groin pain

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Feb 28, 2009
Hi folks,
I thought I might get a thought from all before i try and contact my old OS.

I had a successful rthr in april 2 years ago...and it has been largely a resounding success. Except that recently I have been getting pain in the groin at the front of the leg. I don't think its the joint as such, it feels secure and pain free, but the muscle or ligament or whatever that is down there is causing issues, when I step up 2 steps at a time or i walk up a steep hill. Anything that involves lifting the knee upwards. Its also uncomfortable at night....such as lifting the leg into the drivers seat (right hand drive)
Has anyone got any ideas as to what this could be. I have been slack with exercise and it could just be that the joint is not getting enough muscular support, but I really am unsure....
Wonderful to hear from you, but I'm sorry you're having pain. I'll tag Jo for you to see what she has to say. @Josephine:

I agree with you that it is most likely not anything related to your implant. Please check out this thread and see if it sounds like what you are experiencing....

Iliospoas Syndrome
That would be my guess ....
Wonderful to hear from you, but I'm sorry you're having pain. I'll tag Jo for you to see what she has to say. @Josephine:

I agree with you that it is most likely not anything related to your implant. Please check out this thread and see if it sounds like what you are experiencing....

Iliospoas Syndrome

Wonder if that is my problem. I have groin pain 24/7. Just never goes away :hissyfit: extremely aggravating because I was hoping to start job hunting but right now I wouldn't hire myself. Some days are worse the others but never bad enough to take pain meds again:sigh:
Could happens. Why don't you try the treatment Jo suggests and see what happens. You do want to get any pain like this under control. You don't want to risk it becoming a chronic condition.
Could happens. Why don't you try the treatment Jo suggests and see what happens. You do want to get any pain like this under control. You don't want to risk it becoming a chronic condition.

I am going to mention it to my pt. She is going to start making me work harder now but I hate that I feel like I am at a stand still for the past 6 weeks it hasn't gotten better or worse. Joining the gym next month. Hopefully that will help.:rolleyespink:
Christina, I don't think your PT should be making you work harder if you are still having pain. That is only going to make things worse.
How do you get a diagnosis of this condition Jo? And how do you know if its bursitis or just the syndrome. Its not a problem all the time, just when I lift the knee upwards and if i hold it there it really urks right on the side of the pubic bone. I suspect the sacroilliac joint is also causing an issue. I have been to the chiro and she is working quite hard at getting it resolved, but its not there yet actually she hasn't given me a formal diagnosis, she's just trying to stretch the muscles there...I wonder whether i would be better with the physio....
Hmmm...well, if it were me, I would rest it for awile. I would stop the exercise and try icing and some OTC pain meds. Sometimes a little TLC goes a long way. That is just what I found worked best for me when I was hurting...
Thanks nanamac,
i haven't been doing much "exercise" as such, for ages...just chasing after the kids etc. i suspect part of the problem is that I haven't been doing the exercises enough. ...I no longer even remember the official exercises I am supposed to do! Life gets in the way after THR!
Well, as you most certainly know.....chasing after kids and all the home duties ARE exercise!!! Big time! So, I don't necessarily think you should feel bad about not continuing the formal exercises from your recovery. It's more likely that you've done something to irritate the soft tissues and that is what has resulted in your pain. So don't beat yourself up too much, hon!!! You are definitely getting exercise.
I needed an excuse NOT to do the housework!....
Life just keeps on, keeping on. and to be honest I totally forget about the hip most of the time. Its only when it gets niggly that I start to pay attention
Yeah, but that might not be anything to do with exercise or the lack thereof. Just think about what you've been doing recently and you'll likely find the answer.

For instance, I have shoulder issues which recently seemed to have settled down. But last night they flared up big time and why? Because I spent most of the day doing a 'deep clean' in my bathroom and bedroom! But it was strange because they didn't hurt at the time! :snork:
Wonder if that is my problem. I have groin pain 24/7. Just never goes away :hissyfit: extremely aggravating because I was hoping to start job hunting but right now I wouldn't hire myself. Some days are worse the others but never bad enough to take pain meds again:sigh:

I don't have pain 24/7 but I'm still using the walking stick to walk at a good pace and need it on steps and climbing because of the weakness and pain in the hip flexors at times. I wouldn't hire me either and I've got to be looking for a job NOW. Frustrating.
I'm afraid that's the nature of these muscular and ligament injuries at all times of life really. We are busy enjoying what we are doing unless it's the sort of cleaning Jo was talking about, in which case we hope we are surviving it. However, much experience we think we may have, it is desperately difficult to spot that stage just before serious damage is caused. With walking or running or swimming it is at least possible to measure a combination of speed and distance, but even that does not always work. This morning, for example, I felt as if I were swimming in treacle, all because, as I now realise, I walked much further than usual yesterday afternoon, with no ill effects, as I then thought.

It's so difficult. Listen to your body, they say, but what if the body is keeping stumm just when you need it to be communicative?

All the best, Alan
I think my problem is that this discomfort has come on unexpectedly. I have had no issues since about july to have this annoyance is annoying me!
Exactly! You did something it didn't like so instead of trying to work it out or fix it, try doing less of everything if possible to rest it. I know, easier said than done...

Even this far out, it still wouldn't hurt to take OTC meds and ice it also...or heat. Works like a charm on most everything :wink1:.

The good news is that you didn't do anything to hurt yourself, so time and the above will probably take care of it...
kangaroo...listen to Josephine. I had pretty much the same problem. The THR was great, then I started having this groin pain. It scared me to death cause I had a few months pain free in my hip and leg after the surgery than Wham! Pain in the groin and leg. Josephine said it may be that illospoas syndrome. I went back to my doctor, he did some bloodwork to make sure there wasn't a infection, took x-rays (hip looks great) then sent me to a muscle doctor. He did a ultrasound and explained to me what happened and told me it was the Illospoas Syndrome. He said PT 3times a week. BTW...can't afford PT so got the exercises from the site Josephine suggested. He said, do the PT and DON'T PUSH IT. Ice and heat and anti- inflammatories. It's not going to go away overnight. But it should go away. .
I can imagine it is annoying - just when you thought you were out of the woods! However, people get these issues all the time even when they haven't had surgery!
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