THR So this is what the 'other side' looks like!..

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junior member
Dec 2, 2012

10 days post-op... And each day seems to get a little easier...

I'm on crutches, can roughly 3 10min bike sessions, a few short (50-100m) walks, and a couple of physio excercises a day... And take a few naps.

My only meds are ibuprofen and Tylenol and a daily aspirin... And they seems to be managing the pains alright.

I'm learning just how adaptable muscles are. Pre-op my muscles had truly adapted to work around a faulty joint and they did a good job of it! Now that I have a shiny new hip that works perfectly, my muscles are screaming at me because it would appear they don't quite know how to drive it properly. It was like my muscles went on strike and are working temperamentally and somewhat begrudgingly. I guess they aren't so keen on change.

After surgery my hip was really stiff and sore.. i couldn't move my leg in certain directions. My surgeon commented that my joint was well worn and very stiff in surgery so it might take a while to rehab. One day at a time I guess!

Hope everyone else is doing ok!

Congratulations Finn on your shiny new hip... great feeling isn't it not to have that bone-on bone pain.. yes, the muscles will complain, first from the trauma of the surgery and secondly from having to now realign the body as you move around with your new joint.. slow and steady though at 10 days post :)

Mix up the exercise with rest, elevate, ice and your meds... you will do fine.
Thanks poppet..

I have to keep reminding myself that is a slow process and I need to be patient and kind with my hip. :)
It will serve you well Kiwi... but hips are made for walking when you are feeling up to it :)
Wow, you are doing so well. It took me 12 weeks to do the same things...congratulations!
Great to hear that you're doing so well!!! Hooray for new hips! Ten days out is very, very early in the recovery process. This is the time for can be a bit slow moving forward sometimes. But, I really think you're doing well for this soon after surgery.
fantastic 1.jpg
Finn! So glad to have you here on the "other side" of surgery. Isn't it wonderful!!! And you are doing so well. Just remember to follow the BoneSmart mantra and your recovery will be the best. Work slowly and gently getting those muscles and ligaments re-aligned and you'll be a "hippie" star.

Take care and keep us posted. We care. hugs 12.jpg
Hi Finn. Yeah, it just keeps getting better...but not without some forward and back, up and down. Just relax and let your body tell you what it needs...and what it doesn't need. And then listen. Keep us posted with progress. :)

My only meds are ibuprofen and Tylenol and a daily aspirin... And they seems to be managing the pains alright.
Now ... my muscles are screaming at me because it would appear they don't quite know how to drive it properly.
It's actually not uncommon for people to misinterpret this scenario - what you have is post-op pain! Which indicates that your meds are inadequate. Have you been prescribed codeine because even on tablet two or three times a day would make all the difference. You'll probably only need it for another couple of weeks but right now you DO need it.

A cautionary note: you should not be taking aspirin and ibuprofen at the same time. They are both NSAIDs. But the aspirin is no doubt being prescribed as an anticoagulant (blood thinner) so you need to continue with that. Yet another reason why you should be taking the codeine!
Finn, Hi I had THR on the 16th.. And I am right there with ya, my muscles are protesting every chance they get. Also, dealing with spasms right before I go to sleep at night. Is anyone else dealing with this? I am now mostly load bearing with a cane and/or walker! And doing my pt everyday! I have to say that I am doing much better than last week. One day at a time! I am stubborn and impatient, and it has taken me until now to grasp the "one day at a time" idea! Hope all goes well!
Perhaps 'screaming' wasn't the right word... Frustrated would have been a better choice. But I will be more diligent in the timing of my meds.

I had very limited range of motion for years pre-op.. And now I am slowly working on getting those muscles on line. Most of my physio sessions in hospital where about moving my hip in ways my old one wouldn't let me. Not huge movements, but i had next to no abduction or extension before and it was all a bit scary trying to be confident that my new hip could do this. My OS was awesome.. Everyday he would tell me how solid it is and to go ahead and weight bear as much as I liked, basically that I didn't need to worry about the integrity of the joint.

My mom was a star. She did some gentle passive ROM in bed which didn't hurt and showed me how at a few days post I already had more range than before and that i can trust it. She is a retired orthopaedic nurse and was visiting while I had my op.

My family went back home on Friday... So it's just me and hubby now... And I'm noticing the difference... I think I'll be slowing down a bit now with less help at home, but it's all good!

Ice is my new best friend along with napping, elevating, medicating and moving around some.

Gymrat... I hear ya! I can be somewhat impatient and stubborn too, so I'm trying to remind myself to listen to my body and that 'gentle coercion' is likely my best strategy. Gotta keep that new hip 'on side'! What are the spasms like? Cramps or random pains? I have noticed when I'm more on top of my meds I don't get the ache. I hope they stop for you soon! Where about in the world are you?

Hope everyone is doing well!
finn, I am not quite sure how to run this site very well! I started a conversation and invited you! How do I keep up with that? LOL
private message.jpg gymrat1991, please do your posting on the open forums rather than in "conversations" which can only be seen by those you invite. The purpose of the forum is to share information, experiences, feelings, etc. Conversations should be limited to discussing personal information with specific members that you would not want to provide for everyone. Thanks for your cooperation.
Hi Finn, I've just caught up with your thread. I hope you have found the right mix of meds for you and the pain has eased a bit. It was good your mom could be here for the initial days post-op. Take it easy and have plenty of rest!

I'll be on the other side shortly, have been scheduled for the 19th of feb.

octopus That is great to hear!! You must be pleased to have a confirmed date!

Things are going well.. I'm tired today but not hurting. In fact not much pain, a bit achy sometimes but at worst maybe 4/10...

I slept 10 hours last night and haven't woken up needing meds for 2 nights now. I think today is going to involve a whole lot of nothing aside from maybe another wee ride on the bike. It feels good to move.

On the muscle front... There appears to be dissension in the ranks... I have noticed a break away faction (some of glute med) which is starting to play the game. I guess they've accepted that its onward and upward and that the unknown potential of 'this side' is way more exciting than the known limitations of 'before'.

I've got time and I will win this battle of wills... I'm sticking with gentle coercion... It seems to be working... (And trying my patience, but I guess I need that lesson too)...

puddle fish ... Bilateral!! Wow... You are a warrior! Hope it's all going well for you!

Righto... Nap time!
That's great news, Finn, I'm pleased your pain levels are down a bit, and 10 hours sleep, that's great! I hope i'm doing that well when I'm at your stage.
finn1913 there are quiet are few of us bi fools, 3 months out I take my hat off and salatue all the hippies doing a staged procedure, I dont think I could go through it all again so soon.
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