after hip replacement

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Greetings Sonia. Thanks for seeking info on our heel/leg pains. My family doctor had no clue either as to the origin of my heel pain, suggesting it could be bed sores, wow !!! Do you have your op date yet? To-morrow is 6 weeks post op and today I walked without crutches for the first time, it feels wonderful to be pain free on at least one side.
Hello Bea 777. In order to calm my frequent pre op sciatic pains I used an ointment called Balsamka, available over the Internet. Applied only very sparingly (no hard rubbing) diretly onto the most intensely throbbing areas this fast working potion kept pains at bay for days. Hope it can help you too.
Hi Annemarie, It's really up to me know to decide when to have it done. At the moment i am having some home renovations and until everything is done and complete then i can go with peace of mind to have my operation. I have opted for 2 hips at the same time since both hips are not well which the doctor agrees. He did mentioned to have the first one done and 6 weeks later the other. So there is not really a big gap between the two so i'll be strong and have the 2 at the same time. It's easy for me to talk but when the time comes....nevermind, God is with me. Reading all the stories of people that have done the hip replacement is making me stronger and i feel more encouraged thanks to everybody on this Bonesmart chatting site. Also there is more positive than negative. Well done everyone! Sonia.
hello im getting ready for bilateral THR too
but they are doing both at the same time for me
im going to the u of florida shands for Surgery. my ortho Dr.Vlsak is one of the best
to tell you the truth im scared
i cant seem to gather enough info
every site i find seems to re-hash what ive already learned
it will be nice to get it over with
im 36 male firefighter with advanced Avascular Necrosis
im getting Zimmer zerconia ceramic
i wonder if it will sound like coffee cups clanging together when i walk;)
take care
Hi John, Gee you made me laugh with your coffee cups clanging together! Im still laughing and I bet everyone on this site is!.......................................
Sorry it took some time for me to control myself.
Coming to this problem of ours, i will eventually have two hips operated at the same time like you. My main worrie is just after the operation, how will i wake up, will i be screaming in pain, hallucinating or with a smile on my face thinking of your last sentence. Then, after the next day or two, they will ask you to get out of bed, HOW? In my mind, I think that because your ligaments and muscle have been cut and bruised that will make the first step impossible BUT apparently you do make a first step and so on. Overall who ever has had a hip replacement is very happy. Today, I met a 72 year old lady that had a hip replacement 6 months ago. She is in perfect condition so if she can do it so can I and so can you. She re***ured me that after waking up from surgery you do not feel nothing at all because they give you a good dose of pain killer anyway. At the time of rehabilitation you will support your weight with your arms on crutches (that would not be a bip problem for you, all firefighters have muscles) but poor me i have never exersised in my life i don't have muscle in my arms it's more like fat deposit!!! Just kidding but i really don't have any strengh! Good luck mate. Sonia.
Hello Annemarie, what type of anaesthesia did they use on you. I had the worst experience with the epidural at the time of my C-section. My lungs got paralysed and i could'nt breath anymore, i turned blue and fainted. I am very scared of any needle going through my spine!
John, I have just had both of my hips replaced, one on Jan.24. the other Mar.31. You will not even know you have the inplants in your hips. They feel just like your other hips, only without the pain. You will notice that as soon as you come out of surgery, and are awake. You should really do fine because of your age. I am 72 and did just fine. Good Luck!!
Hi everyone!

I just thought I would chime in here with my experience. So many of you sound just like I did one year ago.

I had simultaneous bilateral THR on May 23, 05. My first surgery ever, but I can truly say it was the best thing I have ever done for myself and wish I had not put it off so long.

I have a marvelous surgeon that I trust completley. he does over 360 THR/yr and boy does he know his stuff, really listens to me (plus is as cute as they come!!) Because I am young and athletic and wanted to run again, he selected metal/poly. He does MIS, posterior approach, so I have one 3" and one 3 1/2" scar. No muscles are cut this way. The surgery itself took over 4 hours but I was mostly awake thru it all. The pain meds they give you are pretty nice. I was up the next morning, using crutches by afternoon, then sent home the following morning cause the PT said there was nothing I couldn't do at home by that point.

The first week is rough cause you really can't do too much for yourself, but my DH took the week off work to take care of me. It is important to do your PT. Seems like it will take forever to recover, but the time goes by fast, improvement is steady and life without all that pain is wonderful.

I have been able to return to most all of my physical activities. I do run some, bike, swim, rollerblade, kayak, ski (downhill/xc), hike, horseback ride, etc. Most the time I do not even think about my hips.

John, Sonia: Good luck to both of you!!

New Member - 6 days post-THR

I had my left hip replaced 6 days ago...have been home 2 days. I have to say that this first week of recovery has been much worse than I anticipated. Today is the first day I feel even halfway decent.

