THR 10th of January LTHR

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Cati Did you read my earlier reply to you in post number 15? You never responded to it and there is a link to an article about the risk of dislocation which you need to read. Here it is again Dislocation risk and 90 degree rule.

Your activities are about right but you need to check this out to see where you are exactly Activity progression for THRs.

Don't worry about feeling bleh! It happens to everyone for a whole variety of reasons. Read the article Jaycey left for you.
But it's back with a vengence now! I go to sleep ok, but wake about 4am, with a seized up feeling in my lower back. I take my meds consistently.
Sleeping can be disturbed too - read this Sleep deprivation is pretty much inevitable - but what causes it? You might think you are taking pain meds consistently but I don't think you are taking enough. My advice to you is that you need to take more pain killers. All those discomforts, aches and pains are just post op pain. I think if you look at your pill bottles you will see it says on both "take 1-2 every 4-6 hours" which is what you should do. I suggest that during the day you take 1 codeine and 2 paracetamol and before bed take 2 codeine and 2 paracetamol. You will be much more comfortable then. Read this article Pain management and the pain chart.
This feels so far away to me with no one to tell me if i'm doing ok or how to progress? But i feel trapped almost if all restrictions are in place until then? I.e going to other peoples houses or out for lunch etc In all, this will be 13 weeks of not being seen by anyone since op. It just feels like a long time before seeing anyone at all. I'm feeling uspet at the thought of being restricted to only being able to sit in my own house for another 11weeks. I had thought from our initial consultation in August, that after 6/8weeks i could start returning to normality.
This is all quite normal and one reason why BoneSmart exists, to help you through this. Just read the articles I have left you so far and you will know all you need to know.
I remember him saying that driving would be about 6 weeks too, which contradicts what the discharge nurse says. But i did feel a bit confused on discharge as nurse said two crutches till i saw surgeon. No driving, no bending until follow up with at 3months!So grabbed the lady who i had seen earlier who said, no it's as you think you can do without the crutches. But thst's all she would answer. So i'm majorly confused!
I did address this in my post at number 15 in this thread

I'm also going to leave you a few more articles about recovery. Let me know you have read them, would you?

Energy drain for THRs

Pain and swelling control: elevation is the key

Home physio (PT)
Thanks all and thanks for info Josephine. I'm reading everything everyone gives me. :) i will try the 2xcodeine before bed too.
I'm taking them every 4/6 hours.
I think it's just the conflicting weeks and dates mentioned by various healthcare staff that's got me confused and i will ring on Monday to get it in black and white.
I'm 30 in 3weeks (5weeks post op) i was resigned to the fact i wouldn't be able celebrate properly at the time, but had hoped to celebrate it before April.
Hi Cati - you will be able to celebrate. Maybe not wildly at 5 weeks but certainly in your 30th year! Everyday will get better and better!
Hi Cati,
Anne here your room mate from RJAH! Delighted to see you've joined the forum after we chatted about it in hospital.
So sorry to have been asleep when you left - I woke up and was mortified to find you'd gone. You left your towel and flannel behind by the way!
Well, you sound as though you're making great progress, well done. I got out the next day as did Judith. We weren't allowed in to see Marian unfortunately but I believe she was improving. Please try not to worry too much (easy to say when you've been through it before and have a better idea of what is 'normal'') as you will find enormous support and advice here on BS and as you progress your own body will tell you what you can and can't do. I am so much more relaxed this time and it does make things easier. Like you I'm starting to get bored and so deprived of fresh air. I am not sleeping properly and you won't be surprised to hear am still suffering from the frequent loo trips although not as bad as in hospital! And yes, the back pain etc. but it will pass and every day takes us further down the road to full recovery. Bring on the bungee jumping! Well perhaps not!
Anyway if you want to email me I'll give you my phone number and if you fancy a chat anytime I'll be here!
So pleased to have had the chance to say hello again - the wonder of BS!
Take care Cati, relax and enjoy your time off work - you'll be back in harness soon enough and so will your ponies-sorry, dreadful attempt at a joke!
Best wishes
Anne :dancy:
Eeeeeeee well would you believe it.......Anne, you are Catis mysterious hospital room mate. How fab is that :)
Omg! Hi! So nice to hear from you! Glad you both made it out the next day. Poor Marian, i hope she made a good recovery. The three of you made the stay so much more bearable. Regarding the flannel and towel, this is what i get for letting my husband pack my stuff! Lol
Keep in touch!
Well, there are a lot of Ann/Annes on here! My hip was on 26th November 2012 in Kent but Dad's was done November 1998 at RJAH and is still fine - he is now 93! They do know what they are doing!
Cati, never let the husbands pack - if you saw what mine brought in when asked for a cardigan, it was huge (I have lost weight) and nearly as old as you! It was one that my late Mum knitted me and I have not had the heart to get rid of it. It did keep me warm, though.
Just remember, we all want to be recovered immediately but we are all dfferent in how we go on, my hip now is good - it's the rest of me that is falling apart and needing pain killers.
Keep plodding on and remember we are in this together, best wishes to all.
PS Find a nice big bag and take your toilet seat if you visit anyone - I had my worst moment when I needed the loo at my son's flat, it was so low and I fell backwards onto the seat. Luckily no damage was done but it was not a good experience! Anne
Hi Cati, how's it going? I'll bet you're racing round on those crutches now.Did your sick note arrive from the hospital? I didn't get mine till Saturday as the postman didn't deliver all week due to the ice and snow.
Nannyannie - very encouraging to hear how well your Dad's hip is doing. I must say RJAH is excellent - and so much better with the adjustable beds instead of the ghastly metal framed thing I had the last time! So glad your hip is doing well too. Do you think we should form an elite Ann/Anne club?!!

