THR BeachGal is back! Time for #2THR


Jun 11, 2014
United States United States
I can't believe I still recognize some of the names on BoneSmart Forum from 2014 but I'm back here, ready to have RTHR later this autumn. I'm scheduled to meet with my ortho doc from the LTHR on 9/7/2022 and will know more about the surgery date then. I've been seeing a local ortho doc for pre-op exercises, a bit of pain relief, xrays, etc. to be sure I was going down the correct path but, hey, once you've been there, you know what's up! I look forward to standing by the bed in recovery room minus this hip/groin pain again. My prep will be the same as before, still have most of the supplies I used, but just wanted to check in with everyone and send my greetings. I'm sure I'll have questions as it nears since it's been a full 8 years since my first one. The good news is that the hip replacement done back then is still in great shape, working like a dream, and showing no signs or wear & tear. Hope everyone stays cool in this heat and positive that you'll have a great outcome. :loveshwr:
Hello @beachgal and welcome back! I remember you well.. :loveshwr:Do you still have your recovery skorts? I think it was you who got me hooked on them for my recoveries.

We shall ask a moderator to make a signature with your new surgery date and add you to the September Surgery group.

For a nice reminder since it has been 9 years;

If you are at the stage where you have joint pain but don't know for sure if you are ready to have surgery, these links may help:

If you are at the stage where you are planning to have surgery but are looking for information so you can be better prepared for what is to come, take a look at these links:

And if you want to picture what your life might be like with a replaced hip, take a look at the posts and threads from other BoneSmarties provided in this link:

Glad to see you but wish it wasn't for another surgery, but hey...glad you're back.

My famous skorts!!! YES! A new supply has been purchased but I still have a few from back then! They’re pretty easy to find these days so I hope that helps gals as much as they helped me.

Thanks for the “welcome” and I’ll try to behave on the forum! Still working 50 hrs a week at almost 70 and ready to get back to traveling. Covid messed up our plans but thankful that I have direction now to get back into major mobility shape!
Hi @beachgal and welcome back! We overlapped a little, but I'm sad I don't remember the skorts :heehee:
I am wishing you all the best! I know you know how to do this, and you will have a happy hip soon enough!
In the meantime, I got #2 done summer of 2017, and they are both doing well if idiosyncratically, but that's just my body for ya. We are currently on vacation, at which I planned to try paddle boarding (at all-the-way-70!), but the water has not bern cooperative. Another summer!
Hi, @zauberflöte, and thanks so much for the welcome, especially since you are on vacay! So glad to hear of your good outcomes with your hip surgeries and I'm hoping I can join those ranks here shortly. I was so anxious with my first THR in 2014, I did a lot of "overkill" in my prep but I'm glad I erred on the side of caution. It does help to have one experience (especially a good one!) behind you so you can not waste time on the things that don't matter so much. Ah, and maybe the age now has softened my resolve but heightened my awareness that I don't need to wait for this 2nd surgery. I'll keep posting here, will update when I get a firm surgery date after I see my lovely ortho dr. in September, and maybe I'll be traveling short trips by Christmas! Fingers crossed, and continued blessings and happiness to you!
@beachgal Welcome back to BoneSmart! Glad to hear you will soon join the double hippie club! We'll be here to keep you company again!
@Ocean, are you in line for your first hip procedure? I didn’t notice a surgery date in your post. Appreciate you checking in as it’s always an interesting journey. I’m so ready, though, and blessed to have a great surgeon. Best of luck to you!
@beachgal, I had my operation on 11th July, so about 12 days ago and doing OK so far. I didn’t have any expectations or goals for recovery and I’m just going with the flow and hoping that things go smoothly.

I already think that it’s made a big difference with all that arthritis pain gone and this surgical discomfort more manageable than the pain before surgery.
Question for all the recently-scheduled procedures:
Have any of your surgeons suggested or offered up doing your hip replacement surgery outpatient? My surgeon’s group has built a new surgery center and I’m wondering if that may be an option for me?
FYI, hubby had spine surgery last November and it was outpatient there. Absolutely no problems at all and since it’s my second procedure, I’m staying awake at night wondering if I have the “option”, if I should give it a go?

One other minor question but I read a thread earlier that started me thinking....what is the usual time frame before you can shower after surgery? My dr asked me to wait two weeks previously so I’m hoping that it’s shorter now.
@beachgal Yes there are quite a few people having hip replacements done as day surgery. Many hospitals are doing this to try to minimize the chances of patients catching COVID. Of course ALL patients would be carefully assessed to make sure there were no medical problems before allowing them to go home. And if there were any problems one would stay at least over night. So if you are in general good health, have a good support system at home, and would like to do things this way ... do ask your surgeon about this option!

As for showering ..... I can not imagine any surgeon saying no showers for 2 weeks! Many surgeons these days are using waterproof bandages. After my BTHR I was in hospital for about 5 days and my cousin helped me shower the day I got home.
When first discussing the surgery, my OS didn't offer it as an outpatient procedure, but he lit up like a Christmas tree when I asked about it. Right then he scheduled OP. He told me that if he schedules for an overnight stay, insurance won't allow him to discharge as OP, but if he schedules as OP, he is allowed to order an extra night or more if the patient needs it.
For me, it entailed getting to pre-op several hours ahead of surgery time, a couple of hours in surgery, two or three more afterwards plus performing the required walk, steps, and bathroom functions...then home. Someone from the surgeon's office called the next morning to check on me.
It all worked out great.
Good luck to you with your surgery and new hip.
@djklaugh and @subie2021, you guys have started off my week with a smile with your great replies of OP possibilities. Makes sense re Covid and all the other viral dangers lurking these days but I wasn’t expecting such encouraging news!

