TKR Twinkletoes' Recovery

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Hi Twinkletoes, I agree with Cynthia. At 3 months I felt I didn't want to be out in crowds, sit any length of time etc etc. Now at 4 months tomorrow I feel strong, walk all the time without any aids, walk up and down stairs holding onto the rail more for my peace of mind. I don't mind crowds - went to a wedding last weekend. Don't get so tired. BUT, I still don't think I'd like to sit in a theatre for a couple of hours yet, or anywhere else that I couldn't get up and walk around.

So hang, in there. It does improve and you'll realise its all worthwhile. I do now feel I could face getting the other knee done, which I don't need yet but thought I'd pass that thought onto you.

Take care.
I booked a holiday just so I'd have something to look forward to. Could you do that for your cruise? It's what's keeping me going!
Margaret ~ My eyes popped open when you mentioned facing getting the other knee done!
I'm still stuck in the Cranky Stage, so that thought is too scary for me!
Of course, I can't run (yet)...

Nancy ~ We go on a fairly big cruise every year, and while we're on the cruise, we reserve a few future cruises. We had to cancel the April cruise because of my knee, but we still have two other cruises to consider that are in the fall. When the time gets nearer, we will either confirm or cancel one of them or both.

Hi Twinkletoes
I would say sitting for a period of time would be no fun at your stage and you should maybe wait until you know you will be more comfortable. You have plenty of time ahead of you for all the wonderful treats you enjoy. It will all come in good time. I really think 3 months is the time you will feel more normal and you will actually feel like venturing into the real world again. Take care and good wishes :thumb:
Margaret ~ My eyes popped open when you mentioned facing getting the other knee done!
I'm still stuck in the Cranky Stage, so that thought is too scary for me!
Of course, I can't run (yet)...

Hi Twinkeltoes, that's why I mentioned it - to show how attitudes do change as recovery progresses. So hang in there.
Margaret ~ It's a little hard for me to realize that my attitude is going to change while I'm still in the Cranky Stage. If anyone were to ask my opinion about having a knee replacement surgery, today I would say..."Don't!" Yes, I remember the pain I had for years on and off and kept trying alternative things like the Orthrovisc gel injections and then cortisone injections until I couldn't take it anymore and I finally decided that if I wanted to continue my ballroom dancing, and my great life, I'd have to have the surgery. A few days AFTER the surgery, I remember thinking,
I've changed my mind...I don't want the surgery!

I have been saying that I feel like I have a narrow steel strip going down from the top of my knee and I cannot bend enough to get to where I would feel more comfortable sitting, etc. etc. Then yesterday, I felt like I had a steel band going completely around my knee and I was terrified that I'd be stuck like that for life.
After applying some moist heat, it felt somewhat better. I guess I got stuck on that roller coaster again.

Jo ~ Thank you. I hate to wish my life away, but I wish I were at the 4 month mark or better yet, the 6 month mark so I could begin feeling better. I still do manage to go out with my hubby and friends to dinners, but I cannot sit for long and get very anxious to leave the restaurant when it would be nice to continue chatting over a latté.
But, we go back to our house or friends' house and I can put my leg up on the sofa and the evening doesn't have to end so early.

Oh dear you poor thing - you sound so fed up and negative about the op. I am sure in a week or so you will feel brighter and telling us all that you have made a good decision having your knee replaced. The steel strip you refer to does hang around I am afraid to say. I am just over 3 months and it still comes and goes (sorry!). I promise it does get easier and better :thumb:
Thanks Jo! I do know that it WILL get better, but I want what I want when I want it!!! ... or before.
We're going out to dinner with friends again tonight, but I'm going to take my heating pad with me, so that when we go back to their house, I can put my leg up on the sofa in front of the fire (yes, even in sunny southern California we have some cold weather). I think I might not be quite so anxious if I weren't going to see the surgeon next Friday (April 20th). Even though I will be armed with all my Bonesmart information so that he won't intimidate me with the MUA that I do not want, it worries me tremendously. I keep repeating the Bonesmart way...that my knee WILL get to where it needs to be when it's good and ready, but it's so hard to be patient.
I also must keep in mind that I will not be stuck with a knee that doesn't bend or extend forever. I think I asked somewhere in this thread before about there a point of time at which I will NEVER get the flexion or extension?

Twink----what kind of flexion and extension did you have before your surgery?

If you could straighten your leg out all the way and if you could bend it enough to do all the things you basically wanted to do, there is no reason you will not get back to that.

My ROM was better before surgery than it is now---but I am improving steadily---and I am not working at it at all for the moment. I'm just living my life. I know as the weather improves and I am out in the yard more and more, I will be getting the kind of exercise that will help my ROM improve.

If I were really working at it some everyday, I'm sure I'd be back where I was before surgery and maybe even better. And yours will to.

