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We passed!!

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Jan 14, 2008
United States United States
Thanks to those who were praying for us. Harley (my black lab) and I passed the therapy dog test last night and attended our first observed visit right afterwards. It was so great! The only negative was that the meeting was down a flight of stairs and Harley and I never walked down or up a whole flight of stairs before. Imagine going down stairs when you've only recently achieved the ability to do so alternating steps, being drug by a 95 pound, exuberant dog, knowing you have to maintain control and you cannot let go of his leash! It was exciting. Going up wasn't much better.

Anyway, this is a great thing for Harley and me because it requires me to get out and walk him often and in all sorts of environments, which is great for my knee recovery, too.

Have a great day, everyone!
I hate to sound parental...But I knew you could do it.
Congratulations lady!! Hugs from me to you.
Shake Harley's paw for me. Also, tell him Rosey and Zeke said hi.
I don't know whom to be more proud of. Your pal Harley for passing his therapy dog test, or you for mamging the stairs with him! Well done.
I wish I had a video of us on the stairs... it would be a hit on YouTube.
No one got hurt right? True test was on the new knee, huh?
Skeet, I'm SO happy for you!! And it sounds like you got some serious knee therapy to boot. What a deal.
Yes, I was uninjured, just a little freaked out as I looked at the number of stairs I would be falling down if Harley didn't halt. Fortunately, he listened to me. We're going to practice stairs for sure...
But him minding you on Halt was part of the training and also why he passed. Because he stops when told. Right?
congratulations Skeet! I really admire you for continuing your training with Harley through your knee recovery. You can do a lot of good with a therapy dog. Good for you!
And a big congratulations for YOU for *not* putting on the "halt" when you saw those stairs. I still kind of panic when I see stairs, expecting them to hurt or that I will be wobbly. Great job!
Congratulations Harley and Skeet, on both counts. What a wonderful acheivement for both of you. Your family and you must be very proud!!
Jenn, yes, Harley stops on command, thank God! Otherwise, I'd be typing this from a hospital bed.

Sue, thanks. Harley is a sweetheart and everyone at the visit wanted to hug on him. He made lots of people smile. That's the whole point. Bring a little sunshine into the lives of others.
Hey Skeet, any direction on getting the dog to walk on a leash rather than pull and walk the person?
I use the click and treat method. Harley started out with a prong collar as he was really bad at pulling. That stopped the pulling and got him into better habits. I walk him and when he is walking along without pulling, he hears me say "walk" and then I click the clicker and give him a treat. Eventually, they put two and two together. Then to get him to turn or whatever with a featherlight touch, you just walk around and when they respond to the light touch, you click and treat. Harley loves food so this method works great. You can buy a book on how to teach your dog using the clicker method if you need more info. It's been very effective for us and there is no yelling, jerking, etc. A very loving way to train a dog.
My wife uses the same method on me when we're walking..I respond to food well. just sayin'
And what kind of collar do you get Doug?

Skeet What is a prong collar? Is that what I think it is, does it hurt?
We have a gentle leader but no one can get it on her correctly.
gentle leads are hard to get the dog used to. I would hold it up and when she even touches it with her nose, I'd "click" and treat. Then take it one or two inches further the next time and click and treat again. It is slow but it works. Eventually you will be able to get it on her. The prong collar has some pieces that bend in towards the neck. I tried it on my arm first. It doesn't really hurt. It just helps provide power steering while they learn. I don't use it now becuase he has learned how to behave well without it. He loved putting it on, so I assume he was good with it. Labs are very thicked skinned and it worked well for him. What kind of dog do you have?

Maisy is a St, Bernard/ Aussie shep mix. There is a couple pix of her on the pix thread. I assume you do not use the leashes that go out and retract. but a short one.
Just my two cents on the leash thing. ALWAYS use the short ones, the retractables let the dog have too much freedom and they do not make the association of 'walking with their master'. We always use the type collars that tighten when it gets pulled. That way if the dog pulls it tightens up and releases as soon as they stop pulling so they learn 'pulling' is not a good thing. It will also get their attention if you give a firm yank and give them a 'verbal' correction at the same time. There will be no charge for this service.
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