On the positive side...I have minimal pain in my hip and even the incision doesn't bother me much. Right now, I'm on no pain meds at all, even OTC, though I took one prescription pain pill last night.

One problem...I've been feeling sort of nauseated most of the time and having a bad headache on and off. My temp has been below normal most of the time. I'll be calling the surgeon's office this morning to make sure these things are not signs of a problem.

The other big thing for me now is that I didn't anticipate being so dependent on getting help with almost everything. The 6 or 8 weeks on the walker (my new hip was un-cemented, so no weight bearing for weeks...) is looming and seems like forever.
Hello Andrea, MIS is not for me because of the hip condition that i have. The surgeon will need to have a better view to fix my problem. I see that you were OK after your 2 hip replacement. Do you think that i can handle the surgery with all the bad and good considering i'm having done both at the same time with the normal technique?
Re: New Member - 6 days post-THR

Hello cbmorg, congratulation on you new hip, I'll say this again : someone who's done a hip replacement is really brave! (Because i'm a CHICKEN!)
When you say no weight bearing for weeks, you must be walking with some kind of frame or crutches for help aren't you? Are you able to sit down all day or do you get tired and need to lay down? Do you sit on a raised chair or normal chair? No one has expained to me what to do when going home after surgery. One of the surgeon said to me that after the surgery i'll need to go one week in a rehabilitation. I'm happy about that because i was panicking. Best wishes, Sonia.

I do not think it will make much difference in the long run between the MIS or traditional incision, it is more important how skilled the surgeon is with the approach. For me, having both hips done in one surgery seemed a lot easier than having 2 completly seperate surgeries. Also, in my situtation, because of athletic training, I wanted less down time from training, and having only one surgery gave me that. But once again, I do feel that whatever your surgeon is most comfortable with is what you need to go with. If you are not completley happy with anything, it may be a good time for a second opinion, because there really is a big difference in surgeons, techniques, etc.

Could your headache be from the anethesia? I know that can be a bad side effect of some types. Also, do you know why you are non weight bearing for so long? My hips were uncemeted too and I was weight bearing the next morning. I have been told it is better to start putting some weight on them right away. Hope you start feeling better soon!

Now it's up to 9 days since my THR! Time is going slow...I like to be busy & active! Daytime tv is awful, but at least my concentration is coming back and I'm able to read again.

Ripanco -- re the weight surgeon says the bone growth into the new hip needs to be undisturbed as much as possible...I'm going to discuss this with him next week when I have the staples removed. My physical therapist told me yesterday, incidentally, that my surgeon is one of the most conservative in terms of post surgery activity.

The headache is much better...once I stopped the prescription pain meds, most of that went away. The surgeon's nurse said quite a few people have problems taking these rx pain meds. The only thing I'm taking now is tylenol, and that's not for hip or incision pain, but because my back hurts, probably due to inactivity. After the 1st few days, I've had minimal pain in my hip (less than what I was having before the surgery!!!)

Sonia -- I'm walking with a walker. I'm allowed to "toe touch" with my operated leg, mainly for balance, but not to bear weight on the operated leg. I'm getting around ok, but it's tiring and of course limiting to some extent. The walker, combined with the hip precautions make it difficult to do much. The very worst thing at the moment is having to sleep on my back. (I know there are some surgeons who allow patients to sleep on their side, but mine doesn't...) I think most people would need to have someone in the home to help out for the first week or two, or spend that time in a rehab facility...

What I wish I had done before the surgery...
1. workouts to build upper body strength (I had given up most excercise due to hip pain)
2. make better arrangements for a comfortable & accessible chair...what we have is adequate, but right now my chair is the center of my universe, and it could be more comfortable & easier to get in & out of.
Congratulations CBMorg, Each day will get easier. I had family come in my first week and that really helped, including my 5 year old great nieces for a day to enteratain me. I borrowed a rolling walker with a basket and that was very helpful. One I could bring my meals to the table with out my dog enjoying it instead of me and secondly I could also sit on it if I got tired. I did have comfortable chairs that I was able to get out of on my own. One thing I really appreciated was slip on shoes since I couldn't tie my shoe laces after everyone left.

