I'm new -- but got to jump in

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Reading all these posts as been very helpful to me, because my OS really didn't give me a clue when he thought I'd be ready to go back. So, based on what read from all of these posts, I gave my supervisor a best guestimate of about 8 weeks (for BTKR this Monday). I have a federal job (office work), and will be able to start back part-time from home when I'm ready. They are being really great about it, so as long as I have sick leave, I'm taking my time. I realize everyone doesn't have that luxury, but I'm certainly grateful that I do.
I didn't go back to work for 3 months. I drive a propane delivery truck. I've been back for two weeks now and it is still difficult. I ended up having to get some 5/500 hydrocodone for after work, not so much for my knees, but everything else I am using to baby my knees. The all knowing all seeing folks here warned me that my employer would forget the part about "taking it easy on me" after the first week and they were right. I am reminding them but I'm not sure they are listening.

My OS also told me 8 weeks and I told my employer, and at 8 weeks I wasn't ready and my OS told my it's always 3 months for my type of work. I wish I had that info to start with. .
My BTKR was 11-26-07 and I went back to work part time March 10th. After about 2 weeks, I went to full time. It was a gradual process, but I am now at the point where I can truly say the prosthesis' are a part of me. I don't think of them most of the time, and it is hard refraining from doing things I shouldn't do that may hurt them. I push and lift heavy things, neglecting the rules my OS gave to me at my 8 week check up.Before surgery, vacuuming the 6 rooms on the main level of my house would take several hours with many breaks. Now I can complete the job in about 45 minutes. HOORAY!!!! If I have been on my feet for a long time, I still feel some tightness across my knee cap when I go up and down stairs. Most of the time though, I don't have a problem, and as I loose more weight, navigating the stairs becomes easier. It is true, at 6 months post op, they continue to improve and information I have collected indicates that they will continue to improve up to a year post op. I have a little garden of tomatoes and peppers and can see it growing to a larger plot next year! I spend my entire weekend working in the yard! Pushing the mower instead of riding one, weed eating, raking, digging and hoeing are some of the things that keep me busy outside! Last weekend I set up the new horse shoe set I got. The posts are 40 feet apart and according to the instructions, the fault line for men is 3' from the post, and for women, youth and the elderly, it is 13 feet. When I challenged my husband to a game, he complained that he had so much farther to throw than I did, so to shut him up I started pitching from the mens line, and beat him! yeeehaw! There is no way I could have thrown a horseshoe before surgery, now I am consistently throwing "ringers". None of the information my OS has given me has cautioned me from roller skating, I used to love it, I am wondering if I could do it?! I will let you know if and when I do try! More good news, a cold front is coming through and there is no aching knees. The light is shining bright at the end of the tunnel! Know that no matter how bad it seems it WILL get better, and like childbirth, you will forget all the pain you have gone through on your journey to healthy knees!
Sunshine and smiles!
Anyway to get your doc to get you that well needed other month now? Obviously you can not work on pain meds
Hi dar,
Take your time, keep excising the knee and it will all come together for you. I am a sub contractor 5 weeks post op and had a day back at work last week. It felt good to get back but gee I got tired and by the end of the day, (about 5 hrs) I was stuffed, knee swollen etc. It was back down the next day though.
Today was the real test for me. I worked 6.5 hours with a good break in there for a short nap. I was exhausted. Just one person in on Saturdays and it has always been my job as I don't have family. I picked a long day for my grand return. It wasn't so much the pain from having the knee down on the floor under my desk as it was just having no energy. I was so surprised. By the time I got ready, drove to work, got situated in the office I needed a break. This next week will be just 4-5 hours in the afternoons each day and I have permission to go home and work remote access if needed. After a day like today, I may be showing up to make an appearance and then darting for home!
Today was my first time out of the house in two weeks (I am 2 1/2 weeks PO). My husband drove me in to town to so I could go out to lunch with my two sisters and my dad for father's day. What an exhausting day, after not sleeping much last night (again), exercise, shower, hair, makeup... I was tired before I got to the restaurant. We had a real fun time and it was great to get out of the house, but even just sitting at the table for two hours had my leg trobbing. Got home after being gone for three hours total, took more pain meds, iced and slept. I'm doing real well with my PT and doing everything they tell me, but it sure showed me I wasn't ready to go back to work yet... Prior to surgery, my doctor said if I needed to go back to work, I could probably go back around two weeks since I just have a desk job... I'm very lucky I have the flexibility with my job. Let's take this time for ourselves so we can be the best we can be!

Happy Father's Day to you dad's out there!

Blondie, You are making me euphoric! Sounds like it was a long process, but what a prize at the end. I cannot WAIT to have a normal life again. I keep looking at my bare garden this year and think how much I would have liked to plant some flowers and vegis. After tomorrow, I'm on the road to a new life.
Best of luck to you tomorrow Sharon! It's the first big step to a great future!
You're all amazing! Wonderful progress.
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