TKR Rockgirl4's Recovery---already full of surprises.

Sorry to read that you've been diagnosed with psoriatic arthritis, but at least you know what the issue is now. It sounds like your rheumy is pretty confident. It is very true that blood tests are often inconclusive and that's when the experience and expertise of a rheumatologist is so important.
I have juvenile RA (seronegative--doesn't show up in blood tests.) I felt a bit worse after my tkrs but not really a flare.
I do not have psoriasis, but I do have very sensitive skin so I am careful about what I shower with. (not face—my rosacea only tolerates a few cleansers).

In the course of trying new scents in my favorite handmade olive oil and/or shea butter soaps, I accidentally discovered honey carrot soap. I liked it. Scent was very faint, but it was gentle and soothing. It turns out to be in high demand for psoriasis sufferers. My local soap maker ( only makes it at Christmas time, but I’m sure you can find it made near you. Or contact them and get on their list for this year’s batch.

People in the Philippines have a high rate of psoriasis (read this online) and swear by this particular combination of soap.
12 and 1/2 Weeks Post-op Update!!! It's difficult to believe I'm almost to the 3-month post-op mark, but sure enough, time flies!! I've noticed drastic improvements this week, and I truly think 12 weeks is a magic number for me....

1) I can ride my stationary bike with no heating pad for warm-up. I just get on and ride 2 minutes at the higher seat setting, then drop it a notch for the last 3-5 minutes. It feels more normal each week.
2) If it's early in the day, I can go down the stairs like a normal person.:dancy::egypdance: If it's later in the day, I need to ride my bike for a couple of minutes first to loosen up. I still hold on to the rail for dear life, but I feel like a HUGE milestone has been achieved!! :wowspring:I actually went up/down 4 sets of stairs at my son's Open House at school the other night. I shocked myself!! :yikes:

3) I finished PT last Tuesday because my surgeon didn't want to give me another prescription. He and I agree I know how to rehab a knee, considering this is my 11th knee surgery. I still need to go super slow in adding strength training and walking.

4) Walking is still my biggest struggle----I actually walked further tonight at my son's season-opening soccer game and am shocked I'm not more sore tonight. We'll see what tomorrow brings in terms of stiffness/soreness. I won't try that distance again for a couple of days.

5) My Biggest Change---I started PT for my back about 2 wks ago and am going once a week. My pelvis, sacrum, L5 vertebra, and at least 5 thoracic vertebra were COMPLETELY jacked up and out of alignment. Also, my TKR leg has a shortened quadriceps muscle and very weak hamstring. This keeps pulling my sacrum out of alignment. Thankfully the exercises I'm doing are slowly building strength, and things "seem" to be staying put after the last session.

6) My opinion on exercise and PT----as happy as I am that I did no strength training after my TKR the first 12 wks, I'm paying for it in other ways. My back is wrecked because my right hip, glute, quadriceps, and hamstrings are so weak. I traded less knee pain and inflammation for back issues, but I wouldn't change a thing. It is what it is, and that's just my body. I AM back to doing bridges, clam shells, ball squeezes between my legs, lots of core stretches, etc-----all because I have to. It tweaks the knee a little, but the knee seems to have acclimated after 8-10 days of this. All of these exercises have just done wonders for being able to go up the stairs normally. My stamina coming up is majorly improved, and the movement is more natural.

6) I have loads of nerve pain across my shin and below the knee when I overdo things and the knee swells. I know this will likely improve in time, but it is very distracting and limiting at times. It's frustrating that the area AROUND the knee often bothers me more than the knee itself.

7) I almost forgot---for those that always wonder when the never-ending stiffness will go away, this week has brought drastic improvements in that stiffness. I barely notice my TKR leg when I get out of bed in the morning. It's WONDERFUL!!! :wow: Granted, after an hour of getting Owen ready for school, breakfast, dishes, etc....the swelling builds a little and I notice the knee.....but this is still a major improvement.

Every time I get frustrated at not being able to exercise normally yet, I think back to just 2-3 wks ago and how restricted I still was. Each week really does bring change----some more than others, but it's GOOD changes. I'll take it!!! :SUNsmile:
What a great update!! I'm so glad you're getting closer and closer to having your normal life back.

My PT right now is all about stairs. I need to get out of the habit of only going up and down once per day. I need more practice doing them with my left leg in charge. I only have 2 more weeks to get good at it. I can't even imaging how great it will be to go up stairs using both legs. Sometime in November, I expect.
@Rockgirl4 this is a brilliant post :goodpost:.... it's great to get a bit of encouragement at the end of week 7 that there is indeed light at the end of the tunnel!!

Great news on the core stretches and clam shells....I am very excited at the prospect of returning to pilates classes... my physio reckoned that would be at about 3 months (with obvious restrictions...)

I noticed this week that my Fitbit steps are getting back to what I was doing before the TKR. I was very limited before, so it feels like I'm just about at the post surgery feeling better than the pre surgery condition.

