TKR Rosi's Recovery Update: One Year post op nightmare...

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I know I have a thread here somewhere, just not able to figure out where. My surgery date was June 11, 2012. I had a successful recovery and was able to resume normal life and exercise, losing 30 unwanted lbs. In short, I felt great. Sometime in November, I experienced a sharp pain on the inside in the hollow of the new knee joint. Walking is excruciating. It causes sharp burning pain which gets worse with every step. This has progressed to the same pain occurring while I slept, drove, or otherwise bent the knee at about a 45 degree angle. I underwent a saphenous neurectomy in January to no avail. I was then told that the pain must be originating in my back by my Orthopedic surgeon. I was sent to a pain specialist in the same practice who administered a cortisone shot in my back, all the while telling me that he thought it was my knee. Went back to OS, who still insisted that it was my back and wanted to send me to back surgeon. I asked for another alternative. He offered PT. I went to the same PT shop that rehabbed my knee. After assessing me, they determined pain was my knee. I received deep tissue massage on neurectomy site which had never resolved and was huge with many hard lumps and bumps. They also used therapeutic ultrasound. Neurectomy site is now nearly normal, knee pain is the same or worse.
Pain specialist told PT that he did not have the equipment to do any further diagnostics and I should go to a teaching hospital!!! I have had an MRI on my back, but not on the knee. I refuse to accept this condition, but I am at a loss as to what my next step should be. Any advice would be greatly appreciated. I have had it with Docs that are supposed to be "the best". Anyone have any success with alternative therapies for chronic pain?
Sorry this is happening to you. :console2:

Get a second opinion from another Orthopaedic Surgeon - and not one who has any association with the OS who did your operation. It is your right to seek a second, or even a third, opinion.

You may have to go to another city to see someone with a new perspective.
You are looking for an answer but headed down the wrong road. Alternative pain management is not going to fix what's causing this pain. I'm curious why no one is this cast of characters has come up with the thought of a second (or even third!) opinion. OMG. You must be one tough cookie to endure all this.

PT isn't going to fix pain. Your ortho being a human being has some blind spots, and in your case your knee is in his blind spot. So you have to find another pain of eyes. If you let us know where you live, we might be able to suggest surgeons or at least clinics.

Also, please be more specific about the location of your pain. Is it centered over the knee cap? On the inside? Outside? Below or above the knee? Does it radiate? How bad? What makes it worse; what makes it better. Xrays and MRIs tend not to offer much useful information when TKRs hurt, but you're right, an MRI of your knee seems to be a good idea.
Rosi, I agreee completely that what you need is a second and maybe even a third opinion. The fact that your pain is there when walking and now has advanced to hurting when you are resting or asleep indicates there may be a problem with that knee. What you need is a revision specialist. This is a surgeon who is used to diagnosing some of the more complex problems associated with TKRs. It's true that you may be more likely to find such a person at a very large hospital or a teaching hospital. Are you near a University or large city?
I know my frustration is showing. I know in my heart of hearts that your advice is absolutely correct.
In answer to your questions: I live in Lancaster, PA, the pain is deep in the knee joint on the medial side. The pain is often caused by nothing, but I can trigger it by flexing my quadricep. In attempting to figure out where to go for another opinion, I haven't found an independent source rating facilities or docs. As you can imagine, my energy is at an all time low. The thought of going through all the "firsts" for yet another medical "genius" is daunting. Any concrete recommendations are welcome.
Yes it is frustrating, more frustrating than anything can be. I have a 2.5 year old TKR that is not right, but the brace I bought makes things good enough. I've had to settle for "good enough." But I don't have pain.

What I did is go on the US News & World report website, click on "health" and that allows you to do a search for either doctors or hospitals with high ratings. Try this link:,+PA&distance=100

I will also tag Jamie who is good at finding doctors. You'll need to find a revisionist.

There are a few of us on here who got into a similar scenario as you -- a problematic TKR and getting no help from the geniuses we hired. I'm afraid to say the medical system is a mess. But we're here to help you!
I have the names of some excellent revisionists in the New York City area. Could you travel that far?
Yes Jamie. My daughters live in Brooklyn and Jersey City. We visit NYC often. One of my heartbreaks is not being able to walk the city anymore. I would appreciate the names. Thanks, and thank you Mary for the link.
I would recommend the Hospital for Special Surgery. They are a world leader in joint replacement. I had a second opinion there and actually did not wait long. Anyhow, sounds as if NYC will be a good option for you.
rosi I have not read your entire thread, but it sounded so familiar I had to respond immediately. I had BTKR on june 10th 2013, just 11 days ago and experienced similar spasms in my right calf that were ver painful during stretch and it started to act up on my left as well. I was grateful my PT took it serioysly as did the rehab dr. I was given muscle relaxers that help a GREAT DEAL! Call your OS and ask if this might help you. I was able to stretch so much more comfortably afterwards, bringing my extension from -21 to -11 on both knees in 3 short days. The pain during stretch before was muscular cramp NOT knee pain. Once cramping stopped stretching became muchmore tolerable.
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