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SLAP Injury Repair Worsening pain 10 weeks post slap repair.


new member
Jun 26, 2022
United States United States
I had arthroscopic shoulder surgery on April 18 2022 to repair type 2 SLAP tear and recieved 3 anchors I was in a sling for 6 weeks and started Physical therapy 7 days post op and have been going 3 days a week since then. I had very little pain and was very happy after surgery until a few weeks ago when the pain came back and has been getting worse since. My shoulder hurts some but my biceps is so painful and getting worse. The pain now is worse than it was prior to surgery. I have also started loosing range of motion I had gained back and pt is concerned but when I tried to as the surgeon I felt it was blown off and told to take anti-inflammatory medicine which isn't helping, has anyone else experienced this. I am a dog groomer and I am very concerned about my ability to return to work.
@Majesticarts Welcome to BoneSmart! Sorry you are in pain post op. Have you done anything different since that pain kicked in? Lifted something?

Sounds like you need to make an appointment with the surgeon and have a face to face discussion. Perhaps have your PT call the surgeon since they are also concerned.
Thank you, nothing different that I recall! I did see my surgeon the week before last and that's when the said to take anti inflammatory meds the PT also sent my surgeon extensive notes the 2 days before o seen the surgeon. Unfortunately the pain has been worsening since so I will have to try to get in before my next follow up at the end of July. The Physical therapist at my last session mentioned getting a machine to help my ROM at home but as my case is a workers comp case I have to wait for approval.
In my own experience, many surgeons don't seem to even glance at PT notes. The one I see now does and gets much information. In part, many PR reports just show exercises done with little diagnostic info or suggestions. Get a copy of the notes and highlight info to point out to the doc. More of a chance the surgeon will look at it if you're putting it right in front of their face. Try keeping a pain diary that documents which actions bring on pain, meds you're taking etc.

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