TKR Vickie's Knee Recovery

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Hi Cathy, I'm so happy this morning! I actually slept 6 hours straight last night!!! I have been averaging about 3-4 hours and that just doesn't work out for someone that needs a minimum of 8 every night. For the first time in 2 weeks, my body feels hopeful. It's crazy what some sleep can sounds like your scar is going to heal really well. Maybe by summertime, it will just be a faint line on your leg. One end of mine looks good, but the other end has some areas that are swollen up. The OS said that I can rub Vitamin E oil on it now. Apparently since it is sealed with glue, nothing can get down into the incision. I understand that used to be a real no-no about rubbing anything on them. I guess it depends on how the OS finishes it up. They all do everything so different from each other. I was glad that mine didn't use staples. Those look a little frightening to me... Have you gotten your pain meds ordered? The doc reduced my muscle relaxer from 2 to 1 every 6 hours in the last visit. I think that it will be ok. I did have one of the evening pain episodes that we both get last night, but it wasn't nearly as severe as the ones from last week.....I still have 2 more in-home visits from PT this week and 3 next week. I guess he will assign out patient therapy after that.....I noticed that your pic shows you sitting by the beach. Are you lucky enough to live on the coast or lucky to have had a terrific vacation? We live in Tulsa. Moved here from Texas 7 years ago for my husband's job. Vickie
Hi Vickie,
Yes we do live by the beach. Love the climate. I haven't got my pain meds yet but going to call another nurse in there office. Their office staff has to be babysat I think. Have had issues before with the staff but the doctor is great.
I am glad you were able to sleep! Aside from the pain that has been the worse not sleeping!
I am glad he didn't use staples either! Mine is already a fine line but puffy still. I am amazed too. Lol my insurance would only allow 3 home visits but the out patient was so much better so I was OK with that. And I have known the therapist for years and he knows that I want to get back to the gym ASAP lol.
How,do you like Tulsa? We live in ventura about half an hour south of Santa Barabra. It is pretty in winter summers can be foggy and cold!
It would be really good to get the pain meds now that you are going to out patient therapy. I've gone before with my knee and they can do so much more for you at the outpatient. I remember using the weights and bicycle and also standing on their "balance" block. (I have no idea what it's really called.) The therapy before was after an arthoscope on the knee.....I want to get back to doing a lot of walking so that I can build up stamina for traveling. We are hoping to go to Europe in September.....So, I'm guilty of not being a person that does regular exercise, but I want to be healthy and in shape to travel without problems....In 2011, I traveled to China. I fell there and hurt my knee. The OS tells everyone that I fell on the "Great Wall", but the real story is way less exciting. I actually tripped over a doorway ridge and fell in a bathroom in China. Lucky for me it was in a nice building. If I had fallen in one of the "squatty potties", the germs alone would have probably killed me!.....How is your pain level today?
About 6 weeks is when I could finally measure a difference. Seems like a long time but it really isn't and then that is still really early in recovery. Just need to keep taking it a day at a time.

Even now, I have zingers where the nerves are regenerating. Or I'll hit my knee and say "Ouch!". Both to me are good as it means I am still healing and nerves continue to regenerate!

