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Hang in there! It sounds like you're on the way to recovery.
( TKR Oct 31, 2023)
Update from MUA April 2/2024:
My ROM is almost at 130. However, that is with a lot of pain when I'm in PT. Outside of PT, I have been able to move more and bend my knee more in general.
But, I'm still experiencing the same level of pain I had after the MUA on April 2nd. There has been no change whatsoever.
I've started going to the gym to build strength in my leg. I still take Tylenol, Naproxen, Gabapentin,and Lidocaine, icing my knee, etc.
I have decided to get a second opinion from another Orthopedist from a different hospital to look at the MRI & X-rays.
I'm also going to schedule a pain management/ neurologist doctor. I really don't want to go down the rabbit hole of pain management.
I just think something isn't right--I shouldn't be experiencing this much pain for so long a period of time.
I don't know what's worse: One doctor telling me that the TKR wasn't done properly and I need a revision;
or A Pain/Neurologist telling me the pain is neurological nerve-related pain that signals from my brain to my knee (so it's all in my head, and no pain meds will help anyway).
Or, if there's nothing physiologically wrong with the TKR , according to the second opinion doctor, where does that leave me with the pain issue?
So, basically, the MUA gave me almost full ROM, but left me with very bad pain.
Orthopedist 2nd opinions, Pain Management doctors, Physical therapists, Neurologists! It's just too much!
My ROM is almost at 130. However, that is with a lot of pain when I'm in PT.

But, I'm still experiencing the same level of pain I had after the MUA on April 2nd.

I've started going to the gym to build strength in my leg.
Your leg suffered trauma (“damage”) to the soft tissues with the MUA. Healing takes time. Painful PT does not enhance healing. It is probably too soon after the MUA to be at the gym, you can’t strengthen damaged tissue, it has to heal first.
Birdie.....I suggest that you give Jockette's suggestion that you may be trying to push your knee too hard right now some consideration. You really have nothing to lose by taking a couple of weeks off from all but just the most basic exercises (gentle bends and stretches are all you need.....your ROM is fine). Try resting more each day and just let your activities of daily living be your "workout" for this time. If you try this, you may find your knee is a lot happier and you won't have to see a bunch of doctors. If it doesn't work and you still are experiencing these same levels of pain, then it would make sense to try and find out the cause.
You cannot build muscle when muscle is still damaged.
Please. Just let your leg heal.
Maybe you are all right. Maybe I just need a break from intense PT.
I feel pressure from my PT when I tell them I want to take a rest day in between PT. They want me to exercise every day. They told me to fo the leg press and leg extension machines at the gym. I did that today including leg curls, Elliptical & stationary bike + upper body work. I was at the gym for about 1-1/2 hrs. When I got home, I could barely walk. Had to take Dilaudid, Tylenol and Lidocaine patches.
It's been 7 weeks since the MUA.
Now that I have a good ROM, I guess I can just limit myself to gentle stretching flexion & extension exercises at home as you recommended.
I guess I'm afraid that if I stop PT, I'll lose the ROM I've gained.
I do feel comfortable riding the stationary bicycle, and the leg curl machine at the minimum weight also feels fine.
When I walk too far, I do need to stop and rest and find a bench to sit down.
When I get home, I always ice my knee.
Thanks for your input.
Now that I have a good ROM, I guess I can just limit myself to gentle stretching flexion & extension exercises at home as you recommended.
There is no reason to keep on exercising. You have great ROM. Why don't you just stop these excessive exercises and just enjoy your new knee? Those traumatized soft tissues from the MUA need time to settle down and heal. You can just relax and do your ADL!
Maybe you are all right. Maybe I just need a break from intense PT.
Yes! Yes!! Only joining the chorus with the hope you understand how many are viewing your situation.
They told me to fo the leg press and leg extension machines at the gym. I did that today including leg curls, Elliptical & stationary bike + upper body work. I was at the gym for about 1-1/2 hrs
Your body is trying to heal, what they're pushing you through sounds like you're in training mode.
When I got home, I could barely walk. Had to take Dilaudid, Tylenol and Lidocaine patches.
This should help you understand that there is no value in the drills they / you are putting yourself through, you're likely doing yourself more harm than good, stalling the healing process and ultimately your recovery.

Keep this in mind -> Pain Is Your Body Asking For Change. Please respect yourself through lots of TLC and gentle stretches, easy walks and the activities of daily living. You will not lose anything, but instead heal without the constant assault on your healing soft tissue / body. Please take our pleas to heart.

Wishing you comfort, Birdie

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