TKR gmom's recovery thread<


new member
Jan 16, 2019
United States United States
Well, I am five days post surgery and feeling pretty good. PT is a challenge, but certainly doable. I’m so happy to have the surgery behind me and ready to work on my recovery. I have a Berg icing machine and am using it constantly. I take it off for PT, my short walks and in the middle of the night. My question is, am I overdoing the icing and elevation?
Welcome to BoneSmart. I don’t know that you could ever overdo elevating and icing your knee unless you find doing so causes pain. Even in such cases it’s most likely that you are not properly supporting your leg while elevating or you don’t have your skin adequately protected from direct contact with the ice.

During my recovery, I had my knee elevated and iced anytime I wasn’t on my feet. This was mainly during my first 4 weeks or so.

The following are our basic guidelines and should help get you started. As you read more on other members recovery threads, you’ll get some better perspective of what to expect and what not to do, especially regarding PT.

Knee Recovery: The Guidelines

1. Don’t worry: Your body will heal all by itself. Relax, let it, don't try and hurry it, don’t worry about any symptoms now, they are almost certainly temporary
2. Control discomfort:
take your pain meds by prescription schedule (not when pain starts!)
don't overwork.
3. Do what you want to do BUT
a. If it hurts, don't do it and don't allow anyone - especially a physical therapist - to do it to you
b. If your leg swells more or gets stiffer in the 24 hours after doing it, don't do it again.​
4. PT or exercise can be useful BUT take note of these
5. At week 4 and after you should follow this
6. Access to these pages on the website

The Recovery articles:
The importance of managing pain after a TKR and the pain chart
Swollen and stiff knee: what causes it?

Energy drain for TKRs
Elevation is the key

Ice to control pain and swelling
Heel slides and how to do them properly

Chart representation of TKR recovery
Healing: how long does it take?

Post op blues is a reality - be prepared for it
Sleep deprivation is pretty much inevitable - but what causes it?

There are also some cautionary articles here
Myth busting: no pain, no gain
Myth busting: the "window of opportunity" in TKR
Myth busting: on getting addicted to pain meds

We try to keep the forum a positive and safe place for our members to talk about their questions or concerns and to report successes with their joint replacement surgery.

While members may create as many threads as they like in a majority of BoneSmart's forums, we ask that each member have only one recovery thread. This policy makes it easier to go back and review history before providing advice.
Thanks, I feel so much better when I’m icing, so I’m happy to know I’m not overdoing it.
As NavyGunns said, I don't think you can overdo the icing and elevating. But you can overdo the PT.

Your knee isn't lazy or unfit - it's been through major surgery and it's wounded. It needs time and gentle treatment, so it can heal.

At this very early stage of recovery, your knee will get all the exercise it needs, just by you walking to and from the bathroom and kitchen. Later on, you can increase the amount of activity.

In spite of what you may have been told, it's not exercising that gets you your ROM (Range of Motion) - it's time. Time to recover, time for swelling and pain to settle, and time to heal. Your ROM is there right from the start, just waiting for all that to happen, so it can show itself.

There's no need to rush to get ROM (Range of Motion) because it can continue to improve for a year, or even much longer, after a knee replacement. There isn't any deadline you have to meet:
Myth busting: the "window of opportunity" in TKR
Welcome to Bonesmart. You'll find lots of support and helpful advice here. I had to smile at your 'amusing your ice machine'. It's easy to overdo things when everything seems to be going well (says one speaking from experience!) so take care.
Well, I hope my Breg icing machine is amused, because we are joined at the knee!(a littypun on joined at the hip) Thanks all for the encouraging replies.
My question is, am I overdoing the icing and elevation?
Not to mention the rest! :wink:

I'd really like to offer you some structured advice but in order to do that, I also need to ask you some questions. Are you willing for me to do that?
Absolutely,ask away!
Here y'go then!

It would be very helpful if you would answer each one individually - numbered as I have done - in as much detail as you can then I'll come back as see where you are ....