Elisea, how long did it take before all of the different pains didn't really worry you anymore? From reading a lot of the posts, I can tell that I'm going to have lots of various pains, sensations, etc for quite a while. I tend to be a worrier and I'm wondering how you decide that something is just a "healing pain" and not something to be concerned about. I'm getting used to how my knee has its day to day pains and aches now, but I'm thinking it may be a little disconcerting to be doing great and then suddenly feel a different sensation? Oh....I am definitely not looking forward to the day that I bang my knee into something! :yikes: Vickie
Lol the Great Wall story is much better. My pain level is about a 5 just called to try again to get pain meds. If I don't hear from them in a couple of hours going to call my regular doctor. I usually do the stair stepper( rotating stairs) for an hour every day at the gym and then ride my bike for an hour at the beach about 4 times a week.i do some weights and also do a P90x tape for legs 3 x a week.
I am not a real big traveler. Might go to Floridia in June to see my brother and go to Illinosis in Oct to see my sister.
So where in Europe are you going? I was thinking of doing the Avon breast walk in Sept but may wait til next year.
The in-home therapist has not let me back on my recumbent bike yet. I was riding it everyday before the surgery and really hate to lose that momentum. I'm not sure what order they do things in. Since he comes to the house, that may not be a part of his regular PT for home patients.....Last night when I was having the "evening pains", it got up to a 7 briefly, but the ice and Percoset brought it back to around a 5 again.... I'm about to do my exercises for the afternoon. I always dread those a lot more than the morning because it seems like it begins to build upon itself as the day goes on.....We are talking about going to London, then to Austria and Germany and ending in Paris. The OS said that the cobblestone streets in Germany may send a few jolts thru my knee, but I would be ok. We haven't booked the trip yet. I know that when we do, it will be a sure sign that I believe that my knee is doing really well.....Just being 2 weeks out, makes my confidence a little too shaky! :rolleyes: .....Right now, I can hardly stand riding in the car for over 30 minutes at a time!...BTW, can you believe that we have actually made it to 15 days? Vickie
Hi Vickie,
In some ways I think wow that went fast and others ways I think OMG this is taking forever lol I get pretty tired riding around in the car for the short things we have hubby wanted me to go with him tomorrow to a doctor appt but it is almost an hour away and he is taking the truck so he can get a load of wood and I said I just can't do it. My regular doctor said at 12 weeks I will be really happy. I hope so because I am not so happy now lol. I am waiting for the housekeepers now,to come. I just couldn't clean the floors and bathrooms every week so I just got them in Nov for twice a month now,having them come every week until I feel better.
You are right....two weeks seems to be a really short amount of time, but when you hurt it seems like forever! I only took one Percoset before the exercises this afternoon and I can really tell a difference. Tomorrow I will be taking two of them. It is really hard for me to get too much better than 90 degrees otherwise. I will be so glad when we get to 12 weeks and our lives are back to normal.....(I'm hoping) I can't take care of the cleaning or floors either. This morning, I was so happy to just be able to dress myself and wash and dry my hair without feeling totally wrecked....I'm glad that I did the surgery because I'm very hopeful that its all going to work out great in the end, but I honestly had no idea how tough it would be.....Is your evening pain any better?...BTW it really helps that you compare outcomes with me. I appreciate it so much. Vickie
Last night it was a little better but I took a pain med that had Tylenol in it instead of the other one and it was 5 mg stronger. Yeah the mailed out my pain med today and called in a muscle relaxer. My quads are cramping so bad. Taking a shower, and doing hair is exhausting I have only been drying my bands and the rest has to air dry just too tired. With 2 boys and hubby the floors are a wreak not to mention 3 dogs and a cat. I use to wash them and scrub the grout once a week until my back couldn't take it. I got injections in my back to try and help the pain but the knee not being able to straighten was throwing it out...
I had no idea how tough this was going to be either. What a challenge getting in and out of bed, on and off the toilet. Lol my mom,had ALS and honestly I know a little how she felt and wished I had been more patient with her. My siblings said I was a saint but really this surgery makes be realize just how hard she had it...It is nice to compare outcomes!
About 6 weeks is when I could finally measure a difference. Seems like a long time but it really isn't and then that is still really early in recovery. Just need to keep taking it a day at a time.

Even now, I have zingers where the nerves are regenerating. Or I'll hit my knee and say "Ouch!". Both to me are good as it means I am still healing and nerves continue to regenerate!

Elisea, how long did it take before all of the different pains didn't really worry you anymore? From reading a lot of the posts, I can tell that I'm going to have lots of various pains, sensations, etc for quite a while. I tend to be a worrier and I'm wondering how you decide that something is just a "healing pain" and not something to be concerned about. I'm getting used to how my knee has its day to day pains and aches now, but I'm thinking it may be a little disconcerting to be doing great and then suddenly feel a different sensation? Oh....I am definitely not looking forward to the day that I bang my knee into something! :yikes: Vickie

I know what you mean about being a worrier, Vickie. "Is this new twinge normal?" is what I find myself wondering. It led me back to perusing these forums, because so many people here have been through it already and they have a lot to share. I felt really supported when I read Elisea's comment about nerves continuing to regenerate.

Congratulations on your progress! You are doing great. I remember how tiring it was to take a shower and get dressed in those first few weeks. When I started outpatient PT after one month post surgery, I was -10 in extension and I think I was closing in on 100 on flexion. I tried to not worry about the numbers so much but faithfully did (and still do) my stretches, etc. Once my PT determined that one problem regarding my extension was a very tight right hip flexor, and she gave me some good stretches for that, I saw progress there. Hope you have a good night tonight!
Hi Terry, Your being 4 months out is a really big help to me. Do you think that your ife is pretty much back to the way it was before the knee pain and then the surgery took over? I haven't ever asked my surgeon to give me an estimated time when I would feel "normal" again. When he said there wouldn't be a problem with traveling in August, I just held onto that time period as my goal. I'm not taking the max dose of pain pills that I did round the clock before, but honestly in the evenings, the knee surgery reality always gets my attention and I'm counting it down when it's time for my pills around the 8-10 pm time sounds like you are doing so well. I'm hoping that's me at 4 months! (Gee, I'm at 15 days, that's a while until I get there!)
Vicky, here's what I can say about whether life is "back to normal." I went back to work on January 2nd (I'm an early childhood school psychologist); that went really well. I wasn't too tired at night, and although I did have some twinges and inflammation by day's end, I iced and used Aleve and that helped a lot (sitting in those little chairs for prolonged periods when I am doing assessments can be hard, but I'm also 56 so that could be why it's hard too!). I re-started my spinning classes a few times a week the first full week of January, and I was amazed at how great I felt doing that. So, in general, I'd say life feels pretty normal, other than still having some tenderness (you're right, you don't want to bump it, even four months later!) and the odd sensation here and there. I can walk, and I can even walk quickly! I can go up and down stairs alternating my feet without a problem! I just ordered a new pedometer because I am eager to start walking again as an alternative to bicycling or spinning indoors. But it's been pretty icy here lately in New England, and I'm pretty nervous about slipping on black ice. In all, I am happy about my status, and I feel like it's just going to keep getting better. Interestingly, I have a dental cleaning coming up in a few weeks, so I know I have to take the prophylactic antibiotic beforehand. So, that will be a bit different, but not a big deal.