Good luck with your rehab. After I had finished with the therapist, I continued to work on strength and balance. I still work on both of those
weekly to keep up the leg strength. I waited so long to do my TRH that I still limp if I'm tired and don't pay attention. It is hard to break that habit.
Again, keep up your spirits. You have a whole new world ahead of you. Just look on this time as the chance to read some great books and write all those letters that you have been meaning to write. I really enjoyed reading Lorna Landvik's book Angry Housewives Eating Bon Bons while I was "at leisure". Also get someone to vacumn the floors while you are recooping. Take care and keep us informed of your progress!
Hello Annemarie, how are you going? How many weeks has it been since your operation? Do feel better day by day? What can you do now that you coudn't do at the begining? Have you seen your doctor yet? See ya. Sonia
Greetings Sonia. By July the 11th it will be 3 months since my left hip replacement and all is gong well. My surgeon was pleased with the follow-up X-ray telling me at the same time that a small bonegraft had to be done on my rather shallow hip bowl/cup, the receptacle of the femoral head/balljoint. I still do not bend down to pick up things, but use my reach extender instead. I do however drop onto my knees with the help of a chair in order to do gardening or other ground level activities. Due to severe O/A my right hip is also in need of replacement, and has already been slated for Aug. 5th. I am still walking on crutches. My triceps have become quite well defined and my family is teasing me about it. What are you doing in terms of your own hip condition? A skilled surgeon can make all the difference. Best of luck, let me know about your progress. Best wishes Annemarie
hello sonia
it wll be 3 weeks tomorrow
its going great for me
im carrying my crutches now more than using them
every day is better and better
the first week was rough
mainly because i had some poor nursing
they left me dirty and didnt give my pain meds on time
but when your stuck your stuck
when the found out i had better insurance my treatment increased ten fold
thats the only thing i regret
where do you live?
there is a nation-wide nurse shortage here in the usa
and that was quite apparent for me
other than that its a cake-walk
and im so glad to have it all behind me
i hope these ceramic hips last a long long time
good luck and i hope to hear from you soon
john said:
hello sonia
it wll be 3 weeks tomorrow
its going great for me
im carrying my crutches now more than using them
every day is better and better
the first week was rough
mainly because i had some poor nursing
they left me dirty and didnt give my pain meds on time
but when your stuck your stuck
when the found out i had better insurance my treatment increased ten fold
thats the only thing i regret
where do you live?
there is a nation-wide nurse shortage here in the usa
and that was quite apparent for me
other than that its a cake-walk
and im so glad to have it all behind me
i hope these ceramic hips last a long long time
good luck and i hope to hear from you soon
Hello John, you sound really good after just 3 weeks! Well done! Now tell me, does it sound like coffee cups clanging together when you walk? I am sorry to hear that you had poor nursing, what kind of hospital was that! When did you make your first step? Was it O.K. or horible!? It's good that you don't depend on your crutches so much because some people still need them after many months of their operation, that is really positive!. I am from Sydney Australia and as far as i know, we have really good hospitals here and they take good care of their patient. Only time will tell... Keep well, Sonia.
Annemarie said:
Greetings Sonia. By July the 11th it will be 3 months since my left hip replacement and all is gong well. My surgeon was pleased with the follow-up X-ray telling me at the same time that a small bonegraft had to be done on my rather shallow hip bowl/cup, the receptacle of the femoral head/balljoint. I still do not bend down to pick up things, but use my reach extender instead. I do however drop onto my knees with the help of a chair in order to do gardening or other ground level activities. Due to severe O/A my right hip is also in need of replacement, and has already been slated for Aug. 5th. I am still walking on crutches. My triceps have become quite well defined and my family is teasing me about it. What are you doing in terms of your own hip condition? A skilled surgeon can make all the difference. Best of luck, let me know about your progress. Best wishes Annemarie

Hello Annemarie, good to see that you are recovering well but your other hip is a problem now. I'm glad you are booked to have the surgery. Hopefully that will balance, slowly but surely! It's hard work isn't it, the whole surgery plus recovery... I know that in some way it will be better but then again i also know that it will never be like the real hips. I knew for years that i needed a hip replacement to fix my problem and i was told that i was to young and to return to see the doctor only when can't walk anymore! But since last december something new happened to me beside the stiffness and that made me think that the time is coming closer to have the surgery. I coudn't bend enough to wear my sock on my left side. I am only 42, what a joke! When i saw the surgeon, he change the storie and said how long am i going to put up with this? I am so disappointed within myself! I hear people having hip replacement because they have done to much exercise of some kind that they've damage their hips, but in my case i have never done exercise only at school! No wonder i am so stiff! My daughter will finish school next year so probably i'll have THR end of 2007, unless something bad happen and i have no choice but to have the surgery sooner!!! Next week i will be going to hydro therapy pool 1 day per week for 10 weeks. That will keep my hips a little bit more fexible!
Then i need to go to the gym to built some strengh in my body so that i can be strong for the surgery and recovery. I hate all this but i need to do this for me. keep well Annemarie and keep me posted. Sonia
Hi John, I forgot to say that probably one of the reason you dont' depend on your crutches so much is because you must've been fit being a firefighter. That's why i need to exercise before THR.
PS. How do you insert the smilies, i tried but i couldn't? I'm not very good with computers, i only type!
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