Caregiver--needs post surgery?

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Sep 20, 2009
United States
My 80 yo, good health mother will have her first hip replacement surgery in about 4 weeks. I am planning to help her the first week home, and am wondering what to expect as I plan my trip, needing to juggle job absence, etc. Will she potentially need dressing help,bathroom help for a week? More? Any suggestions for how best to prepare? I don't live near her and want to be there when and how best needed.
Somewhat nervous about this....Thanks!
Hi, kmjoyce! Welcome to BoneSmart! There are lots of great tips on what to expect after surgery in the Hip Recovery forum here on a little reading and you'll get a feel for what to expect.

The best thing is that you are going to be there for your mom. She will need some assistance getting up and down, using the bathroom, and getting meals together. Plan on doing some cooking while you're there that week and freeze up some single-serving meals that she can pop in the microwave when you are gone. Then just play it all by ear once you're there....everyone heals differently.

Don't be nervous (easy for me to say, huh!). This is great surgery that really improves a person's life! It's good that your mom is healthy going into it. She should do just fine.
Hi Karen welcome!!!!! That is so sweet you will be there with her........It is a tough job but so worth it in the long run..........Sh will do fine , Jamie had great suggestions........tell her take her medicine and take it easy ..I so wish her the best and you as well.......she will be so happy she did this............)
Karen, if they don't tell you this in the hospital, your mom will need to take stool softeners while she is on pain medication. You can get them at any drug store. Just be sure it's "stool softeners" and not any type of laxative....NOT the same. Constipation is very common when taking pain meds and it can make recovery very miserable!! They should start her on them in the hospital. Insist on it. You are now your mom's advocate!!
Karen that is so sweet of you to be there for your mom. She will do just fine. It is a great surgery. Her leg will seeem like it weighs a ton to her so she will need help getting it on and off the bed. I used a reacher grabber tool to help get my clothes on as we first can not bend that far (the 90 degree rule)
Lots of information on here as Jamie said, feel free to ask specific questions.
Have a look in the Information Centre (link at top of page) and then also find the Recurring Hip Information. Lots of stuff in there members have been adding to for ages.
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