1. what are your pain levels right now? (remember the 1-10 scale: 1 = no pain and 10 = the worst you can imagine. And don't forget to factor in other forms of pain such as soreness, burning, stabbing, throbbing, aching, swelling and stiffness).

2. what pain medications have you been prescribed, how much are you taking (in mg please) and how often?

3. how swollen is your leg compared to these?
gmom's recovery thread<

4. what is your ROM - that's flexion (bend) and extension (straightness)

5. are you icing your knee at all? If so, how often and for how long?

6. are you elevating your leg. If so how often and for how long?

7. what is your activity level? What do you do in the way of housework, cooking, cleaning, shopping, etc., and

8. are you doing any exercises at home? If so what and how often?
This is the most crucial question so please help me by using the format I have left as an example
(which means please make a list and not an essay!)

Exercises done at home
- how many sessions you do each day
- enter exercise by name then number of repetitions of each
etc., etc.

Anything done at PT
- how many times a week
- enter exercise by name then number of repetitions of each
etc., etc.
Hi Josephine, here are my answers:

1. Pain levels: 6-7 when exercising, 1-3 for normal activity

2. Medications: Oxycodone-5 mg. As of the last two days I take 2 at bedtime and 1 or 2 during the day
Acetaminophen: 500 mg. I take 2 in the morning and 2 at bedtime
Gabapentin: 300 mg. I take1 at bedtime
Meloxicam: 15 mg. I take 1 at bedtime.

3. Swelling: moderate

4. ROM: I’m sorry, the PT measures when she visits and she is happy with the measurements but I don’t really pay attention to the numbers. I know myself and if I paid attention to the numbers I’d be ordering my own goniometer and tracking the numbers. So, I’m trying to focus on how I feel when exercising and my perception of progress.

5. Icing: if I’m not exercising or doing something around the house, like making tea or folding laundry, I’m icing. I even ice at bedtime and sometimes fall asleep with the icing cuff on. I tend to then wake up after maybe 3 or 4 hours. At that point I turn the machine off and remove the cuff until the morning.

6. I elevate toes above nose about the same amount of time I ice. I’m fortunate in that my husband takes care of everything around the house, so I can focus on healing. Today is the first day my knee/leg have felt comfortable when I sit with my feet on the floor and my right knee bent instead of straight out resting on my heel.

7. Activity level: I walk to our mail box once each day. Around the house I make tea or coffee, lattes, toast but no real cooking. I do some laundry , wash and fold and not much else. Our house has 10 steps from the garage/laundry room to the first floor which is essentially our living room. The we have 8 steps from the first floor to our main floor with the dining room, family room ,kitchen and powder room. This is where I spend most of my time. Finally, we have 8 steps , a landing and then 8 more steps to our bedroom. So, I’m getting pretty comfortable walking up and down steps.

8. Home exercises
Heel slides 1 set of three with each slide held to a count of 30. I do these every hour
Press my knee as flat as possible: 10 held for a count of 5. I do these every hour.
Stationary bike 5 minutes. Most of the time spent pedaling back and forth.

The last three days I have been able to do three or four counterclockwise rotations and two or three clockwise rotations each session. The exception to this is the first session in the morning, where I am too stiff or swollen to do more than a back and forth pedaling.

Walking 5 minutes once each hour.

