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THR 8 days post op, am I over doing things?

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That sounds like a great report! Glad to hear things are working out better for you.
I would imagine the biking is good phisio for your hip, do you have access to a
stationary bike to start exercising with?
Merry Xmas All

I was just wondering if anyone has had wrist problems from using crutches. I did a lot of long walks on crutches after my THR 7weeks ago and at the time started getting a little numbness and aching in my right wrist. I've been off crutches for over a week and it seems to have gotten worse if anything. Pain seems to radiate up my forearm and into my palm. I was just wondering if this goes away in time. Has anyone had anything similar?
Please do not play with this. The hands have so many nerves and they are so easily aggravated by things like pressure. And areas around the nerves swell from using crutches sometimes, pushing on the nerves which can result in numbness and pain which can lead to severe problems such as nerve entrapment and muscle atrophy. I speak from experience. You should probably see a hand specialist if it doesn't subside.
Hi swimlikeafish

I have merged your recovery threads into this one, this is now your primary thread.

We prefer to keep your recovery journey in the one thread for context. :)

8 days post op, am I over doing things?
Thanks, Poppet, No Josephine, they weren't armpit crutches. The crutches stopped before the elbow. I was partial weight bearing but was never advised how much weight to put through the crutches. I estimated that I was putting a third of my weight through my left arm, a third through my right arm and a third through my new hip. That seemed quite a comfortable amount. I think, or hope I've just strained something so will mend on its own.
Same thing applies - too much weight on your hands. They are supposed to be assistive devices, not for long periods of weight bearing. In this case the damage is being done to the median nerve in your wrist. The answer is to stop using them as much as possible and give your hands a rest. Try a topical NSAID gel as well.
Thanks josephine, I'll try some topical medication maybe voltarol or something. I've been off crutches completely for 2wks. I've also stopped doing weights at the gym as it was stressing my wrist. I'm 8wks post opp. Hopefully it will resolve itself in time.
Hi all, its been a while so thought I would pop in and say hi. I went back to work at wk9 and now its wk14. Things seem to be doing ok. I've got more movement in the hip than I've had for 20yrs. Still a long way to go with ROM though I'm not rushing it. I'm managing the cycle to and from work no problems and the bending, lifting and carrying also seems good. As well as that I've taken up pilates and am back in the pool doing my regular swims although I've had to reduce the frequency whilst I get used to being back at work as the cycling is taking a lot of my energy so am building up the swim and gym sessions gradually. Hope you are all doing ok too. Sometimes I get a bit of pain in the leg and hip area but that seems to be an indicator of a heavy workload and a rest seems to aleviate that.
You're doing so well, that's great to hear :)

Take care

Great to hear you are doing so well, Swim. You didn't mention your hands---they doing alright now?
You are doing so well if I am doing all that you are doing at 14 weeks I shall be a very happy bunny!
I also had very sore hands when I used crutches after my arthroscopy I was very concerned but they soon improved when I discarded the crutches which I probably did too early with hindsight . Reading your post is very encouraging as my op is now less than 6 weeks away.
Listen to this if you've had a bad day.
On my everyday cycle commute home from work about 11:30pm last night. I caught my right hand on a metal post going along the Thames towpath which is there to stop motor vehicles entering I presume. Handle bars spun round, I went flying splash into a huge dirty puddle. My shoulder took most of the impact along with my new hip hitting the deck like a sack of bricks. Lay there dazed for several minutes too scared to check my hip was still intact. Although bruised and a little sore my hip seems ok. Still worried I may have done something bad to it.
Just walked 3 miles back from A&E to test it out and it seems ok. Oh and yeah I have also fractured of my little finger. They couldnt sort it out so Ive got to go to the hand clinic on Tues and maybe have a wire put in.
Just had 4months off work with no pay due to hip replacment and now this. Dr says keep it elevated so I might go and camp up a mountain.
Well, that just sucks and I'm so sorry for your bad luck. I'm also glad you didn't break your neck or do any more damage, but the broken finger is bad enough, I know.
Ouch - but at least the hip is OK. Don't be surprised if you feel worse tomorrow, you've had a nasty shock as well as the physical injuries.
How about one of those "fat suits" actors wear - it will have lots of padding all over!
Love and healing vibes to you
Anne xx
Thanks guys, yes could have been a lot worse. Hip is more sore today but still functioning ok. I think I'm a little paranoid. If I had done something serious to it I'm sure I would know about about wouldn't I ?
I'm pretty sure you'd know if something was seriously wrong with your hip. Those man-made parts are tough. But I do suggest that you not make a habit of falling on it.:heehee:

Take care and keep us posted. We care. 8 days post op, am I over doing things?
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