PKR 7 years, 9 doctors, and 6 hour drive

Wow that’s great! At least you are getting your life back little by little. That’s what I’m afraid of if doctor goes with some other surgery it’s going to be hard for me to do crutches as I’m still recovering with surgical knee and our house is not a great type of recovery house at all. No bedroom on first floor. Then how would I get off the couch with a crutch as they are lower. It would be a nightmare. Yeah I go for my follow up tomorrow and I’m so scared. I really don’t know what the doctor is going to suggest. I’m not bone on bone but have grade 4 chondromalacia, knee cap rides high and lateral, patellar and quad tendonitis. The pain is horrible and can’t do this anymore. I hinted to doc during the last shot can we just do a knee replacement and he says let’s do these shots and see how it goes and then maybe we can do something whatever that means. I had the gel shot a month ago and of course didn’t help and I’m in worst pain now then before. I’ve done everything in the past few months. Pt, braces, shots and need a solution
Then how would I get off the couch with a crutch as they are lower. It would be a nightmare.
You might be able to raise your couch with “bed risers” which are pretty cheap and temporary.. OR you can look into renting an electric recliner for a couple months if you live in an area that offers such. I hope you are able to work something out.
Then how would I get off the couch with a crutch as they are lower. It would be a nightmare.
You might be able to raise your couch with “bed risers” which are pretty cheap and temporary.. OR you can look into renting an electric recliner for a couple months if you live in an area that offers such. I hope you are able to work something out.
Thank you that’s a good idea
The final straw pre-surgery that made me say I can not live like this anymore was when I mowed the yard for the first time of the year. When I was done, I didn't just have pain, but also weakness. Had to use a cane for the next 3 days. Not normal for someone who was 36. My yard is flat and takes about 40 minutes with a self propelled walk behind lawnmower.
Yesterday, I mowed the front plus did all the edging. Today, I mowed the back and trimmed down trees trying to start growing in the fence and against the house. I feel good, but also recognize that now I need to sit with my feet up. I am officially doing better than before surgery!
This morning, I took the dog on a walk at a park. She ignored the geese. But there was a squirrel. She wanted the squirrel. She treed the squirrel. I can typically hold her back, but I had to let go so I would get pulled over. Then I had to chase her around the park.
Yesterday, I had my 12 week followup phone call. Just have to do a 1 year follow up.
That's such an important milestone!!!
Mine was walking three miles nonstop.

Yes, keep your progress incremental and keep up the post-activity TLC, and keep on going!
Happy Three Month Anniversary, Lefty!
Happy Six Months, Righty!
Sounds like you're doing great...and it will get even better! :yes!:
Have a wonderful weekend, lrj!
The final straw pre-surgery that made me say I can not live like this anymore was when I mowed the yard for the first time of the year.
There is something to be said for getting this done AFTER getting to a point where you feel you can’t live with it any more. I was in a fair amount of pain before surgery, and really struggled with walking the last year. There have been plenty of times I wished I had done it sooner, but I have never regretted or second guessed either surgery even a little. There was no question in my mind that I needed this fixed, whatever it took!
I think I'm at the point where I can stop going to acupuncture regularly. I did get a massage today. Felt so good!
Tried to cut down to Diclofenac 1x daily. Only took 3 days for me to realize I'm not ready for that. Back to 2x daily.
Sounds like things are going well.

Just a caution - as you go back up on the diclofenac - you're in what I've come to consider a danger zone, based on reading so many members' recovery threads.

At three to four months some of us have made such great progress we forget that we aren't fully healed yet.

We get a little looser in how quickly we accelerate time or distance in activities. We exercise our muscles, and forget that muscle strengthening is actually a two part process of breaking down and building up, so they need a day to recover. And we are better than we were before surgery, so we slack off on resting, icing, and elevating.

I don't want to put a damper on your wonderful recovery! It was just reading you on the diclofenac that made me wonder if it's been masking a need to slow down a tad.
t was just reading you on the diclofenac that made me wonder if it's been masking a need to slow down a tad.
I do things in spurts followed by being a couch potato. I make sure to rest plenty. When I tried backing down on the Diclofenac, I didn't do much.
I'm now working on clearing out flower beds that were completed overrun with weeds! I do make sure to rest every so often, but after an hour or two, I can go back out no issues. Honestly, I don't feel I need a break, but I make myself stop before there's a problem.
The swelling that led to my patella popping has just about completely stopped. My patella stays in the right location! It was out of position for pretty much my whole life. Knee caps are supposed to be on the front, not the side. Not only that, but my legs are now straight. And knowing how different my leg lengths are. The leg length discrepancy is definitely from when I broke it as a teen. But the difference between walking with and without adjusted shoes is astonishing. Amazing how much you don't know is off if that is all you have ever known!
You're doing great!!!!
And some more good news. After losing my job suspiciously 2 weeks before surgery, I accepted a full time job today! It sounds like the right combination of moving around without being too rough on my knees. Out of everything I've applied to, it's the one I really wanted. And I'll be getting paid better. I think God knew I needed to take time to heal.
I attempted to see if I could run just a few steps. 3 steps in, I knew to stop. I'll try again in about a month. Running is something I never could do well, even as a kid. Probably because my knees were misaligned.
Wonderful news! Congrats on the job! I hope it works out well for you, lrj.
Better pay...the job you wanted, a little divine's all good. :yes:
Enjoy the rest of the week! @lrj
attempted to see if I could run just a few steps. 3 steps in, I knew to stop. I'll try again in about a month. Running is something I never could do well, eve
Go easy on trying to run. I know some people here do get back to running- but I was advised not to run or jump on my implant. I can run very short distances- say to catch a bus. But when I tried some light jogging type exercises recently- my knee still didn't like it, even well after a year post-op. But it is fine for any other exercises like long walks.
I can run very short distances- say to catch a bus.
After my mom's hip replacement she was told don't run a marathon but it's ok to run from a bear.
I have never been a runner and I'm sure will never participate in a race of any length, nor do I have a desire to. For me, running would just be while playing tag with my nieces. My doctor never said not to run and with my 12 week followup asked if I had tried.
Went to my Aunt and Uncle's yesterday for the eclipse. Their house was within 1 mile of the center of the path of totality. I hope everyone gets to experience at least one total eclipse in their lives.
I stayed up there last night, and today, went hiking with my uncle. We did a 4 mile moderate hike. Knees did well and still feel good!


  • 7 years, 9 doctors, and 6 hour drive
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The coolest! I wish I was in the path of totality and able to witness this.
I heard it was rather emotional for many. Definitely an experience of a lifetime! Lucky you!
I hope youre having a good week and the old knee is behaving. :)
Went hiking again today. The trail also was much tougher than I anticipated. I thought I'd do more than one. I was going to try all 4, which would be about 7-8miles.
Trails 2-4 are listed as easy.
Trail 1 is listed as more difficult. Never saw that as a difficulty level. I've seen easy, moderate, moderately rugged, rugged, and very rugged. So more difficult in a park where everything else is easy, to me, that meant moderate.
Nope. It's up there with the most difficult trail at another state park. One really steep hill. Lots of ups and downs. And what was listed as 3 miles was 3.5. Ended up only doing one, but yet I still did more than I planned for. Knees still feel good, but legs were getting tired.
While hiking, I found a quilted heart. Apparently, people make quilted hearts and leave them places to be found and spread cheer. They have a website and Facebook for people to post their funds. Mine has cow spots, which is appropriate since I live cows. I'm going to take mine on my hikes and my eventually hiking trip to Australia.


  • 7 years, 9 doctors, and 6 hour drive
    113 KB · Views: 8

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