AND SORRY BUT YOU CAN'T HAVE WHAT YOU WANT WHEN YOU WANT IT. YOUR KNEE ISN'T LETTING YOU RIGHT NOW!!! So please be kind to that knee so it will be kind to you. And please, please, try to cheer up. Feeling negative colors everything black, black, black; and the world is really so bright and sunny.

Take care of yourself----and PLEEEEEASE CHEER UP!!!!!!! Judy
AND SORRY BUT YOU CAN'T HAVE WHAT YOU WANT WHEN YOU WANT IT. YOUR KNEE ISN'T LETTING YOU RIGHT NOW!!! So please be kind to that knee so it will be kind to you. And please, please, try to cheer up. Feeling negative colors everything black, black, black; and the world is really so bright and sunny.

Mick Jagger: "You can't always get what you want...but if you try some time, you just might find, you get what you need."

The others have said it; your knee is in charge, and it may take longer than you would like to get things settled down.

You will get there; it took me over five months! the problem was, I was on my time schedule, and not my knees'. I finally "arrived" at about eight months!

One thing to remember is to put things in focus; how long did it take for your knee to get to the point where you needed a TKR? It will take much less time to get back to a very active and pain-free lifestyle.

Have you read this yet?

how 'bout this?
Judy ~ Thanks! I am usually a very optimistic person, but this TKR has turned my life and outlook completely up side down! Fortunately, I have retained my sense of humor (thank G-d!) but I have become so cranky and sarcastic!
I have learned (but need to keep learning) that although I won't get what I want WHEN I want it, I CAN have what I want when I GET it!
Of course that requires Patience... and I'm still looking for that.

Tim ~ I not only read and re-read your post and the links, I am considering showing them to the surgeon when I see him on Friday. Maybe he won't seem so intimidating.

My hubby told me yesterday that he doesn't want to bug me, but he's concerned that if I don't do any of the exercises, (gentle or otherwise) will I get back my flexion and extension, ever? I'm going to have him read the posts that I want to take to the surgeon on Friday. He's very worried that I've been doing almost none of the things that I've usually done everyday. I've never been a "couch potato" before.

Hey, Twink: news flash! Your Cranky Stage pass expires tonite at 2400. Better use it as much as you can today! :snork:

I remember that your ROM isn't as good as what your OS wants; thus talks of MUA. But tell me again why you are not doing any of the exercises. As an aside, I need to get back to the ankle pumps and quad sets when I'm watching TV or reading BoneSmart posts.

It's really difficult sometimes to judge when you did too much. Yesterday I cooked breakfast, I climbed my 24 steps 4 times as well as taking a very short walk down the street and back prior to standing in the garage on the concrete floor for 20 minutes while discussing ferrari/harley placement with spouse. I could not for the life of me figure out WHY I was aching so badly last night, enough to have me reach for another tramadol at 3am. At 6 & 7 weeks it doesn't take much to make your knees scream for relief. Today, my hips are aching, I'm certain it's probably from yesterdays activities. My only activity today will be to climb the stairs to take the bulldogs out. Good luck!

P.S. If you find a patience or a magic wand please share! LOL
Hey Miss Poo-

I have these dogs who live here so if my husband is flying, it's all me! I try to do them the right way as much as possible but I figure either way, it's good therapy. Thank you for the encouragment!!
PooShay ~ Please don't take away my Cranky Stage Status!
I don't want to have to call in favors to extend my standing.
I didn't mean to mislead you, but I do the gentle exercises...bending and stretching, but have given up the stuff that the OS had me doing "pushing through the pain!" For the time being, I will happily leave the ankle pumps and quad sets to you!
You go girl!

P.S. I'm having an especially difficult day getting together for dinner and I should be elevating and icing, but instead I'm busy making the reservation, calling each family member back, and feeling very sad that today is seven years since my father passed away. And generally feeling very put upon. I know that we all have our days, but some just seem to hit harder than others.

Judy ~ PooShay is very witty indeed! I'll have to remember that line for one day down the line.

Bev ~ I'm aching just reading all you did yesterday! I have no clue where to get the Patience, but I'll gladly share my magic wand with you and anyone else here who needs it. I don't know if we need to recharge it...
Anyone know?

Thanks PooShay!
That means a lot to me! I know in my head that things will get better,
but especially on days like this, it's difficult to separate the wishing/dreaming part from the stark reality of it all.
Hi Twinkletoes!! I felt my knee was stuck forever, like it was catching on something. My ROM was also stuck@ 95 forever. I did my PT, some stretching, stairs, oh and taking care of my 8 yr old daughter, lol. That was enough for me!! Gradually, by gentle stretching while sitting ( something I didn't sit still to do before) , my ROM increased to 125'. It took awhile. My OS
discharged me @ 4 months, I go @ 1 yr for X-rays. Don't beat yourself up. There were days I did nothing, too sore. I can also appreciate you
missing your through this, my 26 yr old son's 2 yr angelversary is 4/26. I don't feel much motivation
right now. Take care, it really does get better!!:cry4:
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