TKR Why did I wait?

@MSgirl , I too am a recliner sleeper. Its 2 weeks today and I just can't seem to get comfy no matter what I try in bed. I get to the lift chair and I'm asleep in no time! !
I too am reducing my potent pain pills and today was a first that I really didn't need to take a Tylenol /tramadol at 4 hrs. I really appreciated that. This morning I did some massaging quite a while on my thigh and calf since they are the two areas that hurt most. I'm hoping that was the help.
I started doing some cardmaking a short time ago and have found many you tube videos with information and tips and ideas that seem to while my time along. I am finding a little more strength in the leg to walk on my own short distances mainly in the kitchen without the walker or cane. That is a good feeling.
My main concern is that now the staples are out, I'm afraid that my incision could open. The steri strips are coming off too, so I hold my knee when I bend it back, just in case. I think it's more paranoia that fact, but I don't want a repeat of my left knee.
I'm starting to feel like getting my crochet projets out and I could concentrate long enough to do well with them. Little by little with less pain I am starting to regain who I want to be after this surgery.
Bless you all in your healing.
@GingerP, the lift recliners must allow our knees to rest without feeling pressure. That's all I can guess. I am able to relax so quickly with little discomfort.

That is wonderful that you are feeling crafty. Having a fun project will help the time go by quickly. My first knee had staples. This time, he used glue. It seems to be healing but like you, I'm being gentle with it. I'm buckling a little so am happy to use my walker but today the PT had me start on my cane and we will do more with it Wednesday. Getting already with no place to go! Take care. I am so glad things are going smoothly for you!
@MSgirl , I have to go to the hospital for my pt and living in a split level home my exercise is going up and down those steps. Laundry is downstairs too, so I can throw clothes down the steps, but up the steps it's basket up the steps a couple at a time, then myself up the steps, seems if there is a will there is a way! So I do get out of the house twice a week for now. I'm hoping that now that it's 2 weeks out, I do begin to transition out to the cane. Shows we are getting stronger and soon there will be places we 'can" go that we were not before because our knees hurt too bad.
I used to not go places because chairs or,seats were too hard to sit down on or get up from. Looking forward for that not being a problem. Gosh, even pushing the lawn mower will be 'fun' again with no pain!! :)
yes!!! Boredom has definitely set in. its 11:30 and I'm up, slept for awhile, then woke up to some pain. Unfortunately this has been a pattern. I do well most days, yesterday went to an appointment for my daughter (she's having orthognathic surgery) and it was a long wait. Needless to say I overdid, then p.t. was very kind to me, took out my staples and gave me a reprieve from doing too much therapy! I'll be better today. We always pay for what we did the day before! Its just pretty difficult to not want to do small things, but being up and ambulatory sure beings swelling! Felt like I had to be there for my daughter though! My pt is going well. My ROM is good, but I have hypermobile joints so that probably plays a role! The two weeks has indeed gone by pretty quickly, the first week was definitely a blur!!! I hope you continue to do well! Keep posting, love the updates! Goodnight for now!!!
Okay, it's day 16. I am getting so tired of being "good". Icing, elevating, exercising and sleeping. Period. Oh, and eating. Not exactly the stuff of stimulating conversation. I am not having company, thank goodness, because I'd be a total bore. I think when this one is healed, I may never watch daytime television again! We are eating well due to all the food I froze ahead of time. My sweet husband heats everything up and has been great but may be getting a little tired of every conversation being about my knee.

After reading the above, I think I must have hit the doldrums. Maybe being aware of it, I can change up my game a little. Netflix is just sitting here waiting so I'll have to try it tomorrow. Home PT comes and at least I'll have someone to talk to. That does sound crazy. I've told my friends that I just need some time without company and now I'm looking forward to seeing my PT? Nuts.

Otherwise, the KNEE seems to be doing well. Still aches but not horribly. I'm off pain meds and using just Tylenol. Still sleeping on the recliner with my trusty lounge doctor keeping the knees happy. Recumbent bike is easier each day. I think I got forward rotations quicker this time.

