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Thursday is the Day

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Mar 2, 2009
United States
All of the pre-op exams are done and the last minute home preparations are finished too. Now I have to try to keep myself as calm as I can as I wait for thursday, the day of my BTKR surgery. I will be working right up through Wednesday so that should help to keep me busy.

I am having a hard time dealing with well-meaning but not very helpful comments from people. I am nervous enough without getting unsolicited advice or feeling like I have to explain my situation to others. My husband has said to ignore it but that is not always so easy.

Comments have been made questioning the hospital because it is a teaching hospital and a student might be working on me part of the time. (I know this is true but my doctor is the head of the department and will be supervising the entire time.) Another has to do with my choices of rehab. Still another questions the safety of doing both knees at once because her doctor will not do bilateral knees stating it is unsafe.

I have handled them for the most part up until now but as I get closer to the date, am off my pain meds, and am getting more and more nervous, it is getting harder to ignore what people say. I guess I am just scared. I will make it four more days!!!
Wedesay is my big day! I too am quaking in my boots. I find that it is all I think about.

I'll support you if you support me.

It is tough without the handfull up pain relievers everyday. I just keep telling myself I am going to be a new person.

Kirk in Michigan
I hope that both our surgeries go smoothly and we handle the rehab well. I will be glad to give you support, if I can. Right now, I am petrified!
You both will be in my prayers! :pray:

Fear of the unknown is normal. I also questioned my decision. My OS told my husband afterwards that my knee was worse than he thought. It was a necessary surgery and I'm thankful it's over. Looking ahead to great success like so many of the others have had.

You will be thankful as well once you're able to get on with life again!

Bless your hearts! Do your best to get your mind on something else. Focus on the wonderful way your life is going to be transformed in a few week's time! Anxiety is part of the ride, I'm afraid but it is part excitement as well as part trepidation!
And make sure you steer clear of all those "well meaning" dolts who seem compelled to make your wait time even more anxious. Hubby is right....ignore those comments. People so often feel the need to fill up air time with stupid advice to make themselves seem more important and all-knowing. And do focus on the good things that will come with this surgery. (((HUGS)))))
You guys will do great! After all, look at the support team you have!!!Just a few more ays and life will be wonderful for you guys again!!! :)
You both will do great and don't pay attention, people for some dumb reason like to spread doom and gloom.

But there is non, this is great to get the knees done and to be up and about with out pain in a few weeks.

Bless you both and we will see you on the other side and you will be so happy.( well maybe a little in pain) but hey it is different pain it will go away.
I will be sending out prayers to both of you!!! And you both will be in my thoughts daily!!! It is hard to wait these last few days. But just try to keep your mind busy thinking about all the thing you will be able to do after recovery!!!! And just close your ears to all the unwanted advice. Just tell them that you have everything under control.
But if you do have any question you will come to them with your questions!!! (NOT)
I had both knees done on June 9th! Believe me the surgery was not as bad as I had pictured it in my mind. You will do just fine. I will keep you in my prayers.
You Gals and Guys are great.

I don't know what I woulde have done if I didn't have this group to lean on. Hopefully in a couple of days I won't be doing so much leaning. Ha, ha.

It is so great to be able to ship off a quick note to a group of people that have everything in common.

Thanks again
Kirk in Michigan
I agree with Kirk. You are all great to offer your support and prayers. Thank you so much!!!

I find I am getting more anxious every day. I believe this is the right thing to do but I am still very nervous.
Good luck, Kirk! Lean on!!!! That's what we're here for! :)
Blessings to the both of you! You are in the best spot ever for love and support. The knowledge factor is a wonderful thing too! Please do post to us as soon as you can. We'll be waiting to hear!
Love and Prayers Always
I am Thursday too .. less than 12 hours actually. And like you, I have heard some dumb stuff. One I won't repeat .. the visuals are still with me.. people think they're "Helpful" giving you the worst imaginable scenario .. then finishing with, but now she's just fine and glad she did it. LOL ! having a glass of wine since it's nothing after midnight, up at 5:30 am for the drive to the hospital. Looking forward to being home on Monday and back on this computer to enjoy the support that's here .
Well we seem to have quite a line up for thursday. Wishing you all the best tomorrow and will be praying to hear from you all real soon.
I agree!! Good Luck Thursday people!!! We're all thinking positive thoughts for you! Keep posting!! :)
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