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Anaesthetic choices

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Aussie Jill

new member
Feb 28, 2015
Snowy Mountains
Australia Australia
Re anesthesia: wondering if anyone knows about the spinal block plus sedation instead of a general anasthetic?
I've had one done, waiting for the other. I felt like you the first time, and I promise you I never looked back. That awful pain that is dragging you down now will go! I'm nervous again but that's ok. I know the other side of this is a much better place to be
It's pretty much standard procedure these days, all over the world. Research has shown that it is a much better and safer procedure than a general anaesthetic, allowing the patient to be kept under minimal sedation, enabling natural breathing and cough reflex and giving the added benefit of significant pain management for the first 18 or so hours post-op.
Thanks Josephine
My surgery is scheduled for a regional verse GA. I had a lot of concern earns about hearing the HGTV project that was occurring on my body

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If you have a choice, go for the regional - also known as a spinal block.

the HGTV project that was occurring on my body
Apologies for my ignorance but I have no idea what this means. Can you explain please?
An attempt at humor(HGTV) channel on TV where they do a bunch of home construction projects.
My nurse said that I will be given headphones since I will not be totally out and maybe that will block out some the noises from the procedure. There will be a sedative , but this is different from my first surgeries when I was under GA.
@Paydro Very interesting, I am also having the spinal and was asked if I want to hear the surgery to which my response was "No I don't want to hear anything" so they will give me a sedative so I don't.
@Aussie Jill , I was shocked at how much easier it was to come around from spinal with sedation. I was groggy and nauseous for days following GA. Have had spinal with both THRs and it was great.
An attempt at humor(HGTV) channel on TV where they do a bunch of home construction projects.
Oh I see - got it!
My nurse said that I will be given headphones since I will not be totally out
You may request to be totally out if you wish. It only requires a slightly larger dose of the sedative. Personally, I think it's unkind of them to have you that responsive during such a surgery. I wouldn't like it at all.
I agree with Jo, tell staff you don't want to see or hear anything. THR is a bit of "carpentry" - very noisy. I vote for a nice, comfy sleep!
I told the anesthesiologist when he saw me right before surgery that I didn't want to see or hear anything. Well, I don't remember them even giving me the spinal. Don't remember a thing. Must have woken up in recovery but it's forgotten. First I remember is being in my room. I was so scared of the spinal and turns out it was nothing to worry about!

I had no problem with it, my partner couldn't believe how alert I was after the op! No grogginess or anything, you'll be fine!:wow:
Opt for the heavier sedation! I was awake for my cardiac catheterization with ablation. If I ever have an option I would NEVER want to see or hear anything in the OR.

It is nice to be fully conscious and alert in recovery!

Anyone know if they have precautions like in the old days....lay flat for a number of hours? Numb leg for a period of time? Spinal headache?
I had spinal when I had my bi-lateral knee replacement in July 2012. I remember waiting for the anesthesiologist, then waking up in recovery. Could not remember getting the actual anesthesia. And I had a few other surgeries over the years, all with general anesthesia. I never had any issues from general anesthesia, and neither did I from the spinal.
Due to a per-exisitng spinal issue I was not able to have the spinal. My surgeon gives some type of spinal with pain med even with GA. My pain in recovery was horrible. They had to be careful how much IV Dilaudid they gave me. It was not enough to eliminate the pain. If I could have had the spinal I would have.
Due to a per-exisitng spinal issue I was not able to have the spinal. My surgeon gives some type of spinal with pain med even with GA. My pain in recovery was horrible. They had to be careful how much IV Dilaudid they gave me. It was not enough to eliminate the pain. If I could have had the spinal I would have.

I too can not have a spinal. I had GA for my first hip and I agree that first 24 hours was horrible. I was watching the clock,just waiting to be able to push that magic button for another dose of Dilaudid.
I had GA for my hip, as well as for several surgeries in the late 1970s. It has come a long way, but my stomach/vestibular system remains the same! I knew I was going to be very nauseated, I told them so, they gave me two drugs and hollow promises, and sure nuff I was sick for several hours pozt op, till they finally caved and gave me a third drug!
My post op pain, however, was well managed. There must have been some kind of painkiller in the hip or spinally or some way, because I had sensation but no pain for a few hours. After that, percocet and tylenol were all I needed.
My OS prefers GA, something to do with the patient being more relaxed. I think he works extremely fast when possible, so I guess the floppier the hip, the better?

My phone sent this using BoneSmart Forum, clever phone!
Re anesthesia: wondering if anyone knows about the spinal block plus sedation instead of a general anasthetic?
Hi again. Many thanks for thoughts on this. I'm still feeling pretty anxious about this ... Never had a spinal block before and would like to know how it is from the patient's point of view (plenty of info around about what the anesthetist does). And do you hear any of the noise of the actual surgery? That creeps me out. Also would like to know how others have got through this 'waiting game'. I'm in on 23rd March. Thanks
I had a GA because the anesthetist would only say "probably not" when I asked I would be able to hear anything during surgery - the thought of hearing the surgery bothered me MUCH more than any pain issues. I woke up really quickly, clear headed and with full feeling in my legs - and so I was able to get up with two crutches about three hours after surgery... and pain was really well controlled. I had a bout of nausea that lasted about ten minutes; until I realized it was hunger and ate = end of nausea! I had an epidural years ago and it gave me all sorts of problems, (I had a headache for a week after it) it's tainted my expectations of spinal - even though the anesthetist assured me that epidural and spinal are completely different.

I have had several GA's over the years, they've definitely improved immensely. So many people here on BoneSmart have had spinal with great success - if only my anesthetist could have said "no problem, you can be out to it" to the noise issue, I may have gone down that road too. I have to have my other hip done soon... I'll be pondering the choices again then... what I do know now is that it is ultimately my choice; even though I was told that spinal is standard, when it clearly was a problem for me, GA was offered without hesitation.... which is a real comfort in itself.
Hi there, I had bilateral knees done, with light General and spinal. I said I didn't want to hear or see anything, and I didn't. It worked like a charm. I remember going into theatre, and then back in my room. No sickness afterwards which was awesome. I was put on a self medicating morphine pump, which worked great on the pain but caused other issues so had to stop and go to oral meds.
Soon this will be behind you and you'll be on your way to reclaiming a pain fee knee
Hope all goes really well and smooth for you
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