Sorry about the whining. I have nothing to complain about. Hope all the other January Jackpots are doing well and finding out about living on the other side. Daylight savings time arrives in a few weeks!
I've told my friends that I just need some time without company and now I'm looking forward to seeing my PT? Nuts.
Just normal post tkr nutty-ness. :heehee: I remember looking forward to going to PT as the "event of the day." But a friend stopping in for 10 minutes at a time was plenty. But I felt bummed the next day if no one did. :doh:
I’ve tried to stay ahead of the doldrums this time. I’ve rode by my office 3 times to say hello, went with my DH to pick up takeout a couple of times and to the drugstore. It seems to be helping, I’m not nearly as down as I was with the first one. Hopefully @MSgirl you can get out of the house this weekend, it will be good for you, even a short trip.
@MSgirl , I was homebound for two weeks last time and has no opportunity to go anywhere except, to get a haircut, church, dr, and having someone come into the house was a pain to me because with a split level home, there were steps to the front door. Smart me, brought the garage door opener upstairs and when they called to tell me they were coming, I watched with the walker at the window for them and as they got put of the car, raised the garage door. They did the steps - not me!!
I too have stopped taking my tramadol with the Tylenol to see how I can do and am just fine with Tylenol so far. For me, I try every night to sleep in bed- I just can't for a full night! Last night it was from 11-2 and then up to go to the bathroom and switch out the ice pack. I tried bed again and was fitful and made it to 7. Funny, I get in the lift chair and as soon as I'm warm after the ice bag chills my leg, I'm asleep in no time!
I do hope that next week I get permission to drive. I know there were a few trips with the taxi to therapy that I thoroughly enjoyed just looking around the basics of town. @MSgirl
Thanks, friends, for the encouraging words. Today is a better day and I've been doing some self-talk. I'm glad it's 2 1/2 weeks after surgery, not the Saturday before. I'm glad that although for some reason I have some swelling today, I have a lounge dr. and gel packs to help the swelling go down. I'm glad I'm not going to be at the Super Bowl tomorrow - those cold temperatures would be horrendous.

And most of all, I'm glad for the memories I have of how much better my life was after the first TKR. I had about six great months before the left one cried foul, and it was just so incredible to go places that didn't have to have an elevator or I couldn't go in. To feel myself getting (for me) physically fit for the first time in many years. Sleep on my side, not limp, etc., etc., etc. Those memories are reminding me that life will be even better after the healing process is done on this second knee. And I can't wait! So thank you again. I needed the reminders.
@MSgirl -you are just right with your thoughts. Yes, we are going to be taking back our life. I think often of things I just flat out refused to do or places to go to or take part in, only because my knees would not allow me to get up and out of a chair, or walk the length of hallways, you name it. It was self imposed yes, but I just knew I had no capability of being just a regular gal. Pretty much a hermit was what I was. I did enjoy going to a few things, not often, because the pain of the contortion I would have to do to stand was horrifying.
Funny thing, my son has a dear friend from NJ and she had asked my son so many times why I wasn't out and about going to coffee with friends, taking part in plays and musicals in town, or any other thing that 'young at heart' people my age do every day. My knees were the only no more!
You and I will have our life back to do all those wonderful things in our life once again! Good days are ahead. It's winter and time for us to heal so as Spring brings new life in baby birds, fresh flowers, green grass, we will be feeling like we may have just a little more 'spring' in our step too!!
They won't be asking us to be on dancing with the stars, but we will be feeling more like we could dance!
Dancing...that would be nice @GingerP I’m glad your self-talk @MSgirl helped you today. Did you go out to dinner yet? I went out tonight, let’s just say it was LONG! I’m in the recliner with an ice pack now. This knee was so bad when I had my last surgery that I never really had the good times, but I’m looking forward to it now. You will be so much better with your 2 great knees, you’ve got a great summer headed your way.
Three weeks post surgery. Today, my very wonderful home PT measured me at 123 and 0. I was born limber so my numbers are probably reflecting that. Then he took me walking outside - my first time doing so. It was amazing and I felt a real sense of accomplishment. He told me I could walk around the house however I want but to use my cane if I go outside. I only have two more visits with him, then will start outpatient PT.

Before my first surgery, I told my OS that I had two goals. One was to walk the bridge that is my avatar. The other was to go fishing with my husband. We moved to the Gulf Coast four years ago but I have never been able to get into his boat. We had sort of figured out a way for me to get in but did not know how I could get out. I was not able to step onto the dock. If I tried to crawl out onto it, I would not have been able to stand up without having something really sturdy to push on in addition to having knees full of splinters.

I did manage to walk a little ways on the bridge after #1. That's how I took the picture. The boat has continued to be a no-go. So now, I'm going to really work on my goals. With two good knees, I want to walk that bridge this summer. And I will go fishing. Pretty simple goals, I guess, but hey, they are the kinds of things that people with two good knees never have to think about doing.

Pretty cool.

