THR Over did it after a year and a half


junior member
Oct 25, 2019
United States United States
Hello! I’m about 11 days out from my TLHR anterior approach. 44 years old, bilateral SCFE with AVN on left side.
Recovery is up and down. I had my first PT today. My goal is to eventually have range of motion that I lost 30+ years ago - maybe I’m dreaming but even just a little outward rotation would be huge. And NO limp. I’ve had one sporadically all this time and I’d love to just walk unspectacularly.
Challenges right now: Having trouble sleeping. I’ve noticed that every once In a while my heart starts racing -up to 130- and it takes all my focus to get it down. Normally it’s in the 70-80 range (according to my iwatch). Also, my blood pressure is up in the 130-140/80-90. My guess is this is a result of a) all the pain b) all the painkillers c) the blood thinners d) the trauma of surgery d) being so sedentary. Any thoughts? I see the PA Tuesday and I’m going to bring it up.
Hello @Greataa11 - and :welome:

Unfortunately, many people have problems with sleeping after this surgery. There's an article about it in the recovery guidelines I'll give you.

As for your other symptoms, they should settle down soon, but if they don't, do check with your own doctor.

Hip Recovery: The Guidelines
1. Don’t worry: Your body will heal all by itself. Relax, let it, don't try and hurry it, don’t worry about any symptoms now, they are almost certainly temporary
2. Control discomfort:
take your pain meds by prescription schedule (not when pain starts!)​

3. Do what you want to do BUT
a. If it hurts, don't do it and don't allow anyone - especially a physical therapist - to do it to you​
b. If your leg swells more or gets stiffer in the 24 hours after doing it, don't do it again.​

4. PT or exercise can be useful BUT take note of these

5. At week 4 and after you should follow this

6. Access these pages on the website

Pain management and the pain chart
Healing: how long does it take?
Chart representation of THR recovery

Dislocation risk and 90 degree rule
Energy drain for THRs
Pain and swelling control: elevation is the key
Post op blues is a reality - be prepared for it
Myth busting: on getting addicted to pain meds
Sleep deprivation is pretty much inevitable - but what causes it?

BIG TIP: Hips actually don't need any exercise to get better. They do a pretty good job of it all on their own if given half a chance. Trouble is, people don't give them a chance and end up with all sorts of aches and pains and sore spots. All they need is the best therapy which is walking and even then not to excess.

We try to keep the forum a positive and safe place for our members to talk about their questions or concerns and to report successes with their joint replacement surgery.

While members may create as many threads as they like in a majority of BoneSmart's forums, we ask that each member have only one recovery thread. This policy makes it easier to go back and review history before providing advice.
@Greataa11 Welcome to BoneSmart!
My goal is to eventually have range of motion that I lost 30+ years ago - maybe I’m dreaming but even just a little outward rotation would be huge. And NO limp. I’ve had one sporadically all this time and I’d love to just walk unspectacularly.
Should be achievable but do remember - it too you years to develop all this. It will take time and patience to get this back on track. Do use your walking aids (walker, can crutch) until you no longer limp. Many of our members transition to hiking poles to help them correct a limp.
I’ve noticed that every once In a while my heart starts racing -up to 130- and it takes all my focus to get it down. Normally it’s in the 70-80 range (according to my iwatch). Also, my blood pressure is up in the 130-140/80-90.
I had all those symptoms post op LTHR. What blood thinners are you taking? Please do mention this to the PA at your followup.

BTW - you are not sedentary. You are in recovery. Big difference! All that hip to heal.
Hi there @Greataa11
This recovery is so up & down... at 11 days out your body is just getting over the trauma of the op.... it will soon start co-operating & move smoother & easier...

Walking is just the best exercise to get that hip in good condition for the future...but do take your time... let your body heal too & it will repay you..

Yes, I’ve had racing heartbeats after this op... I too think it could be related to blood thinners...

Hope the weekend is good for you xx
Hi @Greataa11
Glad you have joined our hip group of folks.
Bonesmart was a lifeline for me during recovery as I found that there were those who were walking the walk, and those who were back to their lives helping me get through the process.
Hope you are staying chilled and getting in to a recovery groove.:ice:

Healing mojo coming your way.
Hi I’m on Lovenox and baby aspirin x1 day. I think it’s too much honestly because there’s also all that Tylenol. I just put a call in to the physician. I really do not like Tylenol and wonder if I could instead do some sort of CBD /regular aspirin combo going forward. I hate the OxyContin. I want to pour the remaining pills down the toilet!
Thanks for the words of encouragement! I’m so grateful to have found this forum.
Welcome! We're happy you found us. Thanks for joining us here and congrats on your new hip! The support here is awesome so hang with us for encouragement as you're healing.
Wishing you comfort and a nice Saturday as you continue the journey. :walking:
Might be an idea to call your GP & let him know...I’m sure he could work out another regime that might work better for you..

However, I’ve found Paracetamol (Tylenol) to be my pain reliever of choice... (there is no blood thinning agent in them) ... I take 2 x 4 times per day & it keeps the pain under control... I take then with two codeine tablets of a night & it lets me sleep. I used this regime with my hips too... Have the injections of blood thinner in the evening but only until Monday... yay!