Off for a potter in the sun while it lasts - if I don't get blown off my feet!

Take care
Anne x
Absolutely, it's a fantastic hospital. I feel very fortunate to have had it done there.

i've had clarity on what i can/can't do and for how long now. So onwards and upwards.

Anne, i'm cursing this weather, snow, heavy rain and now gail force winds! I'm trying to get out for a walk for fresh air as well as tootling round the house regularly. It's a fine line of overdoing it i find! Lol mind is willing, but the body isn't!
I loved the beds! Could do with one at home!
Hope you are doing well.
Can i ask a walking aid question?
I'm on two crutches until 6weeks ish as a guide from physios. (Next week is 6 weeks) i've got a cementless, but can weightbear from the start.
i've had a dabble on the one crutch in the house today and go very lopsided and unbalanced, limping etc, just can't do it all.

on two, i'm balanced and walking is effortless and i walk 3 walks a day as well as pootling round house. I don't have any pain, stiffness or any obvious swelling, do on the whole doing well. Sleeping better too.

I've got another week to go anyway before i have to think about it, but i'm curious, do i need to go to a cane/one crutch or stick to two crutches until my muscles are strong enough?
Or, do people go from two to none?
Trying very hard not to compare to others.
Hi everyone.
I'm 14 weeks post op Thursday.
Doing ok, have now been referred after phoning for advice, to physio as struggling with a sore knee without either the one stick or crutch. It's taken a while to get strength back in the operated leg, but after 4 years of having a damaged hip, then it's to be expected i guess.
It took a while to be able to use 1 from 2. Though i can fly round with 1stick now, after about 5/10mins without knee hurts.

I've just had the first check post op today, didn't get to see the surgeon though? I'm not sure who he was as he didn't introduce himself.
He has depressed me slightly to be honest, basically every activity i do and enjoy he says i can't do.

Though, when i asked about them at the initial consultation, the surgeon didn't have a problem with them.
Basically, my life is ponies. I breed and show them inhand. It involves small amounts of running (bit like a jog) round a paddock at a trot. The surgeon had said this would be fine as long as i didn't take up jogging! Lol
He also said he had patients return to riding and was happy for me to do so. Who ever i saw today, didn't share the same opinion.
He said the sole purpose of giving someone my age a replacement, was to take away the pain, anything else was a bonus,
Is there anyone on here who still does small amounts of running?
I'm not too fussed about returning to riding, but the showing part is a huge part of my life.
basically every activity i do and enjoy he says i can't do.

ignore the naysayers 1.jpg
Cati, don't listen to this guy. Of course, you can show your ponies and do whatever is necessary to do that. You can get back to living a perfectly "normal" life just like you were doing before the surgery----well, even better than before the surgery.

I have said before and repeat---I never asked my surgeon what I could or could not do after the first 6 weeks restrictions were lifted. And I do and have been doing exactly what I want to do for the past 2 years with no problems at all----and I am 40 years older than you. So there is no reason you can't just live your life. That is exactly the reason you had this surgery. Doctors and their assistants don't know everything and since they ARE human---they can and do say some dumb things.

Take care, cheer up, and keep us posted. We care. hugs 23.jpg
Thank you for your reply. You have made me feel so much better and more positive about the future. X
Cati, check out the amazing success stories in the library.. Don't listen to this man, you will be able to return to your ponies !
Thank you poppet. I'm off to have a read.
The operating surgeon was all for me continuing with my hobbies so
perhaps who ever i saw yesterdaywas perhaps more old fashioned in views?
Life is too short to live like an old woman!

He reminded me of the first surgeon i saw 2years ago who told me i was too young to have the operation.
I have no idea who i saw yesterday, he didn't introduce himself. But i think he just put the fear of god in me by saying ceramic can break with impact of even short stints of running! I couldn't get him to understand what showing inhand was, a trot round a grass paddock with a small pony.
I think i will make sure i get to see my operating surgeon on the 12month check up!
I know what you mean about being depressed by some of the statements. I had RTHR -Anterior Jan 25,2013. I had 2 weeks of at home PT I am back at work but only go to Out pt PT on Saturdays. Well on Saturdays the PT's rotate so I have a different one each week and they all seem to expect me to be further along . I walk with a cane, ( without at times inside the house and office) but my quadracept muscles are still weak, My hip flexion has improved but I still have numbness and nerve "activity" (which is good because it's all coming back to life) but annoying and bottom line I don't have complete strength and function of my hip yet. Their comments have at times reduced me to tears. My doc feels that things will be ok. So keep your head up , you will be back to your Ponies in no time:)
Hi Cati,sorry have been absent from BS for quite a while as I went back to work on 25 March so after a day on the computer tend to not use it much at night!

So sorry to hear you're having problems with your knee but it will all turn out right in the end. You said it yourself, 4 years of damage won't be put totally right in a few weeks and that is all it is since we had our ops. Just be patient and for heaven's sake don't take any notice of the negative remarks from the person you saw. You only have to look at Nick Skelton to know whether or not you can successfully return to horse riding after a hip replacement! And lots of ardent riders have posted on here over the years about their return to riding. Many others have resumed very active pastimes. I think it was an awful thing to say to anyone let alone someone as young as you.
I must say this second hip has gone better than the first. I haven't needed any walking aids since the 10 week mark although the first hip still gives me quite a lot of discomfort - when I saw my surgeon at 6 weeks he said it's quite common for it to take 2 years for full recovery and as that won't be till the end of July I will wait with bated breath for it to clear up!

Have you started back at work yet - hope you know who treats you decently?
Chin up Cati, you're doing well and things will get better all the time
Xxx :kittykiss:
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