Recovery in progress

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Just take it easy, Barb, and you'll cope.

Blessings to your husband and hope it all goes smoothly for him (and you!)

Sounds scarey, but sounds like he's in good hands. As for the hospital, if you need to borrow a wheelchair (sounds like a big place) you can always ask. Set the alarm on your phone to go off regularly so you remember to get up and stretch.

Don't be shy about letting the staff know about your own medical issues too. When my son has been hospitalized the staff was great about helping me out too, like putting us in a room with an empty bed, so I didn't have to sleep in one of those chairs. Since they knew how alone I was and wouldn't leave my son to get a meal, they often 'found' an extra one for me. When he was a newborn and they realized I was postpartum, they provided me with 'supplies' that weren't usually found in pediatrics.

I would back a supply of plastic bags. They have plenty of ice. Just don't forget to R-I-C-E!
Kathy is right. The hospital staff will help you in all kinds of ways. You just need to chat with them. I hope things go well for your husband. You both are in my prayers.
Hi Barb
First of all, Congratulations on being appointed as "one of the wise ones" on this website. The way you welcome all newbies is truly great.
Secondly, I just want to wish you all the best for the challenges ahead, and send my hopes that your husband will have a fast and seamless recovery.
Hi Barb, I also want express my wishes that all goes well with your hubby and also with you, Take care. My husband had rotater cuff surgery a few month ago, that was nothing compared to your problems, but it was still hard. He is doing very well, and now we are both going to PT. Wishing you the best!
Barb--those selfish concerns are exactly the same ones that I had when faced with my husband's open heart surgery--over 10 years ago!! You have to face it with knees that are not 100%. I remember a nurse coming up to me and saying, stop crying you will have to give up your life now and take care of him. Ugh, this lady should get a job at a drycleaner's!!

I was able to take care of Bob and you will be too. Your love with carry you through it, don't worry about that at all. And really, it was easier to recover from open heart than from tkr!! Bob did go to a rehab program at the local health club that really helped him a lot---depression is almost a given after heart surgery. Leaving the house and going to rehab really helped him deal with his depression--especially because he could talk to other heart patients.

I wish you well Barb--and feel free to complain to me at any time, I will not take is seriously at all!!! Kelly
I pray and uplift you and your husband during your experience.

Some of the folks (meaning part-timers and even PT came over from Emory) to Piedmont. They are good folks. My sister's, in-law had a transplant there a few years ago. They had family rooms. They were from MS...but you may want to check on that as I know Atlanta driving can be hellish.

They have a good rehab place too. Maybe somehow you could kind of beg for a pass for when you are there? They took pretty good care of my sister's in-law, husband was able to get out and go to Braves game and antique shop. I'm sure there is some liability issues but was thinking maybe they had a rehab you can pay for by week/month as my hospital does (Piedmont). This may when the social services people can really chip in and help.

Best wishes and God bless. You have a lot on your plate and will be thinking about you.
DAY 137

Greetings everyone. We are still in a holding pattern with my hubby. Hopefully we will get a date tomorrow. Thanks for all your encouragement and prayers.

I have now kicked my Tramadol to the curb! (I have some stashed away for emergencies). I am doing well without it...taking tylenol as needed. Funny, I went to the doctor this week. His comment about Tramadol...only thing it is good for is side effects. He said that frequently docs choose Tramdol because it is synthetic. He said that it is a nightmare when dealing with folks that are challenged with depression. They have their depression AND then they have "partially controllled" pain which triggers more depression! Very intersting conversation. Mind you this is just one doctor's opinion.

My mobility is still just okay. I use my walker at work and for longer distance walking. I always have my cane that I use for shorter distances. At home I am able to walk without any assistance but only for short distances. I think that as time progresses that all of this will resolve. I am finding that I can stand stationery longer. I have little to know pain, but it still feels like I am having balance challenges. I think it has been so long since I walked normally it is going to be hard to learn to do it right!

Thanks all...
you remember last year--I fell into a profound depression after my tka--and I finally figured out that it was the Tramadol. I stopped it and two days later, I felt like myself again!!! I could not really believe it and so, this year when my right knee hurt, I used Tramadol again--I was talking with a friend and she said, Kelly you don't sound like your cheery self--what is going on? Of course, it was the Tramadol.