I’m sure another few days will see you more settled and st ease with your new hip!!! x
Try not to monitor Bp and HR too much.... when you think or worry about it, it’ll zoom up sky high lol.
Congrats and take it easy you’re only 11 days in! I took all the advice on here and that stood to me x.
Alright my PA this morning insisted I go to the ER . It wasn’t a blood clot or PE. I really think it’s too much blood thinner . I did this same regime when I was pregnant but my body weight was 15kg higher. Now I need to follow up with my GP Monday. I’m Factor
Five Leiden so that puts everyone on edge.
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@Greataa11 - I have the opposite problem to you. I bleed too easily, while you're prone to forming blood clots.

I don't know anything about Factor Five Leiden, but I think you should be asking your haematologist as well as your GP about the dose of anticoagulant you have been prescribed.
It probably depends on exactly what anticoagulant you have been prescribed. Some come in different strengths and some are a standard dose for all.
:hi: Happy Friday!
Wondering how you're doing and how your appointment went on Monday.
I hope all is well. We'd love to hear from you when you have time.
Best wishes for a great weekend as you continue healing. :)
Hi! Thank you for checking in. I met with my GP Monday who assured me I was just on too much blood thinner and that the heart racing would pass as soon as all the Lovenox was half-lived out of my system (5 days -so essentially it’s gone now). Then on Tuesday, we braved a blizzard here in Denver to see my PA who removed the zip line (is that what it’s called?) and as suspected my incision was bright red from the adhesive. It’s all calmed down now with some hydrocortisone and a Benedryl. I went to PT on Wednesday and received a lecture from the therapist for not doing more exercises at home (between the ER, the other appointments, our four-year-old’s school being closed and 10 inches of snow) and then proceeded to move me in positions that either hurt or felt scarily uncomfortably. That night I read some more on this site about PT and decided to cancel all future appointments. Walking and just keeping up with my child is gong to be my exercise until I can get back to barre and ballet classes. And so far so good. My hip itself actually feels like it’s healing. Walking around the house with a cane.

Question: I have a stick shift and had my left hip replaced. When can I drive? I’m off all the painkillers except aspirin or Tylenol. Anyone have a thought about that?
I went to PT on Wednesday and received a lecture from the therapist for not doing more exercises at home (between the ER, the other appointments, our four-year-old’s school being closed and 10 inches of snow) and then proceeded to move me in positions that either hurt or felt scarily uncomfortably. That night I read some more on this site about PT and decided to cancel all future appointments. Walking and just keeping up with my child is gong to be my exercise until I can get back to barre and ballet classes. And so far so good. My hip itself actually feels like it’s healing. Walking around the house with a cane.

Good decision! Physical Therapy can be so valuable but not when the one you go to is forcing the issue. You sound like you are level headed about your recovery.
As for the question about driving a standard? Gosh, I think I would ask my surgeon first and if they agree then maybe try some short little jaunts around your neighborhood, maybe?
I think it's a personal decision and have read about some of our members beginning to drive at varying times, my biggest worry for myself was the possibility of an accident.
My surgeon, with my right hip, said I could drive after the third week if off narcotics. Of course it's the other hip from yours and I drive an automatic, but the right leg deals with the brake.

You sound like you are off to a great start, congratulations! Glad you got the blood thinner issues figured out.
Have a good weekend. :flwrysmile:
Good move on cancelling the PT, anyone that moves you in ways that hurt does not know what they are doing. I had/have SCFE and had my L hip pinned in 69.. Before the THR I noted how liile ROM I had and was amazed at how much more I had in just days after the operation. Lying on the bed pre-op I couldn't slide my leg out to the side very much, post-op it goes a lot farther. I didn't walk with a limp unless the pain was real bad, but I did walk more on the balls of my feet than heel toe. My stride improved greatly post op, unfortunately I'm losing ROM in my rt. hip now. Hard to say on the stick shift deal, I was driving at 2 weeks but not a stick. Probably could have done it but it's hard to say. Of course driving and pain pills are a big no-no.
Happy Saturday to you and good call, in my opinion, on the decision to forego that PT.
I dropped it for the same reason and picked up a different PT after 2 months for gait training direction.
Also only my opinion, but I would say I would've given it at least 6 weeks before I drove a car with a clutch.
I would think that a LTHR and a manual would be less stressful than a RTHR and an automatic. The right foot must pivot between gas and brake and do it seamlessly in order to not hit the wrong pedal.
The left foot on the clutch is not as life threatening. You either do it right or not and the engine stalls.
Of course if you are on a hill you better get it right.

I had a RTHR and only have stick shifts. Try out in empty parking lot first.
Good Morning and Happy Saturday to you!
Thankfully the cause for rapid heart rate was determined and its now history.

I heard about the blizzard in Denver. Ugh! It feels way too early, but Winter is coming, I guess we need to prepare to brave the snow, cold and slippery conditions it brings.

I'm sorry you had a bad experience in PT, but thankful you made the decision to set it aside, at least for now. A great majority do just fine with walking as their only therapy from the beginning. You can always return to PT at a later date if you find there is something you want to work on.

I hope your day is sunny and bright...have a good one! :SUNsmile:

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