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Hop -thanks for the info. Yeah, let me know about the night hours.

I'm doing pretty good at home -I can lift my operated leg up straight from laying on the bed w/out assistance now. I think just because I did pilates and yoga prior to surgery, I still had some flexibility in the joint. You will get there! You seem so dedicated and so committed to improving.

I was thinking today......when I was your age, the only thing on my mind was planning my 1st wedding, and my next island adventure, or spending big bucks on clothes, working out at Spa Lady, and clubbing. It's not fair that you have to go through all of this at such a young age!
Tell your boyfriend that I said, after all you have been through, he should take you on an amazing vacation somewhere, before you go back to work!

Thanks for the support, Hop. All of those items are on my mind and will continue once I'm all recovered! Yes, we are actually planning a vacation for June/July -I want to ensure I'm fully recovered so I can really enjoy it.
Jamaica was really nice, but leave the resort area at your own risk------the natives are very poor and will mug you for your shoes! Same wiith Dominican Republic! PR is beautiful, but also not too safe to roam.
St Thomas, Bahamas and Bermuda are all beautiful and very clean, and much safer. Bahamas & Aruba are full of casinos, but not St Thomas or Bermuda.
Now I want to get away toooooo!

Anyway, back to reality...... I asked the PT's how late they are open, and they said the latest hip appointments are 6:30 to 7:00, because hip patients need more than 1-hour, and they close at 8:00

I like non-reality better! LOL. We are actually thinking about Bahamas for this trip.

Thanks for asking -I will get in a couple weeks of daytime appointments, but want to make sure I can find a place with night appointments once I go back to work.
I would have chose the Bahamas too. Nice beaches, and casino hotels. The have scuba diving and swimming with dolphins as fun excursions. Best of all it's less than 3 hours to get there by plane.

The last time we went, it was by cruise from Manhattan.
The Norweigen makes 2 stops in the Bahamas, one stop at Disney World and one stop at Cocoa Beach FL. We had so much fun, that we did that cruise 2 times!

Back AND forth, Hop? Its getting late!!! Hope you're feeling good! We're going to get tropical weather this weekend......finally!!!! :)
I had my 6 weeks check up today, and it was easy. I met with the PA, and she checked my range of movement, and prescribed another 6 weeks of PT. No x-ray or ultrasound this time. It was exactly as hurtingbuthopeful told me it would be, since she went to the same practice.

I am now officially allowed to sleep on my operated side, but not the other side. But the abductor pillow stays for 6 more weeks. (I hate that thing!)

She told me to buy vitamin E oil caplets, and each day open one and spread it on the incision, pressing hard, and only going down (not back and forth). That will get rid of the scar.

operated side only for the next 6-weeks........but I cheat a little...... shhhhhh!
ahh ok. I have been sleeping on my nonoperated side here and there with the pillow. I have my 6 week check up on Monday. I'll let u know what my OS says.
The reason they dont want you to lay on the non-op site is-----what if your top leg accidentally slips forward and the knee hits the mattress? That angle could easily cause a dislocation, or at minimal tear the inside stitches or the muscle formed capsule. Be extra careful on that side. Ooouch!

I can't believe you guys have to use that horrible pillow so long! I never used mine after I got home - just used regular pillows! Sounds like you're doing great, tho, Hop! :)
The month of April seems to be never-ending! I'm half way to the 3 month mark. In 6 more weeks I will be walking great and there WILL be a party!
I can not wait to be walking great!!! Yup, me too -we are 1/2 way there Hop!

That makes sense about sleeping on the operated side instead -thanks!
Your original question on shoes. I don't know what the weather is like were you are, but it is warm in Texas already & last year when I had my surgery, I lived in my Teva sandals. They were the only shoes I owned that I could put on by myself to go for walks outside. You must have found shoes you like by now, but for sandals I recommend the Teva brand. They are comfortable, kinda "cool" and have good arch support like a sneaker!
Speaking of shoes....

Are there specific recommendations/requirements for the type of shoes to wear in the hospital after surgery. Do they want you to have shoes or slippers with closed heels or does it not matter?


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