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My Christmas Present in October

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new member
Aug 14, 2012
I am so excited and nervous all at the same time! Scheduled LTHR on October 3rd. Sounds too far away and yet to soon, can't wait to get it over with and have a life. I hope I am not being too over optomistic. I am a nurse on a Memory Care unit and work nights full-time. I am hoping to take 3 full months off to recover. I have bilateral hip dysplasia worse on the left, so I am hoping my right hip will mellow out after the THR on the left. I am worried about my recovery and that I will be able to return to work without restrictions as at times it can be labor intensive. I carry the family's health insurance so it is neccessary. I am very new to this site and am so happy I found you all to share my recovery experience with.
Hi Velvet

October you are only weeks away August is about to come to an end in seven days time.
You may need the full three months but with your background experiance you will know that you may return but on light duties only to give your hip time to adjust. Wish you all the best for the op and all us bone smarties will be here to support you.

Quite right, Billy. Welcome Velveta, and I hope you take time to have a read in the Library as there is a lot of very useful information in there just waiting to help!
Thank you both for your warm welcome! This site has tons of valuable information and it is so well presented.
I work for the state and unfortuanately they consider this an elective surgery even tho someone really needs it to enhance their quality of life, they will not let me return on a lite duty basis. I do have up to a year of short-term disability if needed to keep my position, so that is something to fall back on, but financially it would be tough.
Even though I am a nurse, I still have anxiety about what my body and mind are going through. I am able to take care of my patients and provide reassurance. Maybe all this that I will be going through will even help me to be a better person and a better nurse. I know I am just rambling and being just human. LOL. I am a very passionate person and tend to over think things. You guys are great and I can't wait to meet more people like you online!
The first time I ever went for surgery, it really opened my eyes! And that after 20+ years working in the operating theatre. I've always said it should be mandatory for nurses and all other staff to go through the admission process and being taken to theatre in order to understand the extraordinary sensation of being an item on the conveyor belt that is our place of work. Nothing like personal experience to give you that extra bit of compassion and empathy for your patients!

As for the 'care' extended to nurses, it's the same over here. Staff are always right at the end of the queue when it comes to having sympathetic treatment in cases like this. Having watched the totally unsympathetic treatment doled out to colleagues after having major surgery or illness, I was just glad I was already retired when I had my knee done.

But you should still have access to occupational health to oversee your return.
My Christmas Present in October
Velveta, so pleased that you have joined us on the forum. I just saw that you posted in the thread for October surgeries. Just wanted to let you know that you will get far more responses if you post here in your own thread. Members will not visit that other thread nearly so often as they will look to see if you have posted recently in your own thread.

You will be getting your new hip on my hubby's birthday, and he will be in rehab that day recuperating from his two knee replacements done 9/24 and 9/27. I had a hip replacement 12/17/10---it was a life changer---you will LOVE your new hip and the new pain free life you'll have with it.

Take care, keep us posted, we care.
My Christmas Present in October
Thanks Bottomshollow:tada:I guess I didn't realize about the posting thing. Wow, Happy Birthday to your Hubby and hope all is going well for him. I sure wish I was in your shoes right now and have all this behind me. I can't wait, but last night the anxiety kicked in overdrive. I was a wreck and didn't even go to work. I grabbed a book and went to bed to try and get my mind off of things. I didn't sleep to well but feel somewhat better this morning. This is going to be a long month waiting for the big day, I hope it goes fast!
Hi Velveta! Welcome to BoneSmart! The waiting is the worst part of this journey. Your mind goes into overdrive. I found posting here and talking about all my fears really did help. So keep posting! Tell us what you are most concerned about. There are tons of others out there feeling the same but too shy to post.

Regarding recovery - I was more afraid of the restriction than the surgery. But in the end I had no problem. They seem very natural at first. Your body just does not want to go past the 90 degree restriction at first. Your biggest challenges returning to work will be stamina and any heavy lifting. Be sure and discuss this with your surgeon.

Jo already asked but I am wondering too - do you need to be assessed by an occupational health nurse before returing to work? I worked in healthcare here in the UK and had to be assessed and have a phased return to work prescribed following my spinal surgery.
Thanks Jaycey,
I am not sure about getting assessed for returning to work, just need a doctors note saying that I will have no restrictions due to the type of clientel I take care of. Some can be combative at times unfortuanately and you just never know when that time will be as they sometimes just snap.
As for the anxiety, it seems like its the fear of the unknown. I have been blessed with a special needs child who has autism and is high functioning. He is 18 but oh so busy and sometimes you have to be one step ahead of him in order to keep order in the house, if that make sense! LOL I love him with all my heart but at times he can make your head spin and with the anxiety over the surgery and his non-stop talking can be enough to put me in over drive. I need to take some deep breaths and tell myself this will be OK. It is time for me to take care of myself so I can be here for my family hopefully pain free.
I think every Mom has the same concerns. Mom's are usually the carers. When the time comes for them to need care it can be very hard. You have the right attitude! For a short time you will need help. Ask everyone - they won't know what you are going through and can't guess your needs. Deep breaths - head down and charge forward. This time next year you will be running rings around everyone!
Hi, Velveta....welcome to the forum.

Here are some links from our BoneSmart Library to get you started in your quest for information about what you will be experiencing. Remember, the more you know, the less llikely you are to be afraid and worry.

Pain management and the pain chart
How Long Does Healing Take ......
Chart representation of THR recovery
Dislocation risk and 90 degree rule
Energy Drain for THRs
Elevating your leg to control swelling and pain
Activity progression for THR
Some suggestions for home physio (PT) and activity progress
Post op blues is a reality - be prepared for it
Myth busting: on getting addicted to pain meds

In addition to reading in the Library (there are MANY more good articles besides these!), I suggest you spend some time in the pre- and post-op forums reading other members' threads. As you go along, be sure to post any questions or concerns you may have. We're here to support you in any way you need!!
Hi Velveta, welcome to the forum.

It's great that you are exited for your surgery, it will change your life for the better, although we all have those anxious moments too.

I hope your surgery is a great success, I'm sure it will be and I look forward to reading all about your recovery on the other side.

Take care

Oh for funny Ann, I was just reading some of your posts in the post-op threads and was thinking. What a inspiring lady she is and all the valuable information you put forth. And I blipped back to the pre-op section and see you were replying to me! LOL Thanks so much! I am having a really good day and the best positive outlook one can have!:egypdance:
The weeks will fly by and October will be here and soon you will be free of the bone on bone pain.. Itwill be great to catch up with you on the post op side.. But keep posting any concerns now, we are good listeners :)
Hi Velveta, thankyou for your kind words. :)

Hope you are still feeling positive about your surgery, I'm sure you are

Take care

Hey Velveta, best of luck for tomorrow, I'm sure it will all go swimmingly :thumb:

See you on the recovery side when you feel up to tellng us all about it

Take care

Wow....Oct 3rd already! Velveta, good luck tomorrow. I know it will be fine. We'll all be looking for you on the other side. :)

Happy Hippy Day for you manana! Breathe in Breathe out move on. Great words from my favorite "poet" Jimmy Buffett. Perpare your mind and allow for success. Let your Dr do his best for you, then give your best to yourself as you recover. You've got this.
It is already mid afternoon 3 Oct in my part of the world.... So just dropped by to wish you good luck Velveta :)

Look forward to following your recovery journey :)
I wanted to check in on you and see how you are doing after surgery. I hadn't seen an update post for you.
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