I threw it away for real this time--and I am back to being a happy person!! Your doc is right. Kelly
DAY 152:

Pretty amazing how time flies. SLOWLY but surely my newest knee is becoming my knee.

To be perfectly honest, this has been a VERY slow process this time. I finished PT at 16 weeks. I knew that I would be 100% by then. Not so..I am still pretty much dependent on cane (use walker at work). I want to be able to walk like a normal person...but for today it is not going to happen. BUT I will!

My favorite quad muscle is beginning to improve. It becomes rigid less frequently (stiff..are muscle stiff?). Besides working about 9 hrs a day, I am slowly but surely beginning to do some chores around the house. I am still tiring easily.

So what I am saying is: What your expectations of yourself may be, may not end up being reality. We need to look for the progress in each day...whether it is walking to the mailbox or riding a bike. We cannot compare ourselves to anyone else.
yes, I am glad to hear that your knee is improving. I am just finishing pt at 12 weeks--then will do 12 weeks in a "bridge program" with an athletic trainer.

My pt was chiding me today about doing too much---the bane of tkrs!! But, I don't want to do too little!!! Kelly
Barb, you have the essence of recovery! It is a journey...sometimes an unexpected one....but one that is best taken a day at a time. Yours may have a few more twists and turns than someone else's....but you'll get there just the same. So...the best thing to do is just enjoy the trip!
Twenty Three Weeks (Almost Six Months)

Oh my goodness. It is hard to believe that it has almost been six months since LTKR. Som much has happened in the last six months, it truly feels like a blurr. I

Here is my present situation...I need suggestions PLEASE!

1. The muscle ( I assume quad) that attaches to the upper part of the knee becomes very stiff, swollen and painful with use. Particularly if I sit for awhile. PT has not made a significane difference in the swelling and pain in this area. (I have not done any consistent exercise for about two months; however after looking back at this thread this has been a problem since surgery). Where do I start to get this resolved? Is it back to PT, massage therapist, OS???

2. I am still tied to a cane and walker (I assume part of it is fear and part of it is because the above described muscle is swollen, painful and thus my mind treats it as unstable). I KNOW that I should be walking better. But when I walk, it is with a definite tilt and discomfort in back/hips. It could be one of those things that could also be tied to my obesity I suppose and until I lose some pounds it puts too much pressure on back, knees, ankles etc and thus walking is problematic. Where do I start on this problem? Lose weight (in progress), see a PT, etc.

I know that water aerobics would probably be the best thing for me. However, working full time...the aerobics classes are during the day or on the weekends in my area (including YMCA, local aquatics center, and wellness centers in the hospitals).

Please talk turkey to me friends. Any and all suggestions is greatly appreciated
Barb, does your quad muscle just hurt with activity or does it actually swell up?

Losing weight is always a good thing, but you certainly don't have to wait for that to begin to work on muscle strength and balance. I betcha you could benefit from some good core strength training and balance training. You can get that with a good therapist or trainer at a gym.
Jamie..It actually swells and gets very hard.

I thought about a trainer but was concerned about them knowing what to do with a knee patient.

I have this problem too. It feels as if there is a steel plate above my knee, stiff, hard and sore..I mentioned it to my PT on Friday . He did a massage in that area, which hurt just a little, but when he was done it felt much better..It started to hurt a little today so I will have him massage it tomm. when I go back..

He said it was the quad muscles.
Hope this helps:thmb:

If it's actually swelling up, I think you should stay with a therapist for now. You also might want to discuss it with your doctor. The idea of some massage sounds good.

Have you tried TENS? Therapeutic Electrical Nerve Stimulation (I think) I get it at the PT place I go to and it helps a lot. It really helps reduce the swelling before or after a session. And you can't take Celebrex right? That's a shame because reducing the swelling helps a lot.

At PT they know I don't care about ROM, but walking correctly and building up endurance are my goals. The therapists have been working on my hips to help that. After walking the wrong way to help avoid painful knees a lot of bad habits and tightening of the wrong muscles gets in my way. I'm a big girl too so I completely understand.
It will be the incisional scar, I should think. Therefore some nice deep massage would be good, to free it up and get things moving.
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