When I had hip #1 in 2014, I spent two nights in hospital and then recovered at our second home for seven weeks. My ortho surgeon is about 3 hrs away from our main home and we have since sold our second home so I’ll be staying in a hotel for the first few weeks after hip #2. This is the same process we used when hubby had his spine surgery last Nov. and it was fabulous. It’s only about five minutes from ortho drs new surgical center so very convenient. It has ADA suites, full kitchen, etc and pup is approved to stay with me/us anytime we’re there. I’m hoping this works out.

I will push for more lenient shower privileges than I had the first time. I think the fear back then was infection ar surgical site bc my PT helper who came each day paid much attention to its care. I’m sure the patch-up is much improved since then so I’m sure I will be allowed to shower sooner.

I’m so grateful for this life-changing surgery and am so anxious to have it done. I’d go today if they called. Thankful, too, for this group of folks who share information and your experiences. You’re all great cheerleaders!
Hi @beachgal
Welcome back to the forum.

I had sutures and surgistrips and an Aquacell bandage .. I think I took my first shower on day 5 :chinstroke:
I was given 3 or 4 more to replace them.

Yes, We sure do have a lovely supportive group of members.

Will be following your journey.:tada:
I was able to shower as soon as I able to do so. I had the waterproof bandage and it worked like a charm.
I like your hotel idea.. no sense adding more stress when it can be avoided.. good for you!
I remember your first recovery, you were ahead on mine and I read your thread like it was my job!
Was surprised at how long they made you wait for that shower... can't imagine that would be the case this time around. Unless he thinks you are going to a Roman Bath or something like that!
@CricketHip, hello, again, my friend! I remember all our posts back and forth...I am OCD by nature and the first surgery gave me a perfect opportunity to see how well I could prepare. This time, not so much....I'm really just trying to get to that quiet post-op place of not caring what the day or time is, ice on hip, water in hand, and resting up.

Yes, I was horrified, I recall, at no shower for two weeks but I had a stack of white washcloths (cheap ones from Walmart) that I used each day to sponge bathe. I'm not doing that this time. I will admit, though, that the first shower was a doozy. I was so afraid I'd slip, I had spread a rough towel on the shower floor for traction, and had my sister and my hubby standing by, towels in hand, and I literally let them dry me off while I laid on the bed, also covered in towels. I'm laughing now at the visual, but, hey, we do what we have to do. Each time got easier and I'm not so fearful this time around.

Thanks for checking in, so glad to see you're doing well and still putting out the good karma on this forum!

Hi Jennifer, At my OS group, the majority of hip replacements are done Out Patient. Research has shown that when patients are carefully assessed beforehand, there is no increase in readmissions, infections, dislocations and other complications. Obviously, your blood loss, blood pressure, mobility and pain levels are all taken into consideration before discharge.

I had bilateral surgery 9 weeks ago and was discharged same day.

I had the waterproof bandage and was told I could shower after 3 days. I’m not sure why 3 days but maybe they want to be sure blood pressures are not too low and we’d get dizzy.

I spent the first 2 weeks downstairs before attempting those 14 steps so I didn’t shower until 2 weeks! Before you go yuk, I had laid in a supply of hospital grade disposable wash cloths and Charming wipes. Every morning I scrubbed myself with these but the showers were definitely nice after those 2 weeks.
@Zoebichon, I'm laughing at your "no shower for two weeks" remark! Frankly, I wasn't terribly concerned about no shower for the first week bc I didn't really feel like exerting the effort but once I started moving around better, well, it was very tempting. My PT that came to my house warned me against it, though, and I was determined to follow OS instructions to the letter so I obliged. I just couldn't make it to two weeks on the shampoo, though.

I continue to be hopeful that I'll be treated as outpatient. I'll know more once I speak with my OS but all the comments here are assuring that it can be done! With their new surgical center, they are "state of the art" now and I'd be much happier in my hotel room than a hospital unless there is a medical reason. It will be my first and second question for my doc. Can I be outpatient? Can I shower sooner than two weeks? Yes, writing those in my notes right now.... Congrats on your recovery and rehab! I trust things are going well for you. :beer:
Welcome back @beachgal! So glad you've been able to line up your surgeon again and are ready for this next step toward freedom from pain. Looking forward to hearing how well you will be doing this time.

Reading everyone's posts about OP hips these days is so encouraging. How times have changed! I had bilateral hips in 2003 - when few OS would do a bilateral. In the hospital for nearly 12 days - but oh, that first shower on about day 10 - heaven. I recall my nurses kept fighting with the insurance company that wanted to send me home that they had to wait until I was stair ready. And the evening of day 11, my OS popped in for a visit. Told me to get out of bed and bring my crutches. The hubs and daughters were there. After watching me walk with crutches, he handed m his elbow and took my crutches and said let's walk. It was so liberating as they had coddled me for so long! We were all thrilled! Thanks for the memories! lol! :rotfl:
@NightQuilter, I cannot imagine being in hospital for almost two weeks with surgery but that was almost 20 years ago and, my, how things have changed! I’m anticipating all the new advances in just my eight years since first hip. Of course, I’m eight years older, too, so there will be some give and take. I’m just trying to remember my own advice of letting your body heal itself on it’s time schedule. I do recall another mental adjustment I had to make—my recovery became my “ job”. I’m still self-employed and have a busy business but, except for a few things I could handle from home, I really didn’t fret over work. All of my clients knew what was going on and I checked on them periodically, but I tackled my rehab and recovery with the same intention as my work. It was a luxury I afforded myself that paid off in spades.

Thanks for the good wishes and I hope all here, awaiting surgery or recovering, have a great day! With so much troubling on the national news, let’s be the bright spot in our day! :wave:

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