Thanks so much for the encouragement I've received from everyone. It is so much easier this time around with my Bonesmart friends.
It's so wonderful to have goals now that your knees are in better condition! I would always cringe at the thought of people getting down on the floor with their knees and just resolved that, that would never be me. So many simple things that people without knee/hip pain do without a thought and yet here we are tickled with our goals! So happy for your flexibility too!!
I'm 3 weeks today too. I think I'm hitting some of the things I had last time - lately can cry at anything, focus is difficult, sleep! I know things will continue to get better, do that is where my patience has to kick in. Little by little. .......
You are so right. My concentration kind of stinks, too. I've been reading beach novels and watching Hallmark movies. Have you been working on your craft projects? Oh, I looked at the website of your cheese store. Thank you for letting us know. Have you ever had a cheese curd? They are on the order blank but I wasn't sure if they would travel well or what I'd do with them when they got here.
Great report, maybe by the time it gets warm you will have figured out a way to get in and out of the boat. Maybe a small step stool? I love to fish. We used to have a boat, many fond memories of fishing when our children were small. These bad knees sure have prevented us from doing things, I just slowly quit doing things, until I was almost home bound. I’m looking forward to building up the strength in my legs and being able to do more. We have a small cheese factory in the western part of NC and they have cheese curds. Not exactly sure what they are, but I do know they are tasty :) :-) (:
Day 23: I'm wondering if it's because I've done this before that I am getting so impatient. Maybe. Yesterday, my wonderful home PT measured me at 125 and 0. No complaints there although there is still a lot of healing to go. Tomorrow my discharge person comes and I am hoping we'll go driving since I start outpatient PT Monday and need to get myself there. I've been on the Walmart website compiling an order for pickup. Maybe I can have my husband go with me to get it this weekend. Some of my friends do it and love it. It will be a first for me. I know I'm not ready for an in-store Walmart trip.

Last night I decided to give the bed a try. I even took Tylenol PM for my night dose of the meds. It has never failed me but surely didn't work last night. At 2:30, I finally got up and went back to my recliner. Just one of those annoying things. I'll try again next week.

It's Mardi Gras season down here and like last year, my knees have made us miss it all. All of our friends will be at a ball Saturday night and we'll be home watching Live PD. We are already planning on which parades we'll go to next year and if we go to a ball, I'll be able to dance! One of those times that people who haven't been here say "it will all be worth it". That's true but sometimes that phrase sounds like fingernails on the blackboard to me!

I continue to believe that this second time around has been a lot easier than the first. If anyone is reading this who is thinking about doing their other knee, do know that knowing what to expect, good and bad, is helpful. I have aches and pains that move around my knee, it swells and goes down, and I get tired but it's just all part of the process - nothing to be alarmed about. But - that ____ arthritis pain is gone! The current pain is time-limited. My incision is healing nicely (I guess) and I think I can see the end of this.

Ready to get back to living! I hope you all have a wonderful weekend (even without Mardi Gras beads) and wish you continued good healing!
You’re envious of my sleeping and I’m envious of your bend. Wow, that’s really fantastic. Several years ago we splurged on a tempurpedic bed with an adjustable base and I really believe it’s played a huge role in my being able to spend most nights in my bed. I raise the foot and it’s similar to a recliner. I hope you love the Walmart grocery ordering as much as I do, I started using it when I had back surgery a year an a half ago. I’m so over this surgery stuff, I’ve had 3 in a year and a half. I too am ready to get back to living!
@MSgirl !! You are at an awesome bend!! Woohoo!! It's so silly how numbers like that make those of us who have had tkr want to do a big 'ol happy dance.
Speaking of dance, you at a Mardi Gras dance - awesome even if it is next season!! :)
I'm in the same boat with sleep lately. When it comes to bedtime, my darn brain goes into overtime thinking about everything that doesn't matter really. I know it will go away, and I saw a comment that when sleep evades you just give it all up to God. Last night I prayed that the good Lord would take the thoughts so I didn't have to - God, those are for you.....still tossed and turned until I got into the recliner. One night it will be past us.
As far as cheese curds, we eat them just from the bag. Around here they have fried cheese curds, where they are dipped in batter and fried in oil. Perhaps you have seen where they have mozzarella sticks that are fried and then you get cheesy gooey luciousness. It's little pieces odd shaped that just don't need to be cut. Warmed to room temp - they have a softer texture and kind of squeek when you bite's super time, better go get something delicious to go with some cheese. :)
You are doing so well!! Have a great trip to Walmart - ????who would normally say that? Ha - a tkr patient finally going for a car ride! The car ride I had made my day today!
So from reading the last three posts, it's looking like we are going to get one achievement at a time, even though we want them all at once! We either drive, sleep, clean or bend. Guess our knees are just teasing us with what we'll have in the future.

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