for you. I cried the second day, too. It just all got to be too much...( but crying is a good release.) Take care.
Thanks for all the replies. It helps to know there are people out there who have been through this and understand. My surgeon is away for the weekend but called my room phone today to see how I was doing. I asked how he determined the acetabular implant was in fact secure -- did he tap on it or try to wiggle it? He said he did quite a bit more than a tap or a wiggle. He banged on it with a hammer and it didn't move! He said the x-rays don't always tell the story because the metal components can interact with the radiation to create artifacts on the film that appear as possible gaps. He was prepared to replace it but didn't have to. Interesting....
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