You'll be amazed at how 15 days turns into a month and then two months, and so on. You sound as motivated as I felt I was/am.
Terry, I would be thrilled with the progress that you have described! :thankyou:
Vickie, I couldn't imagine this moment when I was two weeks out, like you are. It WILL come but everyone is a bit different. I still have the memories of those hard nights not sleeping, discovering the night owls on Facebook and this forum, and feeling sick from the Vicodin pain meds. One happy side effect for me from some of the rough times was finally getting my weight under 140 lbs, which I had been trying to do for quite a few years. So when I think about feeling sick from the meds, I think , well, at least you lost those pounds. Now my goal is to KEEP them off!

Keep posting and asking your questions. I didn't do that as much as I could have benefitted from.
Graduation Day to a cane! (Day 16) The therapist came this morning and put me thru the workout and said that I could start using a cane most of the time. If I get tired in the evenings, then switch back to the walker. He also said that I'm not walking normally. I gather that I'm not "peg-legged" and then I tried to figure out if he wanted sort a "march-like" walk. Neither of those is it and my brain isn't wrapping around what I need to do. I've limped for 3 years now, so I've got to get myself retrained on the correct way to be normal. Good luck with being normal! :heehee: I have 4 more in-home therapies to go. I figure the doc will send me on to out patient after that....I had a nightmare last night that there was something terribly wrong with my knee. I turned on the lights, woke my husband and the dogs up and then realized I was having a bad dream....How's exercise going for everyone else? Vickie
Congrats on the cane Vickie! My I. Home therapist showed me how to use a cane. I have been really bad using nothing until evening and using the walker or when I go out using the walker more to keep people from running in to me. I am amazed at how rude people are! Lol I have been trying to walk" normal" I have limped for 20+ years. What an awful dream!!!
Well I am still in bed trying to get motivated to take a shower. I overdid it yesterday felt so good went to Costco with hubby and farmers market. Paying for it today and the middle of the night.
Terry my Os said he felt at 3 months I would be back to normal lol we will see did you get you muscle tone back yet in your leg? That is driving me nuts! I hoping to lose some weight too my appetite is not what is was at all. My leg was so swollen I didn't want to weight my self yet. How is your pain today Vickie?
I had gotten some of the quad muscle back before surgery because they had me start some exercises for that. Today however, the therapist had me try to stand and kick up towards my bottom. You would think that with all of the muscle sagging in the rear end department that it would have been easy, but I wasn't even close! He also had me lay on the bed on my stomach and try to kick the leg back that way. I swear that I couldn't even feel one muscle moving. The only thing that hurt was my knee. So I'm guessing the muscles are just hanging there waiting for someone to get them going again.....I talked with the OS nurse this morning after therapy and she said that I'm probably throwing my foot sort of to the outside. She said to walk almost a little pigeon-toed and it would correct it. When my husband came home at lunch, I showed him my "new" walk. He said it looked normal. Ok, so normal was walking pigeon toed, sort of marching (to bend the knee) and trying not to drag the foot. All of that, just to walk normal. The therapist said that my brain would need to be retrained after these years of walking with a limp....About the weight - I gained 13 lbs last year from sitting in the chair. It hurt so much to move that I just sat and did nothing. I'm positive that when we get moving again, the weight gain will go away....I'm so proud of you that you got out and walked around Costco and a Farmers Market too! It motivates me to get said that you have limped for 20 years. Do you mind me asking about what happened to your knee? Vickie
I tore the meniscus skiing and I was a runner. Well the doctor fixed the meniscus but I told him it still hurt anyway he blew me off said it was arthritis 21 and deal with it. So I continued to run until it would give out the had anther surgery where the doctor said I had worn the bone down and a dime size piece was dead. So he drilled holes into it trying to get it to grow back. I continued to run until I was 40 at that point I stopped because of knee pain and now this is where I am. I am usually very active even with a bad knee. So sitting is awful!!! I had good muscle tone before surgery now it is gone!!!!!
Hi Vickie,
How are you doing today? I went to lunch with a friend so now pretty sore. Icing my knee watching Ellen. My pain prescription didn!t come in the mail today so had to call my regular doctor to get enough to last through the weekend I am ready to write a friend of ours who was chief of staff at the hospital and ask him what is up and for pain meds ugh. They do nothing for me but take a little bit of the pain away so I don't know,what the issue is. It doesn't even take ALL the pain away. Grrrrrr. Oh well I hope you are having a good day!
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