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newbie waiting for a surgery date

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junior member
Sep 15, 2012
United States United States
Hi everybody! I'm so glad I found this site last week.

Here's my backstory: When I was about 12, I was riding on the handlebars of my friend's bike when my foot got caught in the spokes [I was wearing flip-flops]. We wrecked, and I figure that's when the damage was done. Add to it four years of gymnastics training in high school. I cringe now to think of what doing the splits was doing to my hip joint back then.

By the time I was in my early 30s, I was beginning to have pain in my hip when I hiked and slept. It started interfering with my daily life about six years ago, and has really limited me over the past year as I've lost more and more mobility. Part of me knew it was inevitable but I was in denial until recently when I began having knee pain too. The doctor said my x-ray looked like my hip was 80 years old and that a THR was probably my only option. I felt relieved just to know for sure.

The orthopedist said that as the patient I know 1) how much pain I'm in, 2) what my body has had to deal with, and 3) if I'm ready for surgery. I said I was ready, and he scheduled an appointment with the surgeon for November 8th. So in seven weeks or so I'll find out when my surgery will be. Honestly, I'm so excited at the thought of getting my quality of life back that I don't mind if it puts me off me feet for the holidays.

Thanks for reading... I look forward to the support!
Hi Ann. Welcome aboard.

With no complications....and while they happen, you shouldn't assume they will happen to you....and your age and good general health, you should plan on letting others do the holiday preparation work, but you can anticipate getting enjoyment from their labor. Of course some surgeons are booked up several months out, so you may have to wait till 2013 anyway. Goodness...are we THAT close to the end of the year? Yes, we are!!

Settle in and read up on threads, and be sure to visit the library (tab in upper right corner). Ask any questions that come to mind. Keep us posted.

Welcome aboard Ann!

Your story sounds very familiar, except for the bike accident. I have only been here for a few weeks and am due for surgery next Monday. What I can tell you, is that you have stumbled across the most amazing, knowledgeable and dedicated group of people who will offer you so much support.


The waiting is hard, I know. But from what I understand it's well worth it. Your surgeon must be good to have to wait so long just for an appointment! There is almost enough to read here to keep you occupied until then. Keep posting. Any questions -- and you most likely have lots -- will most likely be answered. Mine have and I really appreciate the people on this forum.
Welcome Ann! Fingers crossed your wait is not too long. I hope you will come back and ask any questions you might have after your Library visit!
Welcome to the forum! I know what you mean about looking forward to the surgery. That was me too. People thought I was weird because I would say that. Heck, by the time I had my first (worst) hip done, I was ready to take a hammer, saw, and steak knife and do it myself!!

Your wait time will go quickly and your surgery date will be here before you know it. You have plenty of time to prepare and get your home and life in order. Just a few things that helped me:

Grab bars in the bathroom/shower, rubber mat for tub or stick-ums on the tub floor--extremely important. I forgot to do this for the first hip and I slipped a little bit one day and it scared me so much I burst into tears

Prepare foods and freeze ahead or buy microwavable meals

I was very thirsty for weeks after both of my hip surgeries--stock up on your favorite drinks.

Prepay all your bills for at least a month out from your surgery-less to worry about after

Get all your disability paperwork in order, if you work outside your home

Get a hip kit (reacher, sock "putter onner", etc) unless the hospital tells you they will give one to you there

Schedule your pre-surgery hip replacement class at the hospital as soon as you can so you will know what to expect and can plan for each day of your hospitalization. Most hospitals have joint replacement classes and go through everything in detail. Helps to decrease the "what to expect" jitters. Every hospital is a little different in their plan of care and expectations. For example, my hips were done at different hospitals. The first hip hospital wanted their patients to get fully dressed in street clothes every day, so I had to make sure I had the right clothes for that (sweats without elastic at the ankle are great, yoga pants, simple tee shirts/sweatshirts--I found the hospital was warm even in January and tees worked the best for me. Short socks with loose elastic. Sturdy slip on shoes or good sneakers with elastic shoe laces, underwear a size too big to allow for swelling and non binding around the incision.). Second hip hospital didn't care if I got dressed or not, but I liked getting dressed because it made me feel like less of a "patient" and invalid and more like a "normal" person. First hospital had reasonable PT; 2nd hospital had very aggressive PT that ended up causing an injury--I don't think too many people encounter this kind of PT right after the hip replacement, but *never* do anything that causes you severe pain. There is no need for that right after surgery. Granted movement and exercises of any type right after the surgery will case a degree of pain, but it should be doable and don't push yourself past your limits.


Discuss pain management post op with your surgeon BEFORE the surgery and find out the plan ... and also find out what will be done if that plan doesn't cover your pain ... specifically what will they do? Unless you KNOW your surgeon is going to really take care of the pain, make sure you get down to the details about this and pin them down. You don't want to be having problems and then find out that your surgeon is stingy with the pain meds.

If I think of others, I'll post more.

Thanks so much, everybody, for the welcome, info, and suggestions. It all makes the waiting more bearable.
I certainly wish I had followed Dorothy's advice about getting a pain plan nailed down. I think it would have saved me quite a bit of grief. As I said in another post, yesterday seemed to be my first in control day and I think everything would have been so much easier had I had that conversation with the doctor and nursing staff. But even if you don't get the chance to talk with them, know it will work out. Also, SPEAK OUT! No one on a nursing staff wants a patient in pain, but I was too whimpy to complain.

I'm still clinging to my walker (two attempts with the cane have ended with me hollering for help), but it's getting better every day. My surgery was a week ago tomorrow and I plan to celebrate the birthday of a new hip by trying the cane again!

Edited version: Or maybe not -- the cane, I mean. Yes, I do listen!
Hi there Cookie42

I am pleased to read that you have your pain under control at last. Without that we can achieve very little at this stage. I was done only a few days before you and several times have waited too long to ask for pain medication. By the time I had it I was experiencing strong pain. Silently I would chastise myself for waiting too long and suffer until the meds kicked in.

Now I ask for pain relief at the first sign of pain setting in and have now achieved a routine of PT that helps me to progress a little more each day.

It's not whimpy to tell someone you need pain relief. So don't be shy and speak up for yourself cause they can't always tell when its required.

Let us know how you get on,

Kind regards

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