can dental problems affect knee replacement surgery

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Well got the results yesterday from my CT scan on the growth they found on my thyroid. I have a nodule on my thyroid so they are scheduling me for a biopsy and they found 2 nodules on my breasts which they also believe is nothing. This journey is has certainly had lots of unwelcome surprises. I am pretty positive that this is nothing since mammograms have shown nodules before and they have been benign but since I had a hysterectomy due to ovarian cancer 4 years ago I will definitely get it checked out.

I am hoping that first all my tests come out good and no sign of cancer and then that nothing in all of this effects my knee surgery.

I am still having problems with my knee swelling when I am up too much and I still am very stiff and have limited ROM. The quad and calf muscles are tight. It has only been 3 weeks since the scope so I guess I still need to give it some time. At least the surgery pain eased up and I am almost back to where I was before. My knee is now grinding and popping more than it did.

I joined a gym with my friend and we are going to do water aerobics. They also have a hot tub which I am looking forward to using. Maybe it will help loosen the quad and calf muscles in my leg.
Hope everything goes well. You have an excellent attitude in dealing with this "extra" stuff!!!
Thyroid nodules are extremely common and rarely malignant. As are some breast nodules.
Had a birthday party for one of the grandbabies at a bowling alley. I got up and bowled a game. Well I got up and put the bowling ball on a metal ramp and rolled the ball down the lane. Did not know they had those items available. It was not as much fun as actually bowling unassisted but at least I could participate. It was not that easy I lined up the shots but could not roll the ball fast enough to make it roll straight. Can not wait till I can go bowling unassisted again I forgot how much I missed bowling.
Newnee--glad to meet you! I am a veteran of TKR as you can see. You have found an awesome website...where folks, as you can tell, will get your through most everything. You have had quite the time!

For my second knee, I had lots of unexpected things pop up!!! I had to have a cardiac stress test (did not need it first time??), I had a positive blood in my stool that ended up being the result of three ulcers...that did NOT want to clear up!!! :hissyfit:So I do understand your frustration. I will hope and pray that all your results turn out okay!
I have not been on the computer that much lately. The cold weather (which I love even though my knee does not) has been kicking me around. I basically go to work then come home and elevate my knee.
the pain seems to get worse these days and my leg is swollen from the knee down.

I started dong water aerobics to get rid of some of the weight that I gained back. I hate it when I turn around and find the weight I lost. I wish it would stop finding me and stay lost LOL

I am at the halfway point in my waiting game only 3 more months to go till I have my surgery. I had my biopsy done on my thyroid today and should get the results Wednesday. I heard someone saying the samples looked good and believes there is a 99% chance the cysts are benign. I don't know what was in the numbing medication but it made me very sleepy.

Next I need to have the cysts they found on my breasts checked. I have had then biopsied before and they have always been benign. Will try to get back more often. Good luck to all who are about to begin their journeys
Yesterday at work I started to get a headache by the time I got home the pain was unbearable, I was naseaus and dizzy. I called my supervisor to call in sick for today and I must have sounded pretty bad. He asked if I had anything to take my BP with and said yes. He waited on the phone for my results and I was 176/101. He asked me if I had any aspirin I told hem yes he said take it and I am sending you an ambulance.

I no sooner got off the phone called my friend than the ambulance pulled up. they took my BP it 200/103. Got to the hospital where I sat for several hour before getting pain meds then another xouple hours before being seen. They ordered a CT scan the pain meds kicked in the BP came down. They sent me home saying they do not know what caused it CT was good and they felt comfortable sending me home and come back if I have any more pain or go to my primary care physician

This hospital is not know for its great care if I had not have been in so much pain I would have had me friend take me to the VA. My friends think I should go to the VA and get checked out and I agree so tomorrow it is off to the hospital. The headache is almost gone and my BP has been behaving it self so I am hoping for a great report.