Home PT visits twice a week. I do all of the above exercises and the PT does some measuring.
You're less than a month from surgery so it sounds like you could cut back a bit on the exercises. I did the ones you describe maybe 3x per day; not every hour. The other thing is just moving your leg through its range when you're sitting here and there without being formal or on a schedule. I was still mostly icing and elevating at your stage.
Good to hear you're not doing cooking.
1. Pain levels: 6-7 when exercising, 1-3 for normal activity
If your pain score during exercising is that high, then you're doing it wrong.
2. Medications: Oxycodone 5 mg. As of the last two days I take 2 at bedtime and 1 or 2 during the day
Acetaminophen: 500 mg. I take 2 in the morning and 2 at bedtime
Gabapentin: 300 mg. I take1 at bedtime
Meloxicam: 15 mg. I take 1 at bedtime.
Oxycodone: you should be taking them as prescribed which usually is at least 4 times a day.
Acetaminophen: assuming the oxycodone has no acetaminophen in it, then you should take this 4 times a day at 6hrly intervals
Gabapentin: I don't understand why you are taking this at only 4 weeks out. That's much too early. Has your doctor told you it's a pain medication - because it's not. It's an anticonvulsant medication used to treat muscles spasms (cramp). If you think it's for pain management then I suggest you have a word with your doctor or pharmacist to ensure you're not having contradictory expectations from it
Meloxicam: or Mobic among others, is a nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory and therefore only a very mild pan killer. I suggest you focus your pain management on the Oxycodone and acetaminophen rather than the others.
3. Swelling: moderate
Did you factor this in to your pain score? Because moderate swelling would add a factor of 4 to your pain score.
4. ROM: I’m sorry, the PT measures when she visits and she is happy with the measurements but I don’t really pay attention to the numbers. I know myself and if I paid attention to the numbers I’d be ordering my own goniometer and tracking the numbers. So, I’m trying to focus on how I feel when exercising and my perception of progress.
But not being able to actually see you, it's the only way I can assess your progress. Perhaps next time she calls and measures you, you could make a note of the numbers (flexion and extension) and let me know. I can't offer full advice without it.
5. Icing: if I’m not exercising or doing something around the house, like making tea or folding laundry, I’m icing. I even ice at bedtime and sometimes fall asleep with the icing cuff on. I tend to then wake up after maybe 3 or 4 hours. At that point I turn the machine off and remove the cuff until the morning.
Good to hear that!
6. I elevate toes above nose about the same amount of time I ice.
That's the way to do it!
7. Activity level: I walk to our mail box once each day. Around the house I make tea or coffee, lattes, toast but no real cooking. I do some laundry , wash and fold and not much else. Our house has 10 steps from the garage/laundry room to the first floor which is essentially our living room. The we have 8 steps from the first floor to our main floor with the dining room, family room, kitchen and powder room. This is where I spend most of my time. Finally, we have 8 steps , a landing and then 8 more steps to our bedroom. So, I’m getting pretty comfortable walking up and down steps.
I suggest you go back to the Recovery guidelines in post #2 of this thread and read this one Activity progression for TKRs. I also suggest you follow the timetable closely.

Home exercises
Heel slides 1 set of three with each slide held to a count of 30. I do these every hour - that's too much. Read this Heel slides and how to do them properly
Press my knee as flat as possible: 10 held for a count of 5. I do these every hour - Also too much. do 5 at a time. However, these are not good for extension. The best way to get an improvement is to walk. And leave it alone, it will come back on it's own. Doing any extension exercises simply increases swelling and thus DEcreases the extenstion (this is also why I need your ROM numbers)
Stationary bike 5 minutes. Most of the time spent pedaling back and forth.- 5 mins too much. Try one minute and slowly increase every few days. BY which I mean increase by 30 seconds at a time!
Walking 5 minutes once each hour.
Remember your pain score. A score of 6-7 means you are doing far too much.
(or PT, whatever you want to call it) should NOT cause you pain AT ALL.

The last three days I have been able to do three or four counterclockwise rotations and two or three clockwise rotations each session. The exception to this is the first session in the morning, where I am too stiff or swollen to do more than a back and forth pedaling.
You're pushing it too hard. You shouldn't be at this stage until about 6-8 weeks.
Home PT visits twice a week. I do all of the above exercises and the PT does some measuring.
Reduce as I've suggested.

In summary:
let me know your ROM numbers as soon as you get them
amend your medications as suggested
cut back on your exercising considerably. You don't need all this, you really don't. Remember this

It's not the exercising that gets you your ROM, it's time. Time to recover, time for swelling and pain to settle and time to heal. One thing that seems to be missing from all the PT's protocols is that all your ROM is there right from the start, just waiting for all that to happen so it can show itself.

In the general run of things, it doesn't need to be fought for, worked hard for or worried about. It will happen. Exercise as in strength training is counter-productive and in the early weeks does more harm than good. Normal activity is the key to success.

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