Fantastic news on the stairs and the bike :yes!:
Just like my title says----there's always a surprise around the corner. :) :yahoo:

Tonight I tried to ride my stationary bike at the lower seat height---just to see how close I was to achieving this WITHOUT having to start at the higher level and loosening up first. Lo and behold, I immediately pedaled all the way around with no pain and no need to force anything. I rode the full 5 minutes at the lower seat height. I was truly shocked.....:shocked:

Then I decided I might as well see what else was easier today. :fingersx: So I stood at the top of the stairs, took a deep breath, and there I went---- down the stairs leg over leg, only holding onto one rail instead of both....can you say SUCCESS??!! :dancy::spin:

I really didn't think I'd accomplish going down stairs normally for a couple more months and was surprised at how much stronger my hip is this week.

Many of you have followed my thread since the beginning and know of my major stiffness and severe inflammation following surgery. There were good reasons to worry about my flexion, but we took the slow and steady approach with minimal PT and no forced bending. In the end, I swear Week 12 has been a Godsend, with improvement coming in waves. These 2 achievements come after last night, when I walked further than I had in months. I was truly expecting major swelling and soreness today, but there was none. Again, I woke up not even noticing my knee for the first hour I was awake.

I'm beyond grateful. :) Now I'm only scared of jinxing it.:rofsign:
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Two-footing stairs seems like an impossible dream. I'm so glad you're finally there! That sounds so amazing.
And you're not even in trouble with baby knee. That's just fabulous. I'm so pleased for you.
@marieltha Thank you so much for asking about the house construction. I haven't been online much the last 2 weeks since life had been crazy with my son getting back in school. Once you add in soccer and piano lessons, there's barely any time left in the day. :)

Anyway, they poured the footings last Wednesday and started placing the forms Friday. We were just super happy to see some concrete on the lot.:yay: We literally bought the lot from Hades!! It needed massive excavation work due to the steep grade. There will be a large subwall below the basement floor, and that will make the BACK of the house look like a 2 story home with a basement....even though it's a ranch home. Luckily, no one ever sees the back, but even then, most of the basement will be framed out instead of concrete walls, thus it should be easier to heat/cool.

The builder is talking about a late December or early January closing date, and as much as I hate waiting, I wouldn't want to move anytime soon. My knee is JUST now letting me walk more, but I still have to be so careful with too much standing, shopping, cleaning, exercising, etc. I definitely don't want to rock the boat, so this works out okay.

How are things going with you, @marieltha ??? I am trying to add in more exercising this week and managed a 3/4 mile walk around the subdivision tonight with my son. We did the short loop instead of the long loop, and I'm waiting to see if my knee screams at me tomorrow.:flabber: It felt SOOOOOO good to do something normal though, as I've really missed walking over the last 6 months. I had gotten to where I couldn't do it at all the last 2 months before the TKR---well, I COULD, but I regretted it every time.
Let's talk shin pain......

Has anyone had the problem where at 3-4 months post-op, your upper shin area hurts more than your actual knee?

I've had nerve issues before with this knee following the ACI arthrotomy back in 2015. This is very similar.The pain starts when the swelling around the knee increases, such as at the end of the day or a day following too much activity. It takes 2-3 days of lots of icing, plus Aleve (naproxen) to get it to calm down. It is so hard to keep the inflammation/swelling to a minimum, and this shin pain seems to occur after I reach a threshhold of some sort with the swelling. I am NOT lifting weights, I am NOT walking much at all (simple, short errands), and I limit my standing severely. I don't know what else I can do other than ice more.....:scratch:

Mostly, it really stinks to NOT walk or exercise because my shin hurts---NOT my knee. :headbang:I keep wondering if it's nerve compression/irritation from the swelling. I had 2 injections into the nerve sheath back in 2016-17 to get it calmed down last time, but this is a little bit different......Any thoughts???
Your new home sounds wonderful! How exciting to look forward to!

Thanks for asking about me. I’m improving steadily.

I do a mile or a mile and a half total walking every day on hard surfaces, but in short stints, perhaps 5 minutes, not long ones. In addition, I walk in the pool for 15-20 minutes. Easy, gentle pace. Heel toe.
I’ve had the most improvement since I started walking in the pool every day (got new lace up water shoes with arch support and a sole like a running shoe that drains). Have you tried this?
You sound like you're doing great!! Congrats on the stairs, the construction & better moving around. That's really great.
The shin pain is a bummer though, I hope you can get it figured out. Wish I could be of help but I know very little about it all.
Has anyone had the problem where at 3-4 months post-op, your upper shin area hurts more than your actual knee?
Yes, I have had the pain in the same area. My OS said it's where the stem goes into the bone. Even now, especially if I've been extra active, it hurts.
@sistersinhim For some reason I thought someone said that only happens with revisions, as the stem is longer...but it would explain things perfectly in my case. :) I'm just glad someone else knows what I'm talking about, as it was very surprising.
I'm just glad someone else knows what I'm talking about, as it was very surprising.
I know exactly what you're talking about. I have heard others complain about the same thing, too. Even those with a tkr and not a revision.
How was your week? I hope all is well!
@Ladyala Thank you so much for asking, as I saw your comment when I got on to post an update. :) I'm doing well, and the knee keeps improving each week. Now it's all about being patient and not overdoing it. I'll be back shortly with an update. :)

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