New User 7 weeks out from knee replacement

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After my first tkr last fall, I found that returning to work and getting back into the routine of life and out of the recovering full time mode of thinking actually helped me a lot. I was still going to PT the first go round but I've finished up this time. After a 13 hour work day, I will have to find time to go to the gym which can be difficult. I am in no way fully recovered but well enough to get up and go to work. My commute includes walking about 2/3 of a mile each way so that will definitely help my recovery. I have a desk job so will keep my leg elevated a lot and keep ice in the freezer. I'm confident I'll be able to do it.

You are also doing great, STWalker! I was not this far along the first time around at 7 weeks but I did get there! Oh, and those weight machines are hurting me too but I'm using them as tolerable. They get easier everytime which means I'm making progress!
So glad you found the forum. You can learn so much by conversing with all these great folks: much more than a short Dr's visit! I am just a week behind you with bilateral TKR and can relate to all of what you've said, including the demanding job and the commute. Karen (1jt@atime) and I both commute into D.C. by various modes of transportation. The stiffness, swelling, pain, and lack of sleep seem to be the norm. I think sleep has been my biggest problem so far. I just get those restless legs at night and flop around like a fresh-caught fish on a boat!

Unfortunately, my ROM and extension are progressing very slowly in my left leg: they are only at about 88 and -12. The right leg is at about 98 and -3. Therefore, I am having a manipulation done next Tuesday. That is scaring me to death, so if anyone has had a good experience, please share!

Karen: Sounds like you are doing fantastic! Good luck going back to work. I may start back part-time from home in a couple of weeks, but I'm sure not rushing anything.

Good luck to all!

Are you having the MUA on both? I think you should just go for it and get them both done but it's easy to talk, huh? I think having bilats requires at least an extra month off work so maybe we'll meet on the steps of the Lincoln Memorial or somewhere closer to the metro line around Labor day, huh? Work on that extension because that's what you need to walk and stand!

Sharon and I are all about trains, trains and automobiles and I even catch one train at an airport! Can't forget all of our walking too! Karen
Dr. only talked about doing left leg. The right is about 10 degress further along. It appears your manipulation worked well for you. Glad to hear that. My therapists kind of pooh pooh'd the MUA and said I would hurt like heck the next day, but I'll let the Dr. call the shots here. Don't forget: We are going to walk to the TOP of the Washingtion Monument!!!
What??????? Are you kidding? I still got a hip, an ankle and two foot surgeries to go before I could think of that! I think we can take the elevator and tell everyone we walked! Ha!

So, he's not going to nudge that one along at all since you will be under?
LBEE: I had to laugh, I have had that happen to me more times than I care to remember. You'd think the cold water leaking all over you would wake you up but no such luck. I will wake up soaked from my ice bag leaking. I quit using my Polar Pacs quite a while ago, used too much ice, almost 20 pounds a day with both knees replaced add that to living in southern Arizona and well, it melted almost faster than I could fill it. Plus it just wasn't cold enough for me. I like the old rubber ice bags, had to search the www to find them and now one leaks so bad it is like a fountain and I have misplaced another one. Thirty years ago I bought one same style, same rubber and it lasted for almost twenty years these new ones don't last nearly that long.

And yes, Beachcomber I do ice when I go to bed at night. My problem is my back as much as my knees. Either way if I lay in one position too long one or the other starts to ache and when my knees are the ones who are aching it really is a deep ache.

Be good all. Rowdy
So what happens with a manipulation. I was just told "if you don't straighten it he will do it for you." That sounded pretty scary to me so I worked like crazy trying to do it myself. Although it still is not straight. If I force it down it is at -4 but if relaxed it is not touching the mat by far. When I turn to my back at night and straighten my knee I immediately wake up with pain behind my knee.
For a manipulation, you are put under and the surgeon manipulates the leg....he forces it to go straight and/or bend it back. You are under so you don't feel it. Many have a lot of pain and swelling afterwards and some are kept in the hospital overnight. My manipulation was done at the same time I had my second knee replacement. I mainly had it to straighten the leg from -15. Honestly, I wasn't even sure while still in the hospital that the surgeon had done it. I had to ask him. I had no pain or added swelling but of course I was using a lot of drugs for the knee replacement. I think the results are worse for most people and I somehow got lucky this time but trust me, it was time I got lucky with something! Others can tell you of their results. Karen
Hello to all you friendly helpful people. I am also seven weeks out of knee replacement op at St.Albans in Hertfordshire. Great surgeon,wonderful nurses. I have been following these postings for about three weeks now and almost every time I have been concerned about progress or needed an answer to a question I have visited this site and invariably found an answer I am doing great so far walking every day,sometimes without a stick but using it when in town or walking the dog. I am 69 years old and luckily am very fit in other ways and have always been active,not athletic but gardening,walking and in the past,jogging. I have only seen a physio four times but he's very helpful and I carry out all the exercises at home and this seems to be ok for me and is the norm around here I suppose unless someone needs more help. Yesterday I saw the surgeon and apparently I have some small infection in the scar, nothing major but needs antibiotics for a week so I'm not to concerned. Good to meet all of you and many thanks for all the help and entertainment in the past weeks .Good luck and Good health to you all.
Hi there, Brit-Knee. Welcome to BoneSmart. I used to work at St Alban's Hospital.
Hello Josephine,Thanks for the speedy reply and all your help.I'm new to computers,my lap top was a birthday gift last April so not only has it opened up a new world for this 'oldie' it's put me in touch with you and all those other good folks while stretching my brain in between stretching my new knee. Great stuff.Hope to be doing regular postings when I get the hang of this new toy without the help of my good son.Bye for now,be happy.
Sharon, The MUA wasn't as painful after as I had thought it would be. I still had my usual swelling, but besides some odeama in my lower leg and ankle I am much better now, 3 weeks on. Last week my physio pushed my knee to 97 and this morning it was 102, I am getting quite excited now, I finally feel as if I am getting somewhere with my ROM. My extension is also much better, it has about another 3 degrees to go but I walk better than I did before the MUA. Good luck with yours, and let us know how it goes.
That is great news! Keep it up and you'll be dancing before you know it!
Brit-Knee, welcome to the forum. I was born in Hemel Hempstead and was admitted to St Alban's hospital when I had a febrile convulsion when I was two (ooh, that was 52 years ago), we had been shopping for a new coat for me at the time. We lived in Hemel again in the 80's for about 18 months, I had our youngest, a daughte,r in Watford Hospital.

We emigrated to Canada 17 years ago, but go back often as all our family and lots of friends still live in the UK.

Sounds as if you are doing really well, keep up the good work, and post often. Sue
Hello there Nursepair,thanks for your posting.I tried last night but I think,being new to this game I must have done something wrong so here goes again.Doing o.k but have a mild infection,can't remember if I mentioned that before.Antibiotics,bleugh!!.We have lived in Hemel Hempstead for 40years,Ye Gods! You must have been all of twelve years old when we arrived,Wow!This posting is by way of a test to see if I got it right this time,more later,stay well.Greetings to all the other friendly helpful folk who have unknowingly cheered me along these past weeks.Good health,luck and happiness to you all.
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