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it band band pain

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Dec 11, 2007
United States
I have had it pain for several months now & did the stretches with pt,massage & ultasound non of which seem to help. My pt sent me back to the OS 3 weeks ago & he said it is itb which should improve. My tkr was in Nov & I was doing great until mid august, now I am getting so depressed with this pain that does't want to go away. I feel good some days & think it is improving then have stiffness & pain come back that nignt. One of my friends was suggesting a chiropractor but I am not a great believe in them . Has anyone heard if this could help.I am getting desperate
Could you explain why you have misgivings about chiropractic treatment? Perhaps I can put your mind at rest there because I feel that a good chiropractor could very well help you.
I have always felt that chiropractors are not main stream medicine even though some of my friends swear by them but I am willing to giv it a shot. My pc md said he believes in them so my mindset is changing. I am going to try to make an appt with one today who someone reccomended. I hope this will help
I had a lot of pain with my ITB after hip surgery in June. My pt did a lot of soft tissue deep massage on it. After a few weeks it was ok. The pt work hurt more than the surgical pain !!

Good luck with the chiropractor. I have had to switch pt's also to get a good one!!!!

Yes, I can see you reservations but chiropratic is far from being fringe medicine anymore and has become an accepted and respected adjunct to 'conventiona' medicine. However, there are still some die-hard medics who decry it but many more who will actually recomend it.

At the least, it can do you little harm and the vast majority of them, because their training is much MORE intense than a lot of doctors get, are very careful about assessing patients and not trying to treat where it is contraindicated.
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