New knee on the way

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@midwest girl I had to keep getting temporary parking passes 5 or 6 years ago(or more-I don't remember exactly) when this all started and I had to keep having surgical procedures to clean up the tissue, and I forget what all else. I finally went to my primary doctor after a couple years of temp. permits over and over and had her look at my charts and all the times I was issued a disabled permit. Since at that time we weren't sure of what would eventually need to be done or when (they were originally thinking 10-15 years before I'd need the TKR) she gave me a permanent disabled license plate and DMV also gave me a permanent travel one too. I could finally just park in the spaces without having to worry if I remembered to hang the dang thing, no more trips to the DMV to wait in pain as they now send them to me automatically, no more gaps in the dates as they have a limit on how many temps you can have in a given time, etc. So, I will use it until I no longer need to, then just park like a normal whole person (YAHOO!) in regular parking spaces unless I ever need it again (and I pray I never do). So I understand all you go through just to get the temp ones. I wish the DMVs would allow TKR patients a longer time on a temp pass, instead of having to either keep getting short-term ones or lifetime ones. But, I live in California....'nuff said about the DMV......:rotfl: I am not sure yet when I can drive-but I know I can't at least until I see my OS again at my 6 week visit. Between the pain meds and having a RTKR, it takes a while I hear.
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I know this is bit of a silly question but I'm going to ask anyway. I noticed tonight that I have an eye sty developing. And I know that these may be caused by a bacterial infection of the eyelid. I have my pre-op visit with my doctor on Tuesday and in the mean time I was just going to put a warm washcloth on it. So how concerned do I need to be about this considering my knee surgery is in 10 days?
There is also an ointment called Stye which is great. Warm compresses hep too!
Ran errands today and wowzers my knees hurt. Took a flexeril and a Percocet and I slept for about hour and it really only dulled the pain. Can't get comfortable and I'm wide awake, laying here in the dark and all my thoughts and fears are running amok. Ugh!!!
I know this is bit of a silly question but I'm going to ask anyway. I noticed tonight that I have an eye sty developing. And I know that these may be caused by a bacterial infection of the eyelid. I have my pre-op visit with my doctor on Tuesday and in the mean time I was just going to put a warm washcloth on it. So how concerned do I need to be about this considering my knee surgery is in 10 days?
I think you should go to a doctor and get it sorted. Don't take any chances with an infection before your surgery.
I see my dr on Tuesday for my pre-op exam and I'll bring it up then.
@midwest girl
I remember how I felt pre-op, and believe me everyone here remembers and understands too. I really feel for you. It's frustrating to constantly hurt, and not be able to do anything. I was driving myself crazy too, constantly thinking and worrying. And it's hard to distract yourself by keeping busy since the busier you are the more you hurt and the more you hurt, the more you think about the upcoming's a vicious cycle. I'm lying here in pain right now, but at least my pain, as bad as it is, is on the other side of the TKR, and will lessen over time. But you'll get through it, (if I did, anyone and emerge on the other side too. I'm not saying you don't have a mountain in front of you to climb but you only have 10 days left with the old nasty knee, then on to the future! And you have all of us too! You have experts and veterans here to answer all your questions, and you have willing ears and hearts that go out to you. I remember watching a lot of TV in the days leading up to my surgery, interspersed with doing everything I needed to prepare for the surgery and after days.The TV actually helped to distract me. I love to read, but couldn't concentrate as it got closer, and the last two nights before my surgery I didn't sleep a wink. Now I watch a lot of TV out of And I still can't concentrate long enough to read a book But this will pass and we'll both be running marathons at this time next year (just a figure of speech, I know we won't actually be doing any running) free of the pain and misery of the past years with our nasty knees. That's what helps me get through right now-I constantly remind myself of all the things I will once again be able to do. If I manage to refrain from crying with happiness over the possibilities now open to me, Ican smile and bear the pain for I know it's going to end and I will have a brand shiny new baby knee. Ok-sappy alert, I know, but it's how I Take care and keep in touch, especially on the other side. Kim
Thank you so much @lovetocookandsew for the very encouraging words! It does help to share my frustrations and fears with others who understand, which people on this forum do. With my friends I just want them to validate my fears instead of just saying "you'll be fine" or "quit reading so much", so it's just easier not to say anything anymore. Sometimes I wonder if they really understand how big a surgery this is, how painful it can be and how lengthy the recovery is. It starts to feel isolating after awhile and feels like a journey I will be taking alone. I know it will all be worth it in the end. I guess it's just all pre surgery jitters. Hope you get some relief and rest tonight Kim. Thanks again for writing to me!
I think we are all guilty of taking our friends' fears and pain lightly. I've been through so much health-wise over the years that I totally understand. My husband has never had more than a hangnail ever, so while he helps where he can, he's low on empathy. Add to that that he's a male and voila-you have a perfect recipe for a lack of I get told the same things by him, or else I have to listen to him tell me to turn up the machine (the CPM) or do more heel slides, etc. He bought into the 6 week window of opportunity balderdash and thinks if I don't have it all back by then I'm doomed. Drives me But then he takes weeks off work to take care of me, makes sure I have all my medicines at the right times, makes sure I eat something, etc. so I really shouldn't complain. Take care and try to sleep.
Men, can't live with 'em and can't live without 'em and you can't kill 'em---so I guess we just have to overlook all their faults and love'em! :rotfl:
One week from today is my surgery. I can't believe I now go from saying x amount of weeks till surgery to x amount of days. I think I'm ready yet anxious and nervous. I had my pre-op exam today and we were talking about how I'm feeling every now and then my heart flutter from a mild mitral valve prolapse. My dr said increase in stress, lack of sleep, or increase in stimulants will cause that. And I answered yes, yes and yes!! I don't have them that often but when I do it's usually because of those very reasons. All I have left is a pre-op nurse phone interview on Monday and then it will be here!! Tentative surgery time is 7:30 am - I'm first on the list, with hospital arrival time of 5:30 am. I don't anticipate a lot of sleep on Monday night. The next week will be busy wrapping up jobs around the house and running errands. Seems like a lot of things yet on my To-Do list that needs to get done. But the thing I'm looking forward to is a massage tomorrow afternoon. Cannot wait! Just need all the tension and tightness in my muscles to be worked out. 7 days!! I can't believe it!!!
4 more mornings and then I'll be in surgery. Time went by fast. I'm glad I'll be busy the next 3 days to keep my mind off it - hopefully. It was just so surreal today when I left work knowing I won't be back until July. It was a little emotional. I still have nerves, still scared and still cry just thinking of what I'm getting myself into. But I know I've made the right decision and I know I'm going to feel so much better when healing is complete. Yes, it will be worth it in the end. Just got to get those scary thoughts and emotions under control.
:console2:Hello! - it is as if we are twins - I too am having TKR on right knee on May 13th and am very nervous as well but want to get this over with. Have to keep in mind that it is a long recovery but I'm thinking I can sped things up somehow. As far as my left knee, I know I probably have bone on bone but not as bad as the right knee which I injured 3 years ago. I keep thinking I'm doing this too "young" but I see you are even younger. My surgeon said the knee lasts for 30 years and I then said to him, "oh no, i'll be 90 when I have to have it replaced again" and he said "don't worry about it!" In other words, I think he meant I'll probably be dead! Anyhow, I'll be thinking of all the people like us that are having surgery on May 13th and hope we all get through this OK!
Yea! Another May 13th "bonesie". I've had issues with this right knee especially bad for the last 2 years but my OS wanted me to hold off as long as I could with a TKA just because of my age. When I saw him in feb and told him that I was done he said that he was surprised I lasted as long as I have. I'm tired of having my life put on hold and my activity level decreasing due to knee pain. So here I am! Wishing you well @susanc on may 13th. I'll be following your recovery thread since we do have the same surgery date.
Same here with them make it through as long as you can. 7 years of pain is enough. When I agreed it was time for this one he told me I was agreeing to 2. I will need another around 65.

