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new member
Dec 11, 2007
United States
I have developed herpes zoster mainly in the lower back & leg most likely from restated remicade for RA. I was wondering if there is a reason to be concerned about the RT TKR which is almost a year old. Iam taking anti virals
& I think bacterial infections are the main concern. The pain from the herpes is worse than the post-op pain @ times. I considered the vaccine but kept putting it off,my bad choice. If anyone has any suggestions I would appreciate it.
Another possiblity is that the attack was caused by the stress of the surgery.
I got a case of shingles about 6 weeks after my coronary bypass.
So very sorry you are dealing with shingles. I had them about 8.5 years ago. Luckily I diagnosed myself and got to the doctor and was able to take the pills that are available during the first 72 hours of onset. I did use an essential oil (lemon oil ~ 2 drops) in a tablespoon of olive oil and dabbed it on the rash. You can also use one of these other essential oils: Bergamont oil, Geranium oil, eucalyptus oil,or goldenseal oil with the olive oil. It was very soothing. You can purchase essential oils at the drug store. Essential oils have strong antiviral characteristics. The lesions dry up and dissappear within 3-5 days. According to my nutritional healing book you can also use Valerian root in pill form as it calms the nervous system. Taken at bedtime it acts as a sleep aid. Keep stress to a minimum. Avoid drafts. Avoid taking medication with Acetaminaphen (TYLENOL) as it prolongs the illness!
Hope this was helpful. I will add my nutritional healing book to the book list later today.
No worries about viral infections as far as the new knee is concerned.
My 14 year old daughter has shingles right now. She only had one break out on her leg and I actually self diagnosed as a spider bite and didn't take her to the doc for a few days. Now I feel horrible because she has been in so much pain. The spot has cleared up but the leg is still painful. A second physician has also said it is Shingles and takes a while to totally go away. They said she worries to much and that is what causes it. Which set my nerves off wondering what a 14 yr old could be so worried about, found out kids at school had been picking on her about something. Plus I think she has been very worried about me since my surgery.

Anyway, I just thought I'd add my two cents worth!

Poor kid. In March I was told I was not invited to return to my special ed. teaching job for this school year. I was crushed (out on medical leave at the time). That part is a long story, but, I had been harrassed all year.
Well, I then found out a few weeks later that my 15 year old son's math teacher found him depressed.
It ended up that he was more upset than I was (hard to do) as I had lost my job for doing a great job.

That made me even madder at the powers at the district office.
Hope she feels better soon
Wow Judy that sucks. It's amazing how much kids pick up on sometimes, esp when you think you're doing such a great job of hiding it.

I just worry that the shingles will be a reoccuring thing, since I now know she is a worrier like her mom.

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