Hopefully all this is stress related. Between my forever wait for my TKR, my friend's biopsy and some issues going on at work that could effect my future employment I have been dealing with a little stress. Think I will cut down my OT to no more than 8-12 hours a 2-week payperiod if I work anymore OT at all. Will let you all know what I found out,. that is scary, hon. I'm glad you were checked out immediately and it's good you're going to the VA tomorrow. Please let us know what happens.
Well the VA confirmed no stroke, no heart problems. No one seems to know what caused the headache or the high blood pressure. They sent me home with vicodin to help with what is left of my headache so I think I will get some sleep which should also help. Am just going to try to relax as much as I can these next 2 months and not worry about work. Time for sleep talk to you all later
That's a relief. It's always good to get checked out. Now you can put all this out of your mind and focus on more important things for the future!!
You know what may have made it spike up like that is the sheer pain you were having, I normally have low blood pressure, but if i go in to the drs with a migraine or any kinda constant severe pain, my bp will spike, and they told me it was because:flowerysmile: of the pain, and that it will make your blood pressure go up. But I think your supervisor did the right thing. Dont want to take chances. Hope all goes better now
My preops are tentatively scheduled for 22 February. It is finally getting closer:yes 4:. This means I have to get serious about dropping a few more pounds. Gotta get rid of all those pounds gained from the Christmas goodies. I am beginning to think I was wrong about the 0 calories in Christmas goodies:skeptical:. Going back to bed the headache is almost gone at least my BP has been good.
Pain definitely causes a rise in BP. It's one of the signs we look for in the theatre to tell when a patient under a light GA is experiencing pain. Also in recovery. We rarely needed to ask a patient if they were in pain (though we did, of course!) we already knew!
Well I had my pre op appoinment with the dental clinic and I passed :yay:. I am so excited but it seems since I completed that objective on my way to my surgery date I also became more nervous. The butterflies are starting to make their appearance known. I think the reality that I am going to finally make the journey to the other side is starting to set in.
:yay:Mary, it is exciting but at the same time scary. You have all of the info that you've gotten from Bone Smart and your doctor, you will be surprised about how much you really do know about what is happening to you before and after the surgery. Many times you will think...Oh yes, I remember the discussion on that...It will hurt and you will experience pain, but it is well worth it in the end. Just take your pain meds, don't over do any exercise, and rest, rest, rest. You wouldn't be normal if you weren't nervous, but it is also exciting at the same time! It will be here before you know it. The very best wishes for you to have an uneventful recovery!!
Hi Mary

Great news for you and another step closer to your surgery date. You sure have been waiting a long time now and I am getting excited for you. To be getting nervous is quite normal but as Bonnie has said you have all the information and you have researched the subject, so you know what to expect and also you know that you can look forward to a pain free life.

Keep reading all the good threads and see how well we all do - long and slow but that's ok. The waiting is the most stressful part of all this - honestly!
Good wishes to you.
I am so glad I found this forum. I have a co-worker who just came back from a TKR. He said he had lots of pain and they would not let him come back to work for about 5 months . He said actually they wanted him to stay out longer. He said he was told he could not elevate his leg it had to stay flat and straight. I am thinking this might be why he had a lot of pain during his recovery, I believe he also had a rough physical therapy. They told him no running, nothing that causes any kind of impact to the knee or he could be back in 5 years having it redone.

I am so glad you guys are here to give the factual information about joint replacement and the recovery process.
Oh poor chap! That's all so untrue. I've heard from other people they've been told about not elevating the leg but it's stupid and cruel! I tend to think they are anxious the patient will end up doing this, which is, of course, very ill advised.

As for the 'threats' about having to have a revision so easily, they are also cruel and mostly borne out of an anxiety about being sued if the knee should fail. Meaning that if anything happens, the surgeon can just shrug his shoulders and say "I told you so"!
It is getting closer Tomorrow i have the majority of my preops. I have one preop appointment on the 28th it was the only one that I could not scheduled with the others. They are doing some sort of bladder control test I have to report with a full bladder that will be fun since it is a 40 minute drive to the hospital. They said the test has something to do with the catheter. I never had any test like that for prior surgeries but if it will get me closer to my surgery I will do it,

The closer my day gets the more excited/nervous I get. I still have to keep smacking that little doubt monster:skeptical: away. I know I am doing the right thing I am excited to know that I am getting closer to reclaiming my life but darn it if little doubt monster:skeptical: doesn't keep rearing his ugly little head. I make him go away when I am show him photos of my grandbabies.27 days to go:dancy:
So far so good. Everything went well on the preops and I have been cleared for surgery. Now I have to get rid of this cold but I still have plenty of time before the 19th I will be eatting lots of chicken soup, vitamin C and other vitamins. One last preop to go. Some kind of bladder test they said it has something to do with a catheter
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