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I too left work last night and took one look around for the last time, as if I were retiring or something, (I wish!)! I will definitely post how I'm doing and hope you both do too. I have a mountain of work to do in the house to get ready and of course I couldn't sleep last night and was up to 3AM - People want to visit in the hospital and at home and I know I'm not going to want visitors right away. I do have a small circle of friends going to bring food though which is so nice. My husband is like Archie Bunker and really doesn't do too much in the house. LOL. I guess I need to wait and see how it all goes. I woke up feeling like a cold/cough coming on so I need to figure out how to get rid of this before Tuesday.
Talked with someone today who had TKA and how he wishes he never had it done and all the reasons why. Just not the kind of things you want to hear 2 days before your surgery. Feeling scared
I so understand. I had a coworker tell me her boyfriend's step mother never made it out of the hospital. She had a massive stroke. Why would people think this is ok to share?

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People love to share horror stories - they're more dramatic than the stories from the hundreds (thousands) of people who have surgery, are glad they did it, and make good recoveries.

Best wishes to you all. I'm sure you will be OK.
you are very young msmechnic but at least you'll be be still young when you have it done again. wow, many years of pain - I've only suffered after 3 years - my OS said I could wait another couple of years but my workplace is changing their insurance soon and I heard this operation costs around $22,000 or so. But I am really ready - just tired of taking elevators and not able to go shopping in the Big Box stores for very long - it's funny how many things you change in your life when your knee is is in pain! The only that helped me was swimming 4 times a week. The day I get back in the water is the day I'll know I'm back to normal. I guess I didn't realize that it will take up to a year to fully recover - I was told it would take 6 months . I may be the type that pushes herself and may hurt myself. I'll have to take Vancourver's advice and take it slow and easy.
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