39 with a new hip! Advice welcomed...

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new member
Jul 3, 2010
Hi all
I've been reading all your posts with great interest! Here's my story in brief -
Started with Bursitis in left hip about 12 years ago which a steroid shot sorted every few years.
I'm not particularly physically active but like to dance (belly, salsa etc).
I've been limping very badly and in extreme pain with limited movement for 2 years so I was packed off for 3 more steroid shots - to no avail.
I eventually had an x-ray on the advice of my Podiatrist (I've got flat feet!) and discovered total loss of space in femoral head with cyst formation.

Thankfully, I only had to wait 3 months for my op on the NHS.
Before admission, I had to attend a 'hip school' session where we were shown the hip precautions and to expect a 5 inch scar, and to be walking unaided, dancing etc. after 6 weeks.

HOWEVER! I awoke from my op with a 12 inch scar and my surgeon telling me I had to use crutches with only partial weight bearing for 3 MONTHS!!!
I was mortified and cried all day.

I had not been warned of this previously so it was a major shock.

I'm now 6 weeks on. Scar healing nicely and no pain as such.

I had a trochanteric osteotomy (greater trochanter sawn off and grafted back on with cemented hip) and can't find anyone who has had the same.

I haven't had a follow up appointment yet.

Will I be fully weight bearing at 3 months? I'm desperate to lose the crutches (having a big 40th birthday party in late August!).
Also, I've been told to not do any excercises?
This week, my operated leg has swollen around the knee but with no pain - any ideas? Blood clots have been ruled out.
Finally, would it be beneficial to take aspirin daily? I'm not very active due to the crutches and my Heparin injections have now ceased.

Any advice / support would be much appreciated!
Sorry if I've rambled...


Total left hip with trochanteric osteotomy - 21st May 2010
Welcome Nina to Bonesmart.

Congratulations on your new hip. I can't believe they told you not to do any exercises, that doesn't sound right. I'm definitely not an expert on things as I'm still on the other (waiting) side, but that sound odd to me. I think every Dr. is different about how much weight you can put on the hip post op. One of our awesome moderators, Jo, is out of town and at moment but I'm sure when she returns she will have much to tell you regarding your situation. There are also a lot of other hippies that will probably reply to you that know more than me.

For now all I can do is say how sorry I am that your expectations were completely different from reality. I feel for you. Sometimes this board is less active during the weekend and especially b/c its a holiday for USA and Canada you may not get a lot of response until next week but hang on b/c I know it's coming. I just found this board recently and it's been a lifesaver.

I hope you are continuing to improve a little each day or each week, will b thinking of you,

I won't try to offer any medical advice, Jo and others are far more adept at that. But I will address your concern over the scar...

I woke up with a 16" scar when expecting a 6 - 8" one.

The reason as explained to me was that my muscles were strong, tight and large and that in order to get in and do the work they had to open things up a bit more than usual to permit the muscles to release and let the leg flex in the manner they needed to get in and get the job done correctly. I've met two people who have had minimally invasive hip surgery, and both have had far more issues with recovery and getting back to normalcy than I have; so I would trade the longer scar any day over a shorter one if it helped get the job done right.

The other things is, 18+ months later, you really have to be paying attention :evil: to even notice my scar now. Yes it is still long, but the color has come back around and it really isn't very noticeable at all in comparison to the monster I had when I first woke up (pic is somewhere on site here).
Hi Nina,

I agree - don't worry about the scar. They heal very quickly.

About the swelling. Are you using ice and elevating the leg at all? If not, try it. Most of us on the other side are still icing very regularly. Swelling is normal and part of the healing process.

Are you taking any pain meds? If not, you should. Everyone recommends continuing your meds even when you think you don't need them. The more active you get the more you will need meds to help you stay active.

So - ice, elevate and pain meds.

I can't comment on your weight bearing timeframe. Every surgeon is different on this one. Do you have an appointment at the 3 month mark or before? The OS usually uses your first followup appointment to access this.

All the best. Keep posting if you have any more questions. There is always someone here to help!
Hi Jaycey

No I haven't elevated or iced at all but will give it a try.

Did you find a sudden onset of fatigue at all? I'm at 6 weeks but am suddenly exhausted all the time! Perhaps it's because I'm doing more (am slightly anaemic too)...

Thanks so much for your advice

Hi Nina,

I didn't have a sudden feeling of being tired. But I still tire very easily since my op. If I have a day of activity I need to plan the next day as a rest day. All very normal.

Do try the ice and elevate. You will be surprised how fast it works. As you use your new hip it naturally starts to complain a bit. A little TLC and ice and you are off and running (well may not yet) again.

Take care!
Hi, Nina.....sorry to be so long in answering your post. Holiday company got me!

The tired feeling you are experiencing is very normal after major surgery. It gets better with time, but be prepared for it to take months to completely resolve. Sometimes it takes that long.

As far as the swelling....you really DO need to ice and elevate your leg frequently during the day and night. It will help with swelling. Also, what are you taking in terms of meds for pain and inflammation? The swelling is from inflammation and that needs to be addressed with either prescription or over-the-counter pain meds.
I still get very tired after a big day......and can sleep and sleep!! But I notice that the fatigue has lessened greatly over the months....at first I needed a nap